Kung Fu Panda Secrets Of The Furious Five Telugu Full Movie Download

Kung Fu Panda Secrets Of The Furious Five Telugu Full Movie Download


Kung Fu Panda: Secrets Of The Furious Five Telugu Full Movie Download


Ordered to teach a martial arts class of rambunctious bunny kittens, Po tells stories of each of the Furious Five's pasts.
With Po's status as the Dragon Warrior proven to all, Master Shifu has a new challenge for him; teaching Introduction to Kung Fu class to a bunch of a rambunctious bunny children. After getting the class to come to order, Po teaches them that fighting is only part of kung fu, while its true meaning is "Excellence of Self." To explain this philosophy, Po tells stories of each of his comrades, The Furious Five, and how they faced formative challenges in their youth that helped define them as true masters of kung fu.
The original film, despite it&#39;s silly ending, was at least one of DreamWorks Animation&#39;s stronger films with great characters, excellent Kung Fu action sequences, a compelling story, beautiful animation, and an epic music score from Hans Zimmer and John Powell. So, when I saw this short that continues where the first Kung Fu Panda left off, I thought it wouldn&#39;t be as good as the film. It turns out that it&#39;s a very entertaining short, although it doesn&#39;t have the same inspiring message that made it very solid.<br/><br/>The story, while explaining the back-stories of the Furious Five really well, is a tad predictable in some parts; the humor isn&#39;t as strong as the movie and I expected it to be a bit longer like say 40 minutes so that it can explain the back-stories better. That&#39;s all I have to say about the flaws.<br/><br/>Everything else is great. The CGI is fine, but it&#39;s traditional animation sequences of the Furious Five&#39;s backstories is what made this worth watching for me. It&#39;s so beautiful and the character designs from the movie are nicely detailed here. The voice acting is pretty good and although we only saw Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, and David Cross return, the voice actors for only four of the Furious Five including Tara Strong, Max Koch, Jessica DiCicco, and James Sie (Jackie from Jackie Chan Adventures) did a good job. The music score from Hans Zimmer, &amp; John Powell (along with Henry Jackman), does retain the same tunes from the movie while using a lot of different stuff in it, which isn&#39;t a bad thing. The characters are still as likable as they were especially the young Furious Five warriors.<br/><br/>Overall, Secrets of the Furious Five isn&#39;t as inspiring as the original film, but it proved to be a lot more entertaining than I imagined and I think those who haven&#39;t seen it should check it out.
this is a short animated film dealing of course,with the furious five,from original Kung Fu Panda movie.i thought it was OK.it has some great lessons for kids,and it&#39;s kinda cute,especially the bunnies.minor spoiler****it&#39;s really a bunch of mini stories about the past of each of the furious five,in which each one learned a very important virtue.each member gets around five or six minutes each.***end of spoiler.anyway,this little short is fun and easy to watch for the kids,and entertaining enough for the grownups.they got quite a bit of info into the short running time,and none of the characters gets short changed in terms of screen time and story.for me,Kung Fu Panda:Secrets of the Furious Five is a 6/10


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