Крис Питер

Крис Питер

Крис Питер

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Питер Крисс — Википедия

На одну половину итальянец, на другую — испанец, Питер Крисс давно завоевал сердца многих поклонников рок-н-ролла. Он долгое время выступал в качестве ударника в составе группы Kiss. После создавал сольные альбомы. Его соавтором был не кто иной, как Ларри Сломан, известный в России благодаря книге Майка Тайсона 'Беспощадная истина'. Был в семье самым старшим из 5 детей. Рос католиком, ходил в соответствующую школу. С младых лет ощутил всю жесткость церковной системы, которая в те годы ломала всех и каждого, без исключения. Тогдашняя религия отложила на Питера веский отпечаток. Впоследствии он жаловался на плохое эмоциональное состояние. Вот только нормализовать таковое не представлялось возможным, поскольку в 50—70 гг. Школа тоже не привлекала мальчика. Как позже писал Питер, у ровесников вошло в привычку запирать его в школьном туалете на несколько часов. То есть до тех самых пор, пока в дело не вмешивался какой-нибудь взрослый. Все это время мальчику приходилось сидеть на мусорной корзине. Интересно, что Питера Крисса однажды выгнали даже из церковного хора. Как будущий музыкант объяснял одному канадскому диск-жокею, произошло это из-за того, что он, когда стоял возле алтаря, выхлестал все вино. Понятно, что служители католической церкви подобного поведения не поняли. Еще подростком Питер Крисс, фото которого размещено тут, заинтересовался игрой на ударных. Однажды он взял и создал свою музыкальную группу Chelsea, в состав которой вошли местные ребята. Через год юноша уже был признанным музыкантом, играл в нескольких коллективах и практиковал сразу множество стилей исполнения. Вместе со своей группой записал альбом, правда тот популярным не стал и быстро был забыт. Когда Chelsea распался, Крисс долго болтался без дела. Он все искал новых музыкантов среди своего окружения. И однажды натолкнулся на группу Kiss, ребята из которой предложили ему выступать вместе с ними. В это время он уже был женат, но возможности упускать не стал. Предложил жене или терпеть происходящее, или разойтись. Она выбрала второе. В качестве символа самовыражения для выступления на сцене Питер Крисс выбрал Кота. Интересно, что когда Питер Крисс надел костюм кота, его внешний вид был хоть и немного глупым, но довольно миловидным. Вот что он говорил:. Однажды я лежал на постели и слушал музыку, а мой кот сел напротив меня и уставился прямо мне в глаза. А я тогда подумал, как бы это выглядело, если его голову приделать к моему телу. И так у меня родилась идея. Примечательно, что идея сработала! Крисс превратился в одного из самых привлекательных и миловидных членов группы Kiss. Когда же написал столь романтичную песню, как Beth, он вовсе заимел имидж мягкого музыканта. За всю свою жизнь Питер Кросс был женат трижды. В первый раз на Лидии Ди Леонардо, с которой он прожил 9 лет. В другой — на моделе Деборе Дженсен, их брак длился с по год. В третий — на Гиги Крисс, с нею он проживает по настоящее время. Стоит заметить, что в настоящее время он живет в Уолл Тауншипе штат Нью-Джерси. Именно отсюда его в году забрали в больницу, где диагностировали рак молочной железы. Эту страшную болезнь победить ему удалось, к счастью. По рассказам друзей, Крисс — большой любитель пистолетов. В его доме хранится целая коллекция огнестрельного оружия. Он из них иногда постреливает, но никогда не охотится. Питер долго выступал в составе группы Kiss, потом ушел и стал давать сольные концерты. Затем вновь вернулся в команду. И хотя зрители подумали, что это было частью шоу, для ребят это означало одно: выступать с ними далее Крисс не сможет. Была крупная ссора, после которой Питер вновь покинул группу. За все время своей сценической деятельности он записал 5 альбомов:. Зашли с подругой в кафе, где любят обедать наши звезды, и посмотрели цены. Как самостоятельно 'состарить' мебель: результат выглядит очень стильно. Женщина купила диван за копейки, теперь он украшает ее гостинную. Изобретения и случайные события: как менялся мир путешествий в ходе истории. Лара думала, что выйдет из магазина в новой шубе, а оказалась в полиции. Кто поедет от России на Евровидение ? Мнение композитора Игоря Крутого. Как защититься от коронавируса: маска или респиратор. Мой дом теперь стильный и красивый. Все благодаря старым колготкам. Диего Гранд украл деньги у друзей, чтобы побывать на концертах любимой группы. Как сделать креативный ящик для мелочей. Понадобятся коробка, веревка и ткань. Соцопрос среди школьников и студентов: имеет ли любовь цвет и какой? Дегустации и другие способы познакомиться с винной культурой Уругвая. Делюсь рецептом конфетного ассорти: отличная идея для подарка. Главная Искусство и развлечения Музыка. Ситкина Елена 14 октября, Комментарии 0. Новые Обсуждаемые Популярные. Я хочу получать. Новые комментарии в личный кабинет. Ответы на мои комментарии. Читают онлайн — Следят за новыми комментариями — 8. Отмена Ответить. Редактирование комментария возможно в течении пяти минут после его создания, либо до момента появления ответа на данный комментарий. Отмена Сохранить. Нежелательная реклама или спам. Материалы сексуального или порнографического характера. Детская порнография. Пропаганда наркотиков. Насилие, причинение себе вреда. Взлом аккаунта. Фейковый аккаунт.

