Kepler project overview. The future of robotics and artificial intelligence based on the blockchain

Kepler project overview. The future of robotics and artificial intelligence based on the blockchain

Aliaksei Fetsiukou

Development of new technologies in the XXI century. Now, no one is surprised by robots, carriers, drones and industrial manipulators. All these machines in order to facilitate the work of man. Due to the high popularity of this topic, investments in robotics are increasing year by year. Kepler's creators conducted research in the field of innovative technologies that can be useful and useful for use in robotics projects through a special portal. 80% of the company's shares will be distributed among investors, so that the portal will be completely managed by investors.

The result of the project will be the creation of a simple and reliable similarity of a social network that will pursue the goal of translating innovative ideas from all over the world into reality. On the one hand, the Kepler platform will support talented inventors, helping them select the most attractive financial offer. On the other hand, investors will be given a unique opportunity to use forecasting algorithms based on Blockchain technologies to optimize their investments. Token Kepler (KEP) provided the right to operate the platform and datz. Together with the ownership of KEP, the investor gets the opportunity to choose the project in which his investment will go. Between investors who have invested in a particular project, 80% of the profits from it will be distributed.

ICO conditions:

 A total of 201,500,000 KEP tokens will be provided, which will be available for purchase at a discount at the initial stage of the sale.

Important nuances:

1 KEP without discounts is available for $ 1.25.

You can pay for the purchase of KEP by bitcoins (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH).

You can start using the platform, investing only $ 50.

The platform does not accept investments from the territories of China, Singapore and the United States.

Factory for robot technology:

 To develop and implement artificial intelligence technologies and robotics products, a huge complex of plants in Georgia will be created within the Kepler project. The reasons for the choice as the place of this country. Georgia is politically and economically stable and is the link between the European and Asian region, and also has an established trade infrastructure with the EU, China, the post-Soviet space and many other countries.

 Georgia has a developed system of electricity production, including renewable energy sources, which is vital for a large plant. Also, the tax system of Georgia provides an opportunity to realize its activities without taxation, which will give a 20% increase in capital per year. A large number of skilled labor will be provided by Kepler with quality personnel.

 Summarizing, we can say that the creation of the Kepler project is seen as very relevant for the modern world. The combination of production capacities, leading and attracted developers with large investors will become a powerful tool for the development of the robotics industry. Joint work on implementation and implementation in the field of implementation of robotic developments. - 100.00%

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