Johnny Mnemonic Full Movie In Hindi 1080p Download

Johnny Mnemonic Full Movie In Hindi 1080p Download


Johnny Mnemonic Full Movie In Hindi 1080p Download

The year is 2021, and half of the Earth's population is suffering from the disease known as Nerve Attenuation Syndrome (NAS). Johnny, a mnemonic data courier, is hired to carry 320 gigabytes of crucial information to safety from the Pharmacom corporation. Pursued by Yakuza agents and a crazed cyborg, Johnny must deliver the data or die in twenty-four hours.
A data courier, literally carrying a data package inside his head, must deliver it before he dies from the burden or is killed by the Yakuza.
Heavens, why is everybody bragging about this movie? Maybe because they compare it to &quot;Matrix? Probably, I wouldn&#39;t know another reason.<br/><br/>Nobody says that this is a real block-buster, but it is definetely not as bad as everyone here wants to make it.<br/><br/>It&#39;s a nice movie to enjoy (especially on DVD) and forget afterwards. Not because it was bad but just because it was good and entertaining for a short while. Nothing more, nothing less.<br/><br/>And it DID have its benefits: that crazy preacher was so hilarious to behold. A nice and funny mirror to the numerous fundamentalistic Christians in the American society. And, of course, some nice fighting scenes, cool hi-tech equipment, and a gorgeous Dina Meyer, all packed in a futuristic ambience. What else could I ask for for an action movie that you can enjoy and forget about afterwards?
This is a bad movie. The screenplay and direction are horrible. Note that, according to IMDb, this is the only screenplay work that Gibson has done and the last film (thankfully) that Longo directed. There is barely any character development. The action scenes are miserable; the scenes where Johnny gets angry are highly exaggerated; there are few, if any closeups or alternate camera angles -- it just feels like rank amateurs made this film, and on a shoestring budget too.<br/><br/>Why see this movie? There are some neat concepts and a cool computer scene. Readers of Larry Niven&#39;s &quot;Ringworld&quot; get to see a &quot;monofilament&quot; wire in action (a single-molecule wire that&#39;s incredibly strong and slices through anything). The computer scene features 3D goggles and data gloves with a neat graphical user interface. The computer graphics in the rest of the film, however, reminded me of Tron.<br/><br/>Another reason to see Mnemonic is that there are some parallels to The Matrix, a film in which Keanu Reaves stars four years later. Both take place in a dark, futuristic world, with the protagonist holding the key to save humanity. The opening scene is almost a direct match with a scene in the Matrix: Johnny&#39;s computer wakes him up. Johnny has a device in his head which he uses to &quot;jack in&quot; to a computer system to upload / download data. There&#39;s an iconoclast leader of the underworld resistance that helps Johnny fight the &quot;powers that be.&quot; Finally, the most striking visual parallel may be the character &quot;Jones,&quot; who lives in a tank and is permanently connected to a computer, just like the people in The Matrix before they eat the red pill.<br/><br/>If you like this sort of genre (dark, oppressive futures where people struggle against powerful forces who treat them like chattel), you&#39;ll probably like Soylent Green more than this film.

Because of Takeshi Kitano&#39;s role, there was a different edition released in Japanese cinemas and DVD-shops than in other countries. But there have not only been added new scenes, instead the original version was seemingly used for another version in Japan. The difficulty of Johnny willing to get back his memory is less important here. Instead the film focusses on Takeshi Kitano&#39;s ambivalent character. Due to the different version and the fact that the Japanese edition is much longer, there are several other advanced scenes or new scenes included. a5c7b9f00b

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