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What tragic and devastating news. My prayers are with the families, friends, and fans. I got to meet fighter, Shinard Bunch, who had a great fight! Congratulations on your victory! It is so devastating to say these words I am so deeply saddened by the death of one of my brother drummers and dear friend. Neil was a hero to all of us drummers. He was a great man and a great musician. My heart goes out to Alex and Geddy for their loss and all the family, friends, and fans. May he rest in peace and be met by the lord in heaven. My thoughts are with everyone down in Australia during these terrible fires. We are praying for you all in this very hard time. Please be safe. Have a very happy and healthy , everyone! Happy New Year!!! I wish you all a very merry Christmas. Enjoy the holiday season with your friends and family. Happy Birthday! December 20, Happy Birthday, Peter Criss! On bahalf of your friends and fans around the world, Happy Birthday, to the one and only Catman! I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving with your friends and family. Today marks 28 years since we lost the great Eric Carr. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends as we remember his life, talent, and friendship. We love you, Eric. You are always with us. Eric Carr was a sweetheart of a man and a great drummer. He would call me often in his years with KISS for guidance and he was so respectful. I really liked him and felt for him. He always gave his best! Thank you to the brave men and women who have served our country so that we can enjoy our freedoms. Your service and sacrifice is forever appreciated and your courage will never be forgotten. We love you! Happy Birthday Gigi Criss! On behalf of everyone at PeterCriss. A huge thank you to everyone who came out to see me in Miami. Thank you to the amazing team for putting together a great event for us! You guys did a great job! I had so much fun with you all. Click Here to View Video and Photos. A huge thank you to everyone who came out to see me at the NJ Horror Con! Ryan and his staff gave us a great time. Click Here for Event Updates and Reminders. Our hearts go out to the Baker family. Ginger was a great influence on me and numerous other drummers and musicians. A true legend and a major loss to all of us brother drummers and music lovers. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, please stop by the Beauty Foundation for Cancer Care website and make a donation to help families who are fighting cancer. Click Here to Make a Donation. Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Stanton family and their friends during this very difficult time. I love my Zombies! It was great to make him so happy!!! Thanks for a fun time!!! Love you my brothers! Check Out John 5 on Instagram. This awesome event will take place at the Showboat Hotel. Have a happy and safe Independence Day! Thank you to the brave men and women of our armed forces who continue to give everything so we can enjoy our freedom. I hope everybody has a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend. All the brave servicemen and women who gave their lives for us are in our hearts and will always be remembered. Thank you Backstage Auctions for removing for sale items and and the description and association of them belonging to me, Peter Criss, because they did not belong to me. I informed them of this and the photo I posted proves it. This post is to confirm that Backstage Auctions, per our agreement, will not be selling these items using my name or the name of the band KISS as a description for these items. If these items are found to be sold by Backstage Auctions in any way, publicly or privately, with my name or the name of the band KISS associated with them, our agreement will be null and further action will be pursued. Thank you Backstage Auctions for cooperating with me on this and fixing your error so my KISS fans are aware that this has been resolved and that Backstage Auctions has respected my concerns. Smalling, has had a fund-raising campaign launched on his behalf. Smalling was diagnosed with metastatic bone cancer in The outlook for that disease is dire with the average patient surviving anywhere from just six months to four years. The downside is that the medication and associated costs are crippling. Hi Kiss fans and collectors. The description is false and the story of me having another one with grooves is false. This was told to Backstage Auctions when they sold it. That person who bought it should be aware of that. The owner of the auction was contacted as a courtesy before I posted this and he was asked to please remove my likeness associated to this earring and the description using my name to sell it being they are misleading to say the least to the buyers and the KISS fan base. Lot Today Gigi and I celebrate our 21st Wedding Anniversary. I love her more and more each year. Her wisdom, open heart, and love for the Lord is such a blessing in my life. We have walked many paths together on our journey and I take comfort in knowing she always has my back and I have hers. Thank you to all the fans who have