


Майкл Дже́ффри Джо́рдан (англ. Michael Jeffrey Jordan; родился 17 февраля года, Бруклин, Нью-Йорк) — американский баскетболист, бывший игрок НБА. Играл на позиции атакующего защитника. Джордан сыграл важную роль в популяризации баскетбола и НБА во всём мире в х и х годах. После начала карьеры в команде Университета Северной Каролины (—), с которой он выиграл чемпионат NCAA года.

Имя Майкла Джордана знакомо не только поклонникам баскетбола — оно навсегда увековечено в истории НБА и в сникер-индустрии. И, несмотря на то, что один из лучших защитников в истории баскетбола завершил свою профессиональную карьеру более 10 лет назад, продукция Jordan Brand до сих пор хорошо продается, обеспечивая Nike, Ink. Подписание исторического рекламного контракта с Nike состоялось в году, хотя представители компании до этого неоднократно делали попытки заполучить многообещающего игрока, на тот момент выступавшего за команду Университета Северной Каролины. У самого Джордана тогда были другие планы — его интересовал контракт с более известными в баскетбольном сегменте ADIDAS и Converse, в обуви которых он, к тому же, предпочитал выходить на паркет. Рекрутеры Nike даже пытались воздействовать на Майкла через его родителей. Вкупе с родительским словом решающую роль сыграл тот факт, что adidas и Converse отказались от сделки с восходящей звездой, и баскетболист согласился на встречу с Найк. Интерес Nike, в свою очередь, был обусловлен тем, что у компании в те времена не было все так гладко, как теперь, и нужно было удержаться наплаву и не просто удержаться, а опередить конкурентов. Лучшим выходом было подписание подающих надежды атлетов, и первым в этом списке был Майкл Джордан. Переговоры со спортсменом прошли в напряженной обстановке. Руководство Nike выписало игроку чек на кругленькую сумму, плюс по контракту Джордану причитались проценты с продаж, что делало этот договор одним из самых выгодных на тот момент. Пресса раздула небывалую шумиху вокруг этого события, что послужило бесплатной рекламой для Nike и предопределило фантастический спрос на первые именные кроссовки. Nike это ни сколько не смущало, и они охотно выплачивали штрафы, попутно получая дивиденды с поднявшегося вокруг истории хайпа, подогревавшего интерес к кроссовкам. Air Jordan 1 имели неслыханную популярность. А серия грамотно построенных рекламных кампаний и потрясающая игра Джордана увеличили доход фирмы с сотен тысяч до миллиардов. Учитывая, что это был только первый шаг на пути к успеху, adidas и Converse, наверное, до сих пор кусают локти, что упустили такой шанс. Первый же релиз Air Jordan, состоявшийся в году, полностью изменил рынок кроссовок и всю спортивную индустрию, перевернув с ног на голову представление о баскетбольной обуви. Кроме того, большинство из них перешло в категорию лайфстайл. После успеха Air Jordan 1, которые продержались на прилавках целых два года, за дизайн вторых именных снова пригласили отвечать Питера Мура, творческий тандем которому составил Брюс Килгор. В итоге в году миру были представлены Air Jordan 2. Отличительной особенностью новинки стало отсутствие характерной для Nike эмблемы — свуш — и использование в дизайне премиальной искусственной кожи ящерицы. Во вторых номерных Майкл выиграл свой первый конкурс по броскам сверху. Несмотря на баснословный ценник, купить Air Jordan II мечтали все. Air Jordan 3, — по признанию самого спортсмена, его любимая модель, и одна из самых продаваемых моделей за всю историю