Крис купить Дар-эс-Салам

Крис купить Дар-эс-Салам

Крис купить Дар-эс-Салам

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Крис купить Дар-эс-Салам

Дар-эс-Салам находится на на восточном побережье Танзании. Самый крупный город и экономическая столица страны , порт на берегу Индийского океана. Административный центр одноимённого региона. Население около 2,5 с пригородами 4 млн. Город был основан в году султаном Занзибара Сейид Маджидом на месте деревушки Мзизима. Название города на арабском означает Гавань мира. В течение лет город развивался под влияние султанов Занзибара, затем под немецким и британским колониальным господством. Город является самым большим городом в Танзании и одними из самых важных портов и торговых центров в Восточной Африке. Выполнял столичные функции до года, в настоящее время продолжает являться финансовым и политическим центром страны. Прямого авиасообщения между Россией и Танзанией нет. Новый терминал является международным и принимает рейсы из Европы, Азии и Африки. Старый терминал обслуживает местные рейсы и малую авиацию. Прибытие на него возможно, если путешественник прилетает в Дар-эс-Салам местными рейсами, перед этим приземлившись на территории страны в двух других международных аэропортах в Аруше или на Занзибаре. Поезда ходят между Дар-эс-Саламом и Лусакой , столицей Замбии. Поезда курсируют два раза в неделю, отправление из Дар-эс-Салама осуществляется по вторникам и пятницам. Для путешественников в Дар-эс-Саламе такси является оптимальным городским видом транспорта с точки зрения доступность-безопасность-быстрота. В оживленных местах в светлое время суток найти такси не проблема. Автомобили-такси имеют белый цвет номеров, оплата проезда осуществляется по договоренности, не следует садится в машину не определив стоимость поездки, торговаться следует обязательно. Поездка от аэропорта до центра города обойдется в тысяч шиллингов, по центру города от 2 до 5 тысяч. Из центра на полуостров Msasani от 7 до 10 тысяч. Если точка назначения достаточно глухой район или возвращение планируется в темное время суток, то целесообразно взять у таксиста мобильный и договориться о обратной поездке. В принципе, очень полезно иметь номера таксистов, чтобы не искать их на улице и начинать бесконечный торг, а звонить и вызывать машину по необходимости. На пляжах в черте города, если это не частные и не пляжи отелей, купаться не рекомендуется. Во-первых это не безопасно с точки зрения краж и прочих преступлений, во-вторых не обустроено и не очень чисто. Если путешественник поселился в отеле, который не имеет собственного пляжа, то лучшим вариантом будет взять такси и поехать в загородные отели сосредоченные вдоль северного побережья от Дар-эс-Салама вдоль New Bagamoyo Road. Стоимость такси будет колебаться от 20 до 30 тысяч шиллингов за машину. По пути можно остановиться и купить фруктов в придорожных навесах. Отели следуют друг за другом полностью отсекая береговую линию, вход на пляж может быть бесплатным, может стоить около 5 тысяч шиллингов. В зоне пляжа установлены навесы и лежаки, в одном из отелей водные аттракционы. Можно воспользоваться туалетом, душем, поесть в ресторане. За отдельную плату из White Sands Hotel из других не точно, может быть даже из Slipway , гостей могут увезти на остров Bongoyo , расположенный напротив побережья, время на лодке минут. В случае если нанимаете лодку, за вход в отель платить не надо. На острове купаться гораздо удобнее во время отлива. На острове есть простейший сервис в виде навесов и ресторанчика из которого под навес принесут еду и напитки. Рекомендуется заказывать только горячее, напитки, фрукты и легкие закуски лучше привезти с собой. Как правило, Дар-эс-Салам не является самоцелью путешествия в Танзанию. Многие туристы даже не бывают в городе. Тем не менее, Дар является удобной точкой для планирования маршрутов сафари как по северному, так и по южному маршрутам, а также поездки на пляжных отдых на близлежащие побережья или на Занзибар. Обмен валюты целесообразно проводить в банках или частных лавочках, внушаюших доверие, в последних курс выше. Ни в коем случае не следует идти за частными менялами, которые ошиваются в центре или у обменников с картонками в руках, на которых написан курс. При больших покупках, например в ювелирных, можно торговаться и расплачиваться в долларах. Туристические покупки и сувениры в Дар-эс-Саламе