Kiwi 720p Movies

Kiwi 720p Movies


Kiwi! 720p Movies

The story of a Kiwi who spends his whole life working towards achieving his dream.
Meticulously and with unflinching dedication, a small kiwi bird is working incessantly on a mysterious project, driven by a beautiful dream and an innocent, yet irresistible desire for a change. Before the flightless dreamer, there is a towering and steep cliff, nevertheless, what is the indefatigable kiwi working on?
This wonderful little animation is the sweetest, cutest and most emotionally engaging little movie you&#39;ll see in months.<br/><br/>The animation is simplistic, and works really well. The score, the same. <br/><br/>The cuteness is not overdone, and works just perfectly. Check it out on Youtube and enjoy. <br/><br/>There is really not much to say about it, just watch it and love it.<br/><br/>Almost brings a tear to my cynical eye, which doesn&#39;t happen every day!<br/><br/>Check it out today and be a little happier...what more can I say? 10-line rule go to hell, more comments than this ruins it!
just awesome!! It&#39;s been a while since I&#39;ve encountered something a marvellous animation-short, that tells such a great story in just a couple of minutes. It has all the elements which made this sweet little KIWI touched so many people: Humor and drama and everything in between. I started off screaming from laughter by the way he (she?) moved and its persistence in the undertaking of this enormous task (!), but was also choked by the drama which evolved, and the inescapable ending that was (wisely enough not graphically exploited), the distant sound of KIWI hitting the ground was chilling and heartbreaking and truly had an impact. But hey... I&#39;m one who have always cried and laughed at animation movies since way back in 1953, when I was 3. And still I enjoy this art after 55 years and will, till the day I die probably.<br/><br/>Let&#39;s hope the talent of this guy will be recognized and that he will be given the chance to make more movies that really tell a story and move people all over the world. He deserves this BIG TIME. <br/><br/>I only saw this movie for the 1st time a couple of days back (June 06, 2008) and it had by then been viewed over 17.5 million times at Youtube. That&#39;s a lot of THUMBS UP and one heck of a standing ovation!


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