бренда, — могла бы не появиться вовсе из-за разногласий Nike и Питера Мура, но звезды сложились удачно. Тинкер Хэтфилд, пришедший в фирму на место своего предшественника, предложил Джордану новый подход к созданию именной линейки обуви, подключив спортсмена к участию в проектировании новых моделей. Именно Air Jordan III ввели тенденцию по снижению высоты кроссовка, и в этой модели дебютировал культовый логотип Jumpman, изображавший парящего в воздухе Майкла. Выпуск Air Jordan IX в году остался практически незамеченным, из-за того, что Майкл Джордан в первый раз решил завершить профессиональную карьеру баскетболиста. После первой самовольной отставки звездного игрока, Nike переиздали старые модели Air Jordans, известные как Air Jordans Retro. В и годах Nike перевыпустил первые три модели Air Jordans, но ретро-обувь была не была принята публикой с большим интересом. Как и нашумевший уход, фееричное возвращение Джордана в большой спорт в году сопровождалось выходом новой модели кроссовок — Air Jordan X отражают хронографию всех достижений спортсмена. Десятую именную модель носил не только Джордан, но и другие игроки лиги. Кроссовки Air Jordan были частью Nike, Ink. После второго ухода Джордана из баскетбола в году — с Майклом это случалось трижды — Nike решил попробовать еще раз, и на этот раз римейки классических кроссовок Air Jordan имели успех. Компанией Jordan Brand сделана ставка на таких молодых и стремительно набирающих обороты звезд современного баскетбола, как Крис Пол и Кармело Энтони, каждый из которых уже успел обзавестись именными кроссовками этого бренда. Основной акцент в Jordans — премиальная высококачественная баскетбольная обувь и одежда. Под брендом также производится обувь для других видов спорта бокс, американский футбол, бейсбол. Кроме того, бренд выпускает одежду и обувь для тренировок и для повседневной носки, аксессуары и стаф. Особое внимание покупатели, само собой, уделяют кроссовкам, в которых Джордан хотя бы однажды выступал за свою карьеру. Таких за время игры в Chicago Bulls насчитывается 18 именных пар. Компания активно привлекает атлетов мирового уровня для рекламы своей продукции, в частности, таких как Рой Джонс-младший, Джейсон Тейлор, Уоррен Сапп и др. Оригинальные баскетбольные кроссовки Jordan, обувь и одежду для тренировок и повседневной носки можно найти в интернет-магазине Sneakerhead, а также в наших магазинах в Москве. Дмитровская м. Нижний Кисельный пер. Авиаконструктора Микояна, 10 м. Главная Бренды Jordan Jordan. Рекомендованные Дата поступления сначала новые Цена по возрастанию Цена по убыванию. Обувь Кроссовки 13 Сланцы 13 Детская Аксессуары Кепки 13 Носки 13 Брелки 13 Шапки Выбранные фильтры Сбросить фильтры. Выбрано: 0. US Товары c 1 по 24 из страниц: 6. Начало сотрудничества с Nike Подписание исторического рекламного контракта с Nike состоялось в году, хотя представители компании до этого неоднократно делали попытки заполучить многообещающего игрока, на тот момент выступавшего за команду Университета Северной Каролины. Jordan Brand. Эволюция баскетбольных кроссовок Первый же релиз Air Jordan, состоявшийся в году, полностью изменил рынок кроссовок и всю спортивную индустрию, перевернув с ног на голову представление о баскетбольной обуви. Jordans: кроссовки и не только Основной акцент в Jordans — премиальная высококачественная баскетбольная обувь и одежда. Блог Подписка на рассылку Политика конфиденциальности Договор оферта Карта сайта. Оффлайн магазины в Москве:.