абсолютно типичны, как и для всей страны. Стоит отметить, что за счет конкуренции цены здесь могут быть ниже, чем в регионах. В центре города сувениры и разный ширпотреб можно купить в середине улицы Самора Машела. Ювелирные украшения и танзаниты в магазинчиках Golden Plaza на улице Индиры Ганди, вход в магазины постоянно закрыт решеткой для безопасности, её откроют стоит туристу явно обозначить желание зайти в магазин. Фрукты и овощи можно покупать как в супермаркетах, так и в палатках на улицах, только следить за качеством. А вот продукты, особенно воду, молочные и мясные продукты только в супермаркетах. Свежую рыбу, морепродукты и сувениры на морскую тематику раковины и т. Специфический запах долго не задержит посетителей рынка, при этом будьте готовы, чтобы торговаться в осаде местных жителей, которые будут совать продукцию в лицо путешественника. При конечной покупке внимательно следите, чтобы продавцы не подменили товар на более лежалый или худшего качества, отдавайте деньги демонстративно пересчитав их только когда пакет с продуктами будет у вас в руках. Еще один известный рынок Дар-эс-Салама - Kariakoo. Здесь можно купить одежду, еду, специи и прочую утварь. Кариаку - типичный африканский рынок, и его посещение может стать крайне экстремальным мероприятием. Не стоит посещать стихийные, особенно ночные, рынки, например на пляже. Посещать рыбный рынок или рынок Кариаку целесообразно группой и опасаться крайне умелых карманников. В городе есть несколько торгово-развлекательных зон, в которых предствалены качественные вещи и продукты и безопасно. Как правило, они располагаются на полуострове Msasani и сопряжены с хорошими отелями. Материал из Wikivoyage. Дар-эс-Салам суахили Dar es Salaam араб. Памятник солдатам, погибших в Первой мировой войне. Был основан в году, как мемориальный музей в честь короля Великобритании Георга V. По состоянию на начало года активно перестраивался и расширялся. Представляет собой музейный квартал из нескольких зданий и внутренней территорией. Экспозиции затрагивают вопросы археологии, антропологии, истории, этнографии, животного и растительного мира Танзании. Рынок следует посещать утром, и желательно в составе группы в которой распределены роли торгующийся, хранитель денег, смотрящий за карманниками. Непередаваемый колорит рыбного рынка формирует ощущение экстремальности. Жуткий запах, антисанитария, шум и гам. В тоже время здесь очень дешево можно купить рыбу, моллюсков, лангустов и прочие дары моря. При этом следует быть крайне внимательным, чтобы туриста не завели в тихое место, не ограбили, не обсчитали, не растворились с деньгами не отдав товар, не подсунули морепродукты худшего качества. На противоположной через дорогу находится рынок раковин, где можно купить морские сувениры раковины, чучела и т. В январе года был закрыт, шёл активный ремонт. Зона отдыха рядом с яхт-клубом, несколько ресторанов, качественные сувениры. Продуктовый супермаркет, несколько ресторанов, магазины. Отель располагается неподалеку, при отеле также несколько сувенирных магазинчиков с очень качественной продукцией. Отель, очень хороший ресторан, продуктового супермаркета нет. Открыто 8. Два небольших ресторанчика отличной ливанской и ближневосточной кухни. Один из самых популярных баров в Дар-эс-Саламе в центре полуострова Msasani, платный вход включает бонусную сумму в танзанийских шиллингов, которую можно использовать при заказе алкоголя. Публика смешанная местные и европейцы всех возрастов. Очень приличный для своих цен отель в глубине города. Современный отель построен на набережной в деловом районе города, на первом этаже дополнительные сервисы в виде обмена валюты и магазинчиков. Скрытые категории: Страницы с общим баннером Статьи о городах Статьи-скелеты Статьи-скелеты о городах Страницы с картами. Пространства имён Статья Обсуждение. Просмотры Читать Править История. В других проектах Викисклад Викиновости Википедия. Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 19 апреля в , автор изменения — участник Wikivoyage Kalendar. Текст доступен по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike , в отдельных случаях могут действовать дополнительные условия. Подробнее см. Условия использования. Панорама Дар-эс-Салама в лучах заката. Этот путеводитель является скелетом. У него есть шаблон , но очень не хватает информации. Пожалуйста, добавьте ваши знания!