wished us a Happy Anniversary!!! Happy Anniversary! Praise the Lord we have had 21 years married. What an incredible ride it has been. Thank you, Kiss Army, for all your well wishes and thank you for helping me through this amazing journey in KISS world. I have learned so much from those I have met and grown to love. Have a happy and safe Easter Sunday with family, friends, and loved ones. Sign the Petition - Click Here. I loved you, Sean. Thank you for your contribution to help us be who we became! I wanted to show my support to them. Check out the links below and get your tickets now to these shows. Click Here for Ticket Info. She was so surprised!! It was so great to see how happy John and Toni were meeting Peter. They were absolute sweethearts. It was a pleasure meeting them as well. Here are some photos of the night and an email from John. Click Here to View Photos and Email. Thank you to all who came to support Beauty Ball Foundation. Your support will help save so many who are in great need of hope , love, and service. Here are some photos of the night. Click Here to View Photos. We are sorry for your loss, Shannon. Our love and prayers are with you and your family. God Bless,. I am so proud of these guys! The song is incredible! Click Here to Listen. Looks like it was a blast!!! Wishing a very Happy Birthday to twin brothers Freddie and David as they recently celebrated their 50th birthday! So in their words……. This event is organized by great people for a great cause! I hope to see you there! Merry Christmas to all the wonderful fans I have met this year. Thank you so much for all your love and time shared with me. I hope you all enjoy your Christmas. May all your dreams and prayers come true. Remember, forgive to live. No one is perfect and we all can change if we try and be honest. I love you all and wish you a Happy New Year. Hope to see you all again soon. I want to take this opportunity to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and send a message of appreciation to all the fans. Thank you to all the amazing fans for all your love, and especially, the respect you have shared with Peter and myself this year. It has been a pleasure to have met so many of you. Thank you for taking the time to come and see Peter and share your lives, memories , joys , fears, and pain with him. Thank you for being so honest and loving to us both. It is much appreciated. Happy Birthday, Peter. I love you with all my heart and soul. I Praise the Lord we get to share our journey of life together. Boy it has been some ride!!! Here are some messages from your friends and fans!!!! Click Here. From all your friends and fans around the world, we wish The Catman a very Happy Birthday! I am honored to be nominated amongst such greatness! The poll runs till Dec 24th Thank you!!! Our hearts go out to Gene and the family during this sad time. I thought Florence was an amazing woman and mother. I pray she is at peace in heaven. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving with their families and friends. Passing of Stan Lee Nov. It was an honor to know the great Stan Lee. He will always be an American icon. There will never be another like him. He was one of a kind. Thank you DW! I had a blast with the fans at DW Day. Thank you for being the best drum company in the world. Watch Video Here. Happy Birthday to my wonderful wife who I love with all my heart and soul!! We at PeterCriss. Thank you to all the loving fans who took the time to come and see me and share there love and memories with me. I am always so humbled by the amount of love and respect you give to me. I also want to thank all the Spooky volunteers and my loyal staff Magee , Bill, Ray, and Matt for all there hard work. And thank you Joe Security for always having my back! I had an amazing time and I hope you did too. Click Here for Video and Pictures. Click Here for Video. Joann Scarlet was a dear friend. I am very saddened by her death. She will be dearly missed by all who knew her and loved her. My heart goes out to Richie. I love you my brother!!! Joann was a believer in the Lord. She is at peace. Thank you for supporting the Men and Women who are fighting breast cancer and bringing hope, education, and care to all who need you. It was an honor to speak with Joan. My love and support are with her along her journey of spreading awareness and education on breast cancer. I would also like to thank Dr. Stephanie Reynolds from Riverview Medical Center and the Beauty Foundation girls who came to the event to also support the cause and the speakers. They are a class act and I am so proud to be part of their team. Click Here for Photos. