Just Cause Full Movie Hd Download

Just Cause Full Movie Hd Download


Just Cause Full Movie Hd Download


The year is 1986. In Ochopee, Florida, 11-year-old Joanie Shriver is kidnapped, raped, and murdered. Bobby Earl Ferguson is arrested by officers Tanny Brown and J. T. Wilcox, who proceed to beat Bobby into confessing to the murder. Bobby is placed on trial, where Bobby's defense attorney McNair puts up a lousy defense for Bobby, and Bobby is sentenced to be executed. Now, eight years later, Bobby hands a letter to his grandmother Evangeline and asks Evangeline to go to Cambridge, Massachusetts, to hire Harvard law professor Paul Armstrong to clear Bobby's name. At Harvard, Paul is attacking capital punishment in a campus debate, when Evangeline arrives and hands the letter to Paul. Paul goes home, where his wife Laurie is throwing a birthday party for their young daughter Katey. Laurie reads the letter and she encourages Paul to take the case, even though he hasn't practiced law in 25 years. Paul, Laurie, and Katey head to Florida, where Paul meets Bobby in the prison. Bobby tells Paul his side of the story and what Tanny and Wilcox did. Paul begins to believe that Bobby was railroaded. Bobby tells Paul to speak to Blair Sullivan, a man who is also on death row. Blair gives Paul some clues that could prove Bobby's innocence -- and Blair's own guilt. But in the process of trying to clear Bobby, Paul learns some disturbing truths about Bobby, putting Paul and his family in a fight for their lives.
A Harvard professor is lured back into the courtroom after 25 years to take the case of a young black man condemned to death for the horrific murder of a child.
At the outset, "Just Cause" seems spellbinding and chillingly possible. But never fear! Anyone frightened by the prejudices and injustices of the first hour needn't worry; by the end the movie goes south, well into Hollywood style at least, and shreds all credibility. Sean Connery is a good reason to see "Just Cause" if there is one, but wrestling alligators, deceptive main characters and the truth is a shade far-fetched for my liking.
&quot;Just Cause&quot; starts off well but after 45 minutes goes downhill rapidly.<br/><br/>Ruby Dee runs to a veteran college professor,who hasn&#39;t practiced law in years. She begs him to intervene on the part of her college dropout grandson who is on death row for killing an eleven year old 8 years before.<br/><br/>It looks like the old south with white officials beating confessions out of accused black people? But wait a minute, Tany Brown, Laurence Fishburne, is the sheriff. He beats his own people?<br/><br/>Ed Harris steals the show as an insane religious zealot who is also on death row. Harris does a great imitation of Hannibal Lechter and is effective. His letter eventually frees Dee&#39;s grandson ( a very good Blair Underwood) but the viewers are soon in for a predictable roller-coaster like ride in a fairly predictable film. <br/><br/>Veterans Kevin McCarthy and Hope Lange are completely wasted as Connery&#39;s in-laws. The way the bodies begin to pile up, it might be just as well. <br/><br/>Cate Capshaw plays Connery&#39;s wife who once played a key role in a previous Underwood trial. What&#39;s going on here? Is everything so coincidental?

Harvard law professor Paul Armstrong (<a href="/name/nm0000125/">Sean Connery</a>) is asked by death row inmate Bobby Earl Ferguson (<a href="/name/nm0005516/">Blair Underwood</a>) to prove his innocence eight years after he was convicted for raping and murdering 11-year-old Joanie Shriver (<a href="/name/nm0437261/">Barbara Jean Kane</a>). A strong opponent against capital punishment, Paul takes the case, against the threats of Sheriff Tanny Brown (<a href="/name/nm0000401/">Laurence Fishburne</a>), the chief detective on the case and the one who coerced a confession from Bobby Earl. Paul successfully uncovers some overlooked evidence and gets Bobby Earl released from prison but quickly learns that there is more to the case than meets the eye and that his wife Laurie (<a href="/name/nm0001009/">Kate Capshaw</a>) and young daughter Katie (<a href="/name/nm0424060/">Scarlett Johansson</a>) are in grave danger. Just Cause is a 1992 novel by American psychological thriller writer John Katzenbach. The novel was adapted for the movie by American screenwriters Jeb Stuart and Peter Stone. Most likely it was sweet tea, a style of iced tea common in the Southern United States. At its simplest level, it is merely black tea with sugar but may contain flavorings, such as raspberry or mint. Sugar content can be quite high, suggesting that Brown may have consumed it as an energy drink. The culprit is not mentioned in the movie. Some viewers think it might have been Sheriff Brown or Detective J.T. Wilcox (<a href="/name/nm0614887/">Christopher Murray</a>). Others think it was merely a disgruntled Ochopee resident, since everyone in town knew that Armstrong was poking around and they were unhappy about him opening old wounds. No one, not even Blair Sullivan (<a href="/name/nm0000438/">Ed Harris</a>), knows the answer. As Blair explained to Armstrong, the &quot;Behavioral Science boys&quot; tried to blame it on his parents beating, abusing, and &quot;sexing&quot; him, but he poohpoohed that idea, saying only &quot;there ain&#39;t no formula for people like me...just a predisposition for an appetite.&quot; In other words, Sullivan thinks he was born that way (nature) not created by his environment (nurture). Killing people brought a satisfaction to him. There was probably no revenge in killing his parents. He just had it done to have one last bit of joy before going to the chair. Realizing that Bobby Earl has taken Laurie and Katie, Paul and Tanny follow Laurie&#39;s car but lose it when a bridge opens in front of them to let a boat pass. On a hunch, they head out to the Everglade swamp where they find Laurie&#39;s car parked, so they split up to search for them. While wading through the swamp, Tanny is shot by Bobby Earl. Meanwhile, Paul sees a light inside the hunting shack, peeks in, and sees Laurie and Katie tied to chairs. He tries to untie them, but Bobby Earl suddenly bursts through the door. Bobby Earl holds a knife against Laurie&#39;s neck, explaining that she&#39;s the one he&#39;s been waiting to get for the past nine years, ever since she was the prosecutor on his kidnapping case in Dade County. In order to make a name for herself, Laurie had Bobby Earl held over in prison for one more night, during which he was beaten and castrated. To prove to him that it&#39;s all over, Paul plays the tape of his last interview with Sullivan in which Paul informs Sullivan that his parents are still alive. He adds that Sullivan intends to testify against him. Suddenly, Tanny sneaks up behind Bobby Earl and grabs him. Paul grabs a knife and begins stabbing Bobby Earl, and the three of them fall into the swamp. Paul continues to stab Bobby Earl until an alligator swims up and grabs him. He then helps Tanny out of the swamp and back into the hunting shack. As Paul tends to Tanny&#39;s wound, Tanny says, &quot;at least we&#39;ll be able to sleep at night.&quot; Paul relies, &quot;We&#39;ll see.&quot; In the final scene, Paul, Laurie, and Katie walk together to their car, and Laurie turns to kiss her husband and daughter. a5c7b9f00b

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