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Airbnb® | Отпускное жилье в г. Ilala - Dar es Salam, Танзания

Hilda is the best host ever. She makes delicious food. Smart lady and comfortable accommodation. Just in front of public transport which goes to the city center. New therefore clean apartment. Well prepared. I also found it easy to get to different areas as it was centrally located. The apartment itself was clean and added the cherry on top of my experience in Dar Es Salaam. The listing is a bit hard to find so just use the Usalama BRT station as a landmark. The apartment is high enough that the night offers a cool breeze to cut through the dust and heat of Dar. Hilda provides you with breakfast, and a different one each day at that, as she likes baking and experimenting! The room has a fan. Hilda is such a great host with unbeatable hospitality. She waiting for me until midnight to checkin. Her place is amazing very clean. Hilda ist ein super Host! Die Lage ist top. Vielen Dank Hilda :. Diana is very friendly and helpful. We had a few issues but Diana sorted everything out and helped me to schedule an Uber for a 2am ride to the airport. The apartment is spacious but quite sparse. The location is good if you need to be in the Kariakoo area but not good for a holiday. However it was very dusty when I arrived, especially the floors And the bathroom, and it did not have wifi as they say it has! Diana is a gracious and efficient host! My flight arrived in the middle of the night and she kindly received and settled me in. The place was clean and well equipped with filtered water, wifi, electricity, etc. She also had the place cleaned once during the stay. Apart from that we were quite happy, and Diana was very responsive and helpful. She was so friendly and nice, and arranged even late check in. Thanks again. But there was no internet connection I recommend this airbnb to a group of backpackers who want to enjoy Dar. Good location in downtown. This is an apartment in a good location in Dar. Good value, but no wifi despite the listing and there were some cleanliness issues. I enjoyed my stay in Dar es salaam. Diana is a wonderful host and always helpful with the requests. She also helped in going around the locality. I loved my stay in the Harmoni apartments. Wonderful hosts, always there whenever you need Assistance,everything is availabe at the street, wonderful place to stay if you wNt to explore Dar es salam city life! Clean and peaceful place to rest a bit in the busy city of Dar, friendly host who gives good advice on which transport to take to different places in town. Arranged a motor taxi for me to the airport early in the morning. Toilet paper and soap not always available in the bathrooms, so went to buy my own. Also no towel supplied. However clean and big enough rooms with a key, working fan at a good price. As described, in a very nice local area. Worthy to spend a night or two and enjoy the local culture. The accommodation was simple, clean and very quiet considering its location. A mosquito net and sheets were provided which was great. The hosts were welcoming and were very helpful in showing me where to get food there are restaurants and shops just around the corner and the best way to get to the airport using public transport. Stay in Francesco place was very nice, the place is clean and with good location near airport, people are very friendly and helpfull i recomend this place! You should be more open to your clients. Be more smiley and helpful. I was a little scared to stay in this area. It is really dirty and ugly there. Not mentioning that the electricity was off. But he was prompt in responding to my texts. Natural atmosphere in the apartment with a nice courtyard and lively local neighborhood which is exciting for me to walk around and to experience. The owner and his staff are warm and kind. There are some different types of rooms. I enjoyed the stay here. Good value for the price. The room and bathroom are simple, but clean. The host and his staff were very responsive, helpful, and friendly. These were minor issues for me and I enjoyed my stay overall. The host was nice and answered all our questions on the phone - we did not meet him in person. Yet the house is under a big construction, which makes the stay rather not cosy. Also, we were not sure what are all the good reviews about. You would not expect luxury for this price, but cleanliness should be there in the first place. The room was quite dirty and the bedsheets were not clean for sure, full of hair. The common kitchen