Kill Them All Full Movie Hd 1080p

Kill Them All Full Movie Hd 1080p


Kill Them All Full Movie Hd 1080p

An epic battle between Spartacus and his gladiator brothers, against Batiatus and his Guards.
I just now finished watching this and my god was it insane, just WOW, this was one hell of a finale, now I&#39;m already excited for the prequel gods of the arena. quite honestly, I think spartacus is better than game of thrones, it has more of a fun vibe to it if you know what I&#39;m saying, and plus, it&#39;s 300: the TV series, what more could you ask for? lol, I&#39;m sure the prequel gods of the arena will be just as action filled, exciting, gore soaked, and thrilling as one would expect since it&#39;s a guy&#39;s show ;), here&#39;s how I&#39;d rank my favorite episodes so far<br/><br/>1. the red serpent 2. the thing in the pit 3. kill them all<br/><br/>p.s. RIP Andy Whitfield, your performance as spartacus was great :-)
Spartacus: Blood and Sand was blessed with an amazing team of writers, producers, editors, sound mixers, special effects, and actors.<br/><br/>This series did what every show needs to do: build up from the ground and tie off loose ends while leaving the audience satisfied with the blood-lust that the Romans had coming since episode one.<br/><br/>Everything from the dialogue, the character development, character deaths and introductions, backstabbing, scheming, manipulation, honesty, miscommunication, pride combine to give the most amazing epic finale ever created.<br/><br/>The fight between Spartacus and Crixus was unbelievable! Especially that infamous shield tap Crixus does. It doesn&#39;t really answer the question of who&#39;s the better gladiator became they were evenly matched the entire time.<br/><br/>What a rush of emotions! You&#39;re happy, sad, elated and devastated all at once. The subtle metaphors add to the delight of the episode (for instance, Ashur hides under a body and then literally, slithers out from it- revealing the snake he really is.) Warning though: This is an episode that is mind blowing upon first viewing, but as time goes on and you watch it more and more, it loses its appeal and shock factor.<br/><br/>Watch only once in a while to retain mind blowing effect.<br/><br/>The only reason why I gave this a 9 instead of 10 is because overall, I think Revelations and Old Wounds are much better in terms of plot lines coming together and foreshadowing coming to fruition.<br/><br/>Still, Kill Them All is by far the best season finale. Ever.<br/><br/>Kudos to Andy Whitfield for a perfect performance for the season.


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