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Jordan is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the south and the east, Iraq to the north-east, Syria to the north and Israel and the Palestinian West Bank to the west. What is now Jordan has been inhabited by humans since the Paleolithic period. The Emirate of Transjordan was established in by the Hashemite , then Emir , Abdullah I , and the emirate became a British protectorate. In , Jordan became an independent state officially known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan , but was renamed in to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan after the country captured the West Bank during the Arab—Israeli War and annexed it until it was lost to Israel in Jordan renounced its claim to the territory in , and became one of two Arab states to sign a peace treaty with Israel in The sovereign state is a constitutional monarchy , but the king holds wide executive and legislative powers. Jordan has been repeatedly referred to as an 'oasis of stability' in a turbulent region. It has been mostly unscathed by the violence that swept the region following the Arab Spring in An estimated 2. Jordan is classified as a country of 'high human development' with an 'upper middle income' economy. The Jordanian economy , one of the smallest economies in the region, is attractive to foreign investors based upon a skilled workforce. The oldest evidence of hominid habitation in Jordan dates back at least , years. Fortified towns and urban centers first emerged in the southern Levant early on in the Bronze Age — BC. The Transjordanian kingdoms of Ammon, Edom and Moab were in continuous conflict with the neighbouring Hebrew kingdoms of Israel and Judah , centered west of the Jordan River. Roman legions under Pompey conquered much of the Levant in 63 BC, inaugurating a period of Roman rule that lasted four centuries. Transjordan prospered during the Byzantine era, and Christian churches were built everywhere. The Crusaders constructed several Crusader castles as part of the Lordship of Oultrejordain , including those of Montreal and Al-Karak. Four centuries of stagnation during Ottoman rule came to an end during World War I by the Arab Revolt , driven by long-term resentment towards the Ottoman authorities and growing Arab nationalism. The nascent Hashemite Kingdom over Greater Syria was forced to surrender to French troops on 24 July during the Battle of Maysalun ; \\\[75\\\] the French occupied only the northern part of the Syrian Kingdom, leaving Transjordan in a period of interregnum. Arab aspirations failed to gain international recognition, due mainly to the secret Sykes—Picot Agreement , which divided the region into French and British spheres of influence, and the Balfour Declaration , which promised Palestine to Jews. He there declared to a crowd of six hundred Transjordanian notables that the British government would aid the establishment of local governments in Transjordan, which is to be kept separate from that of Palestine. The second meeting took place in Umm Qais on 2 September, where the British government representative Major Fitzroy Somerset received a petition that demanded: an independent Arab government in Transjordan to be led by an Arab prince emir ; land sale in Transjordan to Jews be stopped as well as the prevention of Jewish immigration there; that Britiain establish and fund a national army; and that free trade be maintained between Transjordan and the rest of the region. In September , the Council of the League of Nations recognised Transjordan as a state under the terms of the Transjordan memorandum. Abdullah was succeeded by his son Talal , who would soon abdicate due to illness in favour of his eldest son Hussein. Jordan signed a military pact with Egypt just before Israel launched a preemptive strike on Egypt to begin the Six-Day War in June , where Jordan and Syria joined the war. On 7 February , Abdullah II ascended the throne upon the death of his father Hussein, who had ruled for nearly 50 years. The Arab Spring were large-scale protests that erupted in the Arab World in , demanding economic and political reforms. Jordan sits strategically at the crossroads of the continents of Asia, Africa and Europe, \\\[8\\\] in the Levant area of the Fertile Crescent , a cradle of civilization. The east is an arid plateau irrigated by oases and seasonal water streams. In the west, a highland area of arable land and Mediterranean evergreen forestry drops suddenly into the Jordan Rift Valley. Jordan has a diverse range of habitats, ecosystems and biota due to its varied landscapes and environments. The climate in Jordan varies greatly. Generally, the further inland from the Mediterranean, greater contrasts in temperature occur and the less rainfall there is. Over 2, plant species have been recorded in Jordan. The mountainous regions in the northwest are clothed in forests, while further south and east the vegetation becomes more scrubby and transitions to steppe-type vegetation. Plant species and genera include the Aleppo pine , Sarcopoterium , Salvia dominica , black iris , Tamarix , Anabasis , Artemisia , Acacia , Mediterranean cypress and Phoenecian juniper. Jordan is a unitary state