was a mess, full of dirty dishes as well. Wifi was not working. Nice room with a good bed in a nice location. Found the people very friendly around the apartment. Good value for money. This is a very good accomodation for this price. We had hot water, mosquito net, fan, wi fi, everything you need for short stay in Dar es Saalam. Winston is a caring person and helpful the place was dicribed immaculate and i would highly recomend the security is good and i felt at relaxed and hope to visit again when am in Dar es salaam. Fantastic experience.. Great host. Approachable and responsive.. Would highly recommend this place to any one. Already planning to stay here on my next visit. My expectations were exceeded! Winston is a super Host in every sense of the word He made arrangements for us to be picked up from the airport, we checked in earlier and the place was waiting for us. Will recommend this place to others.. Great value for money.. Very spacious apartment with 3 bedroom, big kitchen and bathrooms. The room is clean and cool even with out the AC. Shortly, price of this house is not bad but if you need more comfortable experience, find another one. I really liked the place! I felt like home. If you are not resident, this place is ideal for travelers who like the immersion and interaction with locals residents. There is fruits sellers just in front the house and we had Indian street food in the same street The place is good and safe. Fast and detailed feedback from the host, very good infrastructure, nice view, silent neighbours, no noise from outside, ac in every room but the flat needs good cleaning and the kitchen should be equiped with stuff for cooking so it could be used now it is empty and thus of no use. A big and comfortable apartment with an amazing view over Dar from the 12th floor. Very close to Muhimili National Hospital. However there were not basics like washing up liquid or bin bags. Using the kettle made the electricity go off. The iron was poor. There is a gym with a few weights and swimming pool which made this place unique. Our door lock at one point stopped working so we had to stay indoors for the day until someone came to fix it. Outstanding place. Very spacious, thoughtful amenities, and a spectacular view of the city. Amazing value. Highly recommend. The host wanted to contact through phone. Overall bad way of dealing with guests. We hope this was a learning for her! Good for business visitors, in a bustling part of town, nature of hotel could be better presented on the website to paint more accurate picture. Central location, communication was good. Friendly stuff, breakfast was good. Overall had good experience. Youssef is a great host and offers very nice and clean room in his apartment. He also helped me to find correct public transport and gave good advice on when I asked. Highly recommend! Hilda is such a wonderful host! She is very warm and welcoming. Her apartment is clean and close to the bus terminal, and close to the city centre. Clean, light, secure, well-located, with great views over the city from the balcony and the two large bedroom windows. Neighbourhood and flat much better than photos suggest. Many thanks to Hilda for the warm welcome, local tips and tasty breakfast! Hilda is a great host, very friendly and hospitable. Her place is a very neat and modern apartment which is great value for money. At hildas place you literally get more than u bargain for. I d recommend her place any day. Everything about my stay was perfect. The place was always clean, the food was always incredible and I felt safe every day that I spent there. The room is also spacious and comfortable, and the kitchen is perfect for anything you might wanna cook! Hilda will make you feel completely at home! She is extremely generous and always available for travel tips and assistance. If you are staying in Dar this is definitely the best place to be, with transport just outside and easy access to the different parts of the city. Thanks hilda!! The house was very good, the shower was extremely nice and everything was great. Asante Sana! Really cool space to stay. I stayed in one of the two finished rooms. I think the place will be really amazing once it has been finished. Very vibrant neighborhood, lots of locals getting one with their lives. Try to find some of the frozen mango juice which ladies sell on the corners. К сожалению, некоторые разделы сайта Airbnb не работают как задумано, если не включить JavaScript. Принимайте гостей. Найдите жилье в г. Ilala на Airbnb. Найдите жилье целиком и отдельные