Krypto The Superdog Malayalam Movie Download

Krypto The Superdog Malayalam Movie Download


Krypto The Superdog Malayalam Movie Download

Prior to Kal-El being sent from the Planet Krypton prior to its destruction, Jor-El sent the boy's beloved dog, Krypto, up first as the passenger of a test rocket. However, an accident sent the dog into suspended animation until his rocket arrived at Earth, years after Kal-El's arrival. Gaining the standard Kryptonian powers in the planet's yellow sun environment, Krypto soon gets adopted by a lonely boy, Kevin Whitney with the personal permission of Superman. Now together with new found allies, Ace The Bathound and Streaky the Supercat, Krypto fights the forces of evil which include the animal companions of Lex Luthor and The Catwoman.
The adventures of the Kryptonian superhero dog and his friends.
Before watching this show , I reminded myself no matter how much its going to suck it cant be worse than the first episode of Teen Titans or the entire new Batman show , which , I was right it didn't suck as much as the first episode of Teen Titans or the nonsense called The Batman in fact it didn't suck at all , I became aware of it a few months ago and made it a point to watch it , I was surprised by the first two episodes , it was a kids show yes , but it want dumbed down like Dora the Explorer but more like Pinky and The Brain , with out the famous faces , actually there was one famous face that showed up in a big red cape , Superman which made the entire thing worth watching , still it had some minor flaws , but still how can anything with PAul Dini on board be horrible , not something to set the alarm clock for but don't pass it by or mock it , again this is not The Batman ,but a rather intelligent little cartoon
My preschooler loves this cartoon... It keeps him entertained and encourages his creativity when playing - he wants to play "flying" and "superdog"... I don't know if its good or bad, but he recognizes the "s" symbol now and yells, "superdog!" when he sees it. Its a great little cartoon with no violence, bad language (for children) and its kinda fun to watch! I just wish that there was some way to buy a VHS or DVD... Right now, we watch it on the Cartoon Network and tape episodes for him. I would rather have him watch this type of cartoon than some of those other ones out there, clearly not made for children under 12 - even though they promote them to a younger audience.


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