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Thayer family during this sad time. May the Lord comfort you all. She inspired so many and will live forever in my heart and all who were touched by her. As always they give me so much love and respect its always so incredible and fun to hang out with them I also met Marlyn Manson for the first time he shared some stories with me of him being a big Kiss fan I just had so much fun thank you!! We are so proud of our amazing boys they have been working hard, moving forward , playing shows and collectively writing new material. It won the JUNE video of the month award!!!!! We are so happy for them!!!. Please check out there new video and support Sisters Doll. They have an exciting year ahead of them there is a big surprise coming from these very talented young men.. Peter and Gigi and all at PeterCriss. Watch the Video Here. This awesome three day event will take place at the Caribe Royale Orlando hotel. Click Here for Info. I wish you all a happy and safe Independence Day! Thank you to the brave men and women of our armed forces who have given everything so we can live in freedom. I know how much he loved KISS, and we loved him as well. We lost another drumming brother. Thank you, Rock N Con! We had a blast meeting all of the wonderful fans from Canada and all over the world!! So amazing!! It was a blast from the past going back to the London Music Hall brought back early memories when Kiss was just starting out. Have a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend as we remember all of the great servicemen and women who gave their lives for us. Wishing a very happy Mothers Day to all the awesome and wonderful moms out there! Check out the June issue of Modern Drummer featuring the one and only Catman, Peter Criss, on the cover and a preview of his interview. Preview at Modern Drummer. Thank you for a fun time and a great show!! It was so good to see Magee and Johnny B and some of the old crew from our touring days. I had a great time. Love to you all. View Photos. Good seeing you again. Hello to all you fans who asked me to let you know if I would be attending the NY Vault either on the 24th or the 25th of March.. I will be attending the NY Vault at on the 24th only. This is to inform you so you know what to expect. See you all soon!!! As always, Eben and his staff treated us amazing! Thank you to all the volunteers and our helpers! For More Information: Click Here. We are very happy for Big John as he is getting ready to release his book! Tickets and Details at www. No outside drum heads or drum parts. Kobe Bryant What tragic and devastating news. God Bless, Peter Criss. God Bless, The Catman. Happy Birthday, Paul! Neil Peart It is so devastating to say these words Prayers for Australia My thoughts are with everyone down in Australia during these terrible fires. Happy New Year!! Merry Christmas I wish you all a very merry Christmas. December 20, Love You Forever, Gigi. December 20, On bahalf of your friends and fans around the world, Happy Birthday, to the one and only Catman! Happy Birthday, Peter! Ralph Asbury and everyone at PeterCriss. Happy Thanksgiving I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving with your friends and family. Happy Veterans Day Thank you to the brave men and women who have served our country so that we can enjoy our freedoms. Thank You Miami! We will never forget. Happy Labor Day ! Have a happy and safe Labor Day! I hope you enjoyed the summer! God Bless , Peter Criss. Allentown, PA Zombie Show!!! Happy Independence Day! Happy Mothers Day! A very happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful moms out there! Please Help JR! Buyer Beware!! Happy Birthday, Ace. Happy Easter. Peter Criss. The hottest band in the land, KISS! A Special Night from a Loving Brother!!! God Bless, Peter and Gigi. Happy 50th Birthday, Freddie and David! So in their words…… Click Here. Happy Valentines Day Wishing you all love and happiness! Thank you, Gilles S. Happy New Year I wish you all a happy and healthy !!! Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to all the wonderful fans I have met this year. God Bless, Peter Criss I want to take this opportunity to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and send a message of appreciation to all the fans. Many blessing to you all. Love, Gigi. December 20, Happy Birthday, Peter. Love, Gigi Here are some messages from your friends and fans!!!! Happy Thanksgiving I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving with their families and friends. Thank You DW Day! Love, Peter We at PeterCriss. Happy Halloween! Have a happy and safe Halloween! Joann Scarlet Joann Scarlet was a dear friend. Thank You Care to Give! James Thayer Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Thayer family during this sad time. God Bless, Peter and Gigi Criss. I hope everyone enjoys Labor Day! It was a great summer! Aretha Franklin Memorial Day Weekend Have a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend as we remember all of the great servicemen and women who gave their lives for us. Peter Criss on the Cover of Modern Drummer. Peter View Photos. Gene Simmons Vault Experience. Thank You Mad Monster Party! Happy New Year! Happy New Year to everyone! I wish you a wonderful ! News Archive: Choose a Year Website by AsburyArts. Love, Peter On behalf of everyone at PeterCriss. Love you, brother! May God Bless you all, Love Gigi. God Bless, Peter. Happy Easter Have a happy and safe Easter Sunday with family, friends, and loved ones. God Bless, Peter View Photos. Happy Easter I wish you and your loved ones a happy and safe Easter Sunday.

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