комнаты, идеальные для любой поездки. Начать поиск. Dar es Salam. Отпускное жилье в г. Жилье в г. Comfortable modern apartment located in the heart of Dar es Salaam with a beautiful unobstructed view of the whole city of Dar es Salaam. Minute away from the rapid bus station, dala dala public transport station, and main markets. And very near to the beach with a 10minutes rapid bus. Airbnb finest, the space is comfortable, neat and clean. It is the place that you will always feel at home whenever you are in Tanzania. The space is full time secured, lift to the step of your door, Local market is 2min walking place that sells fresh organic and also fish of the day. Near to the beaches, 15km away from the airport, 6km away from the ferry port to Zanzibar, and also very near to the up-country buses Ubungo, Local transport is just on the step of your door i. The neighborhood is very safe and secure as there is a police quarter and police station just next to the building. Everything is just nearby as mentioned below, Malls aura mall, mlimani city mall, city mall, e. Cinema Century cinemax- dfm,mlimani,aura mall, mkuki etc.. Taiwo TZ Smart lady and comfortable accommodation. Mazwi TZ The apartment itself was clean and added the cherry on top of my experience in Dar Es Salaam. Michael TZ Hilda ist ein super Host! Yi TZ. Modern city House. My place is close to public transport, the city center, the airport, art and culture, and parks. My place is good for couples, solo adventurers, business travelers, families with kids , and big groups. Best ratio price and quality Best location and area Would like to come back again Xzubu TZ Diana is very friendly and helpful. T TZ Diana is a gracious and efficient host! Bilal TZ. Kyungmee TZ Good apartment, Great and responsive host. Will definitely stay there again in the future. Idrissa TZ It is a coo place! Steven TZ This is an apartment in a good location in Dar. Andrew TZ I enjoyed my stay in Dar es salaam. I loved my stay in the Harmoni apartments Satish TZ. Your Crib in the Heart of Dar es Salaam. Right in the city center of dar es salaam. It is at the centre and busiest part of Dar es salaam so markets, plenty of shops and restaurants, main kariakoo market is 5 minutes walk away, you can buy almost everything within a walking distance, Zanzibar Ferry station is 20minutes walk away, and the apartment is 5 minutes from DART that goes to Ubungo Bus Terminal, it is also 10minutes walk to the bus station with buses to the airport. This is a basic budget accommodation, at the busiest part of Dar es salaam kariakoo , it is an old apt but we keep it very clean, entrance to the building is shared by shops downstairs so we only have control inside the apt. We are increasing the furniture as we go, but we currently have all the basic stuff, a bed obviously, closet, iron, electric jug etc. Hussein TZ. Budget Private room in an apartment in Kariakoo. A beautiful home with quite surrounding suitable for all ages and travelers who are looking for affordable accommodation to stay and learn local culture. You are warmly welcome Karibu sana. A beautiful home with friendly housemates. Home Away Home. Dar Downtown Suites opened its doors to the first residents in Dar Downtown Suites has welcomed guests from across the world. Outdoor patio with tables and chairs as well as a common area with a television is available for entertainment. Renee TZ The accommodation was simple, clean and very quiet considering its location. Sabrina TZ Stay in Francesco place was very nice, the place is clean and with good location near airport, people are very friendly and helpfull i recomend this place! Marcin TZ You should be more open to your clients. Alex TZ. All rooms have ensuite bathrooms with toilet and showers. This room has an Asian Type of toilet. This is a small budget single room with a 4x6 foot bed, call it a French bed if you like. This is more of a Cultural Melting Pot place to stay in, it is not touristic, a few other guest houses in the neighborhood but you are living in a local Swahili environment here, you wont be bumping into other tourists on your street, you will just be meeting local people. A typical Swahili House with 6 rooms in the main house with a wide corridor down the center, a walled courtyard with a long concrete bench, with a back yard house with two more guest rooms, which includes kitchen, store, bathroom and toilet. A baraza in front of the house terrace , you in Africa, Tanzania with the most friendliest people on the planet. Magomeni Mikumi is Friendly, Safe and Secure. Locals