under a constitutional monarchy. The judiciary is independent according to the constitution. The king is the head of state and commander-in-chief of the army. He can declare war and peace, ratify laws and treaties, convene and close legislative sessions, call and postpone elections, dismiss the government and dissolve the parliament. After a bill is proposed by the government, it must be approved by the House of Representatives then the Senate, and becomes law after being ratified by the king. A royal veto on legislation can be overridden by a two-thirds vote in a joint session of both houses. The parliament also has the right of interpellation. The 65 members of the upper Senate are directly appointed by the king, the constitution mandates that they be veteran politicians, judges and generals who previously served in the government or in the House of Representatives. Courts are divided into three categories: civil, religious, and special. Religious law only extends to matters of personal status such as divorce and inheritance in religious courts, and is partially based on Islamic Sharia law. The capital city of Jordan is Amman , located in north-central Jordan. The current monarch, Abdullah II , ascended to the throne in February after the death of his father King Hussein. However, the underdevelopment of political parties in the country has hampered such moves. According to Freedom House , Jordan is ranked as the 3rd freest Arab country, and as 'partly free' in the Freedom in the World report. The report added 'the Arab Spring and the Syrian conflict have led the authorities to tighten their grip on the media and, in particular, the Internet, despite an outcry from civil society'. The first level subdivision in Jordan is the muhafazah or governorate. The governorates are divided into liwa or districts, which are often further subdivided into qda or sub-districts. The kingdom has followed a pro-Western foreign policy and maintained close relations with the United States and the United Kingdom. Later, Jordan restored its relations with Western countries through its participation in the enforcement of UN sanctions against Iraq and in the Southwest Asia peace process. The first organised army in Jordan was established on 22 October , and was named the ' Arab Legion '. There are about 50, Jordanian troops working with the United Nations in peacekeeping missions across the world. Jordan ranks third internationally in participation in U. In , Jordan joined an aerial bombardment campaign by an international coalition led by the United States against the Islamic State as part of its intervention in the Syrian Civil War. The first police force in the Jordanian state was organised after the fall of the Ottoman Empire on 11 April After that year the Public Safety Directorate was established. In the s, it was the first Arab country to include females in its police force. Jordan is classified by the World Bank as an 'upper-middle income' country. Trade and finance combined account for nearly one-third of GDP; transportation and communication, public utilities, and construction account for one-fifth, and mining and manufacturing constitute nearly another fifth. Jordan enjoys advanced status with the EU, which has facilitated greater access to export to European markets. Jordan incurred billions of dollars in losses because it had to substitute more expensive heavy-fuel oils to generate electricity. The proportion of well-educated and skilled workers in Jordan is among the highest in the region in sectors such as ICT and industry, due to a relatively modern educational system. This has attracted large foreign investments to Jordan and has enabled the country to export its workforce to Persian Gulf countries. This high infrastructural development is necessitated by its role as a transit country for goods and services to Palestine and Iraq. Palestinians use Jordan as a transit country due to the Israeli restrictions and Iraqis use Jordan due to the instability in Iraq. The Hejaz Railway built during the Ottoman Empire which extended from Damascus to Mecca will act as a base for future railway expansion plans. Currently, the railway has little civilian activity; it is primarily used for transporting goods. A national railway project is currently undergoing studies and seeking funding sources. Jordan has three commercial airports, all receiving and dispatching international flights. Amman Civil Airport serves several regional routes and charter flights while Queen Alia International Airport is the major international airport in Jordan and is the hub for Royal Jordanian Airlines , the flag carrier. The Port of Aqaba is the only port in Jordan. The port was chosen due to it being a transit cargo port for other neighbouring countries, its location between four countries and three continents, being an exclusive gateway for the local market and for the improvements it has recently witnessed. The tourism sector is considered a cornerstone of the economy and is a large source of employment, hard currency, and economic growth. In , there were 8 million visitors to Jordan. The majority of tourists coming to Jordan are from European and Arab countries. According to the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Jordan