Today the use of artificial intelligence allows to modernize various industries. Computers can be much more efficient and better able to perform any activity that is related to the calculations or obtaining certain information. They work quickly and practically unmistakable, which enables to establish the activity of modern enterprises. Automation of production has substantially the pressure on workers because many understand-soon machines will be able to perform a huge amount of work instead of people. Using smart software allows you to effectively and quickly solve almost any problem. People may lose their jobs some enterprise has already partially automated their activity and the process will only progress.

The use of artificial intelligence capabilities allows modernizing the activities of many industries. For example, medicine, transport servants, call-centers, delivery. Computers show themselves more effective and pragmatic which makes the need for human labor force not so great.The decision of these problems can become a decentralized project Kirik, whose developers have conducted many studies to understand the peculiarities of such a rapid and ruthless technological progress.

Features of Semantic protocol Kirik

Semantic models that allow excluding the stage of programming, which requires huge experience and understanding of subjects.Such models will be open for the introduction of artificial intelligence and other innovations but will become easier for users. The project Kirik is a bridge between artificial intelligence and human brains. Using existing templates will allow you to easily and qualitatively create contracts.

A few basic benefits of getting users Kirik It is worth to highlight key factors: A person will be able to control the business processes independently. This approach allows you to qualitatively monitor the company’s activity without trusting the work of computers. At any moment it is possible to make corrections, taking into account own advantages and peculiarities of the company’s development.

Modeling will take into account the features of the selected industry to provide all the possibilities for the introduction of artificial intelligence and other innovations. Programming-a narrow specialty that requires people to experience and understand tools. Modeling-A great opportunity to connect the most employees to the process, which can effectively perform the tasks, using this functional decentralized platform Kirik.

Personal data will be securely protected from outside interference. The developers of Kirik are doing their best to protect users from fraudulent schemes. Computational power is constantly improving-there are new computers that reduce the safety of data that use old encryption capabilities. But thanks to Kirik, this problem will be effectively solved-all information is securely protected by the block, as well as intellectual contracts. Managers, as well as lawyers, will be able to work more effectively with contracts. They are not experts in the segment of programming, so need simple but effective solutions that can provide a decentralized platform Kirik.Intellectual contracts will become an important part of the existing business environment. They help to eliminate the shortcomings that exist in the centralized services. That is why developers Kirik believe that they will be able to attract investors to their project.

Smart Contracts 2.0

The goal of the KIRIK (KRK) project is creation of semantic contracts, which have no shortcomings of Ethereum based smart contracts. Semantic Contracts = Smart Contracts 2.0. The technology is understandable to specialists in various subject areas and allows to conduct transactions between various blockchains and outside of them.

  • Easy to understand

Semantic contracts are simple enough so they can be read by an average person who is not a programmer familiar with blockhain technology

  • Automatic verification

Semantic contracts can be automatically verified, which allows to create an obligations performance monitoring system

  • Visual Builder

Semantic contracts has a visual editor (flowcharts of specifications) and a template system which allows a quick creation of a sample contract

New Fields Of Application Jurisprudence

Lawyers will be able to accompany transactions that connect the real and virtual world. E.g., electronic transactions reflecting the process of shipment and delivery of goods.

  • Artificial Intelligence

Semantic contracts can be used to control artificial intelligence, since they are understandable to people, unlike the innards of the neural network.

  • Semantic smart contracts

Convergence of different blockchains Smart wallet

  • Public administration

Improving the effectiveness of monitoring the implementation of large state projects (such as work on government procurement). State regulation (e.g. in the field of financial markets).

  • Cross-blockchain support

KIRIK supports operations between different blockchains and can be used in various areas unrelated to blockchains.

Artificial Intelligence 2.0

A smart contract drafted in a semantic modelling language is, on the one hand, easily understood by specialists of the appropriate subject domain, on the other hand, is automatically verifiable and can be run on a computer, or other digital device. It allows to build a bridge between the human brain and artificial intelligence. This is what we call Artificial Intelligence 2.0.

With semantic contracts one can set rules and checks upon the neural network behaviour, which now is nothing other than a black box. Analogous to Isaac Asimov’s three laws of robotics, semantic contracts can use human language to control the work of complicated neural networks in critical situations, e.g. when the danger of loss of human life is high.

The problem of legal liability for behaviour of neural networks and artificial intelligence is not as yet solved. Nevertheless, singling out the most significant parameters and working conditions of a sophisticated software system (or enterprise, distributed system, artificial intelligence, etc.) in the form of a specification written in a semantic contract language, we can introduce legally relevant smart contracts. This trend will soon bring us to change of legislation in many countries and the birth of a new profession – crypto-lawyer.

Semantic Smart Contracts

The KIRIK concept is not based on Blockchain as the distributed ledger, but on semantic smart contracts (ΣK) which are not linked to any specific blockchain platform. Semantic smart contracts allow to specify protocols that can bind operations and transactions made in different Blockchain platforms and other external systems, like banks or exchanges, into one integrated transaction. From the Mathematical Logic’s formal point of view a semantic smart contract represents a formal theory that has a property of constructivism, which means that, for example, any expression in the form of Δ0-formula can be verified whether it is true or false in a certain constructive model of that theory.


Symbol KRK

Standard ERC20

Blockchain ETH based, PoW

Algo Ethash

Block time TBA

Oracles Or Base Predicates

KIRIK platform is based on the idea of declarative specifications, where logical formulas with certain restrictions (a.k.a. Δ0-formulas, see below) are used that also allow to call external functions (so called oracles or base predicates). Semantic contract represents (as does a common contract) declarative (expressed using common logic) specifications of predicates and rules. Such oracles are usually represented by some external systems (like micro-services), or by semantic predicates defined by some other semantic contract.

Convergence Of Different Blockchains

Particularly a semantic contract can use external oracles to specify the protocol logic for binding together transactions between different Blockchain platforms to form a single transaction. Thus KIRIK acts as a meta-protocol that brings together different Blockchain platforms. For instance, smart contracts based on Ethereum, NEO, and/or RSK/Bitcoin can play a role of such external oracles for KIRIC based semantic contracts. Two-step transaction registration is used for speeding up the process. KIRIK transactions are anchored onto IOTA distributed ledger and then onto KIRIK Blockchain that is forked from Ethereum source code. This allows on the one hand to remove barriers for scaling up a network of nodes performing semantic contract calculations, and on the other hand use the reliable security algorithms of Ethereum.

Semantic Domains

The KIRIK concept allows for creation of distinct domains of smart contracts and/or oracles with their own distributed ledgers for transaction registration. This is required to enhance scalability, which will allow organizations and communities to use semantic contracts and at the same time anchor transactions onto their own Blockchain, or other transaction registries. For instance, a banking association can create a distributed semantic contract network of its own with anchoring onto its private, or permissioned Blockchain. The banks can also open for their clients, or make public in the form of external oracles some of their semantic contracts.

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