play bao and cards on the road sides drinking coffee. Mishkaki meat skewers and Nyama Choma BBQ and fried bananas in the streets, goes down well in the local bars and even pork joints are available in this mixed multicultural cosmopolitan local part of Dar es Salaam. Famous Taarab venues are numerous in this Swahili neighborhood. The famous Magomeni market selling everything is just down the road and it still offers reasonable prices compared to other markets in Dar es Salaam. But he was prompt in responding to my texts Timothy TZ Natural atmosphere in the apartment with a nice courtyard and lively local neighborhood which is exciting for me to walk around and to experience. Kazunobu TZ Good value for the price. Chris TZ The host was nice and answered all our questions on the phone - we did not meet him in person. Mindaugas TZ Nice room with a good bed in a nice location. Good value for money Cormac TZ David is a good hote. He explains us where we can go. We past a good moment. Antoine TZ This is a very good accomodation for this price. Nikita TZ. Показать все. Популярные Впечатления в г. История Дар-эс-Салама и культура суахили. Experience Dar es Salaam With Manu. Wine talk with a smile in Tanzania. When in Dar, enjoy video games with us. Популярное жилье. The apartment is located within less than meters from Muhimbili National Hospital. It can easily be accessed from city center 1km and also linked to the critical facilities such as Embassies, Kariakoo Market,The city center, schools,Zanzibar Ferry. Nearby there are supermarkets, bakery and about 10 min in uber you reach downtown or oyster bay. A very warm welcome to my home It has been designed to make you enjoy every moment of your stay! This apartment is located on Mindu street in Upanga; a 5 minute drive from the city centre. This property is perfect for business travelers,tourists and families. The apartment is equipped with complimentary WIFI, cable tv dstv , air conditioning ACs and full access to the swimming pool and gym.. I guarantee that you will love it The space The apartment is very spacious, the decor is beautiful and be assured that i am here to make your stay pleasant so should you require any information or assistance, i am a phone call or text message away. Very nice place, clean and high security. Zaina TZ Winston is a caring person and helpful the place was dicribed immaculate and i would highly recomend the security is good and i felt at relaxed and hope to visit again when am in Dar es salaam. Sal TZ Second time at the place - great again. Would highly recommend this place to any one Riaz TZ The host canceled this reservation 22 days before arrival. This is an automated posting. Joshua TZ Winston is a super Host in every sense of the word Fran TZ Very spacious apartment with 3 bedroom, big kitchen and bathrooms. Mindu Retreat. I am happy to help whenever available, like to get to know my guest, I work on weekdays, I live with my almost a year old son, sometimes my younger brother and nieces visit mostly around Christmas and June holidays. Kitchen, living room, balcony, the building is at a corner with not blocked by other buildings so u can see far, and the breeze is not blocked. Michael TZ. A private comfy room in the city center - Kariakoo. About meters from Diamond Jubilee Exhibition Hall. Marielle Nadia TZ. Your new Home in Dar Es Salaam. My place is close to public transport. My place is good for couples, solo adventurers, business travelers, and families with kids. Stanislav TZ. Affordable accommodation at the heart of business. A Contemporary flat with 3 rooms. The flat is nice, clean modern room with cabinets and a dressing, and two single beds with separate shower and toilet. Located 10 minutes away from the city center, and 41 minutes away from the airport. The flat has 24 hour security , 2 minutes away from the main road and is easy accessible by public transport known as mwendo Kasi. Ideal for students, but all are welcome! The neighborhood is very safe and secure as there is a police quarter and police station a stone away from the flat. Everything is off easy accessible…. Malls aura mall, mlimani city mall, city mall, e. Home away from home City center! Ideal place for leisure or business travellers to Dar es salaam looking rent an entire apartment that close to city centre, restaurant and shops. The aparment is walking distance from Muhimbili Hospital so it is perfect for for persons coming for work and internships there. Not to mention that the building is equipped a private gym and swimming pool for which guests can enjoy