is home to around , archaeological and tourist sites. Modern entertainment and recreation in urban areas, mostly in Amman, also attract tourists. Recently, the nightlife in Amman, Aqaba and Irbid has started to emerge and the number of bars, discos and nightclubs is on the rise. Moreover, seaside recreation is present on the shores of Aqaba and the Dead Sea through several international resorts. Jordan has been a medical tourism destination in the Middle East since the s. Jordanian doctors and medical staff have gained experience in dealing with war patients through years of receiving such cases from various conflict zones in the region. It contains 10 times more salt than the average ocean, which makes it impossible to sink in. The high salt concentration of the Dead Sea has been proven therapeutic for many skin diseases. Multiple canals and pipelines were proposed to reduce its recession, which had begun causing sinkholes. The Red Sea—Dead Sea Water Conveyance project, carried out by Jordan, will provide water to the country and to Israel and Palestine, while the brine will be carried to the Dead Sea to help stabilise its levels. The first phase of the project is scheduled to begin in and to be completed in Natural gas was discovered in Jordan in , however, the estimated size of the reserve discovered was about billion cubic feet , a minuscule quantity compared with its oil-rich neighbours. Regional instability over the decades halted oil and gas supply to the kingdom from various sources, making it incur billions of dollars in losses. Jordan built a liquified natural gas port in Aqaba in to temporarily substitute the supply, while formulating a strategy to rationalize energy consumption and to diversify its energy sources. Jordan has the 5th largest oil-shale reserves in the world, which could be commercially exploited in the central and northwestern regions of the country. The extraction of oil-shale had been delayed a couple of years due to technological difficulties; and the relatively higher costs. The original plan involved constructing two MW reactors but has been scrapped due to financial constraints. The most promising segment of this sector is construction. Petra Engineering Industries Company, which is considered to be one of the main pillars of Jordanian industry, has gained international recognition with its air-conditioning units reaching NASA. It manufactures all types of military products, many of which are presented at the bi-annually held international military exhibition SOFEX. This growth is occurring across multiple industries, including information and communications technology ICT and nuclear technology. More than companies are active in telecom, information technology and video game development. There are companies operating in active technologies and start-up companies. Nuclear science and technology is also expanding. Around 2. Jordan is a home to 2,, Palestinian refugees as of December ; most of them, but not all, were granted Jordanian citizenship. In the past, Jordan had given many Palestinian refugees citizenship, however recently Jordanian citizenship is given only in rare cases. West Bank Palestinians with family in Jordan or Jordanian citizenship were issued yellow cards guaranteeing them all the rights of Jordanian citizenship if requested. Up to 1,, Iraqis moved to Jordan following the Iraq War in , \\\[\\\] and most of them have returned. In , their number in Jordan was , The kingdom has continued to demonstrate hospitality, despite the substantial strain the flux of Syrian refugees places on the country. The effects are largely affecting Jordanian communities, as the vast majority of Syrian refugees do not live in camps. The refugee crisis effects include competition for job opportunities, water resources and other state provided services, along with the strain on the national infrastructure. In , there were up to , Assyrian Christians ; most are Eastern Aramaic speaking refugees from Iraq. There are around 1. Sunni Islam is the dominant religion in Jordan. Many Shia are Iraqi and Lebanese refugees. Jordan contains some of the oldest Christian communities in the world, dating as early as the 1st century AD after the crucifixion of Jesus. The official language is Modern Standard Arabic , a literary language taught in the schools. Jordanian Sign Language is the language of the deaf community. English , though without official status, is widely spoken throughout the country and is the de facto language of commerce and banking, as well as a co-official status in the education sector; almost all university-level classes are held in English and almost all public schools teach English along with Standard Arabic. The largest museum in Jordan is The Jordan Museum. Museums outside Amman include the Aqaba Archaeological Museum. Music in Jordan is now developing with a lot of new bands and artists, who are now popular in the Middle East. Jordan unveiled its first underwater military museum off the coast of Aqaba. Several military vehicles, including tanks, troop carriers and a helicopter are in the museum. While both team and individual sports are widely played in Jordan, the Kingdom has enjoyed its biggest international