Journey To The Center Of The Bat Tamil Pdf Download

Journey To The Center Of The Bat Tamil Pdf Download


Journey To The Center Of The Bat! Tamil Pdf Download

Atom and Aquaman shrink down and enter Batman's body in order to help him fight off a chemical infection.
Exactly what you&#39;d expect with an episode title like that. Batman&#39;s somewhat sidelined by a virus, leaving Atom and Aquaman to shrink down and hunt down the germs. Some animation issues aside, I liked this for the repartee between mismatched characters; first, the professional rivalry with Plastic Man and Elongated Man, and between our two heroes while working at microscopic size. <br/><br/>Aquaman is a character that can outstay his welcome if poorly handled, but the writers seem to nail his lovable buffoonery here. <br/><br/>7/10


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