at their own time. Olivia TZ baby is very Nice and sweet! Sandra TZ Outstanding host. Baby was very welcoming and accommodating. Mark TZ Outstanding place. Tom TZ you will have a good time. This apartment has good security. And with gym and pool. Shogo TZ Wonderful view, great location, comfortable stay, thank you baby. Daatih TZ We had some troubles but Baby always helped us. Mio TZ. Entire apartment next to Muhimbili Hospital. Cool place. Sharing is caring. Mikaela TZ. Generally a Quiet location,spacious ,strategically located central to all important landmarks ferry ,airport,Ubungo bus terminals, we can serve you fresh cooked food for cheap prices,plenty of transport options! Quiet safe neighboorhood ,children play outside after school hours,grocery shops,fruits and vegetables shops,restaurants, saloon,mobile money and sim card shops! For the cost it was a perfect stay Andreas TZ. H n F room. A friendly home away from home. Authentic Indian Experience. My place is good for couples, solo adventurers, business travellers, and families with kids. Centrally located and good breakfast spread. Lot of late night noise Sps TZ Clean space with very friendly staff and authentic Chinese cuisine. Motlatsi TZ Good for business visitors, in a bustling part of town, nature of hotel could be better presented on the website to paint more accurate picture. Shalom TZ Great location. Extremely helpful and welcoming staff. Chris TZ Central location, communication was good. The staff were so helpful with our transit in Dar Ruby TZ. Hong Kong Hotel. Dar es salaam Single family home. My house is having 3rooms.. Its a safe area to stay and alsk the house is having a gate too. My place its a free and chilly place to stay. A single room inside an apartment ,shares living room and kitchen. Tandamuti House no Near kivule Market and also near Azteca Bar and bambucha. Safari Oasis Bnb. Comfortable modern apartment located near the city centre of Dae es Salaam with a beautiful unobstructed view of the city. It is a finest place that you will always feel at home with the host who loves to cook and ready to learn from different culture. Hilda is a great host! Nessa TZ Airbnb finest Hilda has a lovely place exactly as it looks on pictures extremely clean Job TZ Hilda is such a wonderful host! Nessa TZ Clean, light, secure, well-located, with great views over the city from the balcony and the two large bedroom windows. Bas TZ Hilda is a great host, very friendly and hospitable. Cailin TZ. Modern city house 2. Comfortable spacious home located in the vibrant city of Dar es Salaam where you can see the whole city of Dar es Salaam. At the door step of the house facing the rapid bus station and daladala stop walk from the main road, dala dala public transport station, and nearby a popular tourist sports bar with swimming pool. Home features 24 hour security in a gated compound making it safe and secure. This place is close to everything shopping malls, hospitals, beaches, banks, ATMs, rapid bus, local market, bureau exchange and so many more. The place is amazing, the security is great and everyone around is polite and humble to every guest coming. Hilda is warm and hospitable. Enjoy my brief stay Thank you Elijah TZ. Nika Spacious, private modern house. Room is interlocking with a second Double Banda Room so it is ideal for larger groups and families who need more rooms and beds which are accessible to all in their group. Sophia TZ Really cool space to stay. Greg TZ. The Apartment is comfy and very close to the city center. It is basically a walking distance to town. Also all basic needs are nearby, there is a supermarket just outside. So we believe you will have great moments and will be able to enjoy your stay in Dar es Salaam. This accomodation is found near the city center and hence makes it easier to reach important offices or places such as the national museum and kariakoo the largest market in Tanzania and you will reduce time and costs for travelling. City center. Room is interlocking with a second Twin Banda Room so it is ideal for larger groups and families who need more rooms and beds which are accessible to all in their group. Жилье поблизости. Manyara Region На расстоянии km. Matemwe На расстоянии km. Mtwara Region На расстоянии km. Mara Region На расстоянии km. Kiwengwa На расстоянии 93 km. Kilimanjaro Region На расстоянии km. Mvomero На расстоянии 90 km. Pongwe На расстоянии 87 km. Kizimkazi Mtendeni На расстоянии 47 km. Bagamoyo На расстоянии 57 km. Uroa На расстоянии 82 km.

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