achievements in Taekwondo. Football is the most popular sport in Jordan. Jordan has a strong policy for inclusive sport and invests heavily in encouraging girls and women to participate in all sports. The tournament was held in four stadiums in the three Jordanian cities of Amman, Zarqa and Irbid. Less common sports are gaining popularity. Rugby is increasing in popularity, a Rugby Union is recognized by the Jordan Olympic Committee which supervises three national teams. As the 8th largest producer of olives in the world, olive oil is the main cooking oil in Jordan. Ful medames is another well-known appetiser. A typical Jordanian meze often contains koubba maqliya , labaneh , baba ghanoush , tabbouleh , olives and pickles. Jordanian wine and beer are also sometimes used. The same dishes, served without alcoholic drinks, can also be termed 'muqabbilat' starters in Arabic. The most distinctive Jordanian dish is mansaf , the national dish of Jordan. The dish is a symbol for Jordanian hospitality and is influenced by the Bedouin culture. Mansaf is eaten on different occasions such as funerals, weddings and on religious holidays. It consists of a plate of rice with meat that was boiled in thick yogurt, sprayed with pine nuts and sometimes herbs. During the 20th century, several Jordanian writers and poets have gained fame in the Arab world including Mustafa Wahbi Tal Arar , Tayseer Sboul and others. Life expectancy in Jordan was around Jordan prides itself on its health services, some of the best in the region. On 1 June , Jordan Hospital as the biggest private hospital was the first general specialty hospital to gain the international accreditation JCAHO. The Jordanian educational system comprises 2 years of pre-school education, 10 years of compulsory basic education, and two years of secondary academic or vocational education, after which the students sit for the General Certificate of Secondary Education Exam Tawjihi exams. In Jordan there are researchers per million people, while the world average is per million. Jordan has 10 public universities, 19 private universities and 54 community colleges, of which 14 are public, 24 private and others affiliated with the Jordanian Armed Forces , the Civil Defense Department, the Ministry of Health and UNRWA. An additional 20, Jordanians pursue higher education abroad primarily in the United States and Europe. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the country. For other uses, see Jordan disambiguation. Country in the Middle East. Coat of arms. Website jordan. Main article: History of Jordan. Main article: Emirate of Transjordan. Main article: Timeline of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Main articles: Geography of Jordan and Borders of Jordan. Main article: Climate of Jordan. Main article: Wildlife of Jordan. Main article: Politics of Jordan. Largest cities or towns in Jordan According to the Census \\\[\\\]. Map Governorate Capital Population Syria. Saudi Arabia. Main article: Foreign relations of Jordan. Main article: Economy of Jordan. Main article: Transport in Jordan. Main article: Tourism in Jordan. See also: Energy in Jordan. Main article: Science and technology in Jordan. Main article: Demographics of Jordan. Main article: Religion in Jordan. Marsa Zayed mosque in Aqaba. An eastern Orthodox church during a snowstorm in Amman. Main article: Culture of Jordan. Main article: Sport in Jordan. Main article: Jordanian cuisine. 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Countries and regions in the Arabian Plate. Countries bordering the Red Sea. Arab League. Arab League Lists. South Sudan. Moro National Liberation Front. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Flag Coat of arms. Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy. House of Representatives. Jordanian dinar JOD. Abdullah II Monarch since Omar Razzaz Prime Minister since Amman Zarqa. Amman Governorate. Irbid Russeifa. Zarqa Governorate. Irbid Governorate. Wadi as-Ser. Al Jubayhah. Source: Department of Statistics \\\[\\\]. Outline Index Category Portal.

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Закладка Мефедрона Улан-Удэ

Jordan (Arabic: الأردن‎; tr. Al-ʾUrdunn \[\[HOST\]ː\]), officially the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Arabic: المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية‎; tr. Al-Mamlakah al-’Urdunniyyah Al-Hāshimiyyah), is an Arab country in Western Asia, on the East Bank of the Jordan River. Jordan is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the south and the east, Iraq to the north-east, Syria to the north and Israel and the Palestinian West Bank to the west.

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Jordan (Arabic: الأردن‎; tr. Al-ʾUrdunn \\[\\[HOST\\]ː\\]), officially the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Arabic: المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية‎; tr. Al-Mamlakah al-’Urdunniyyah Al-Hāshimiyyah), is an Arab country in Western Asia, on the East Bank of the Jordan River. Jordan is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the south and the east, Iraq to the north-east, Syria to the north and Israel and the Palestinian West Bank to the west.

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