Java switch statement example

Java switch statement example

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3 May 2009 1 Feb 2017 Java's switch statement allows easy selection of execution paths based on a variable's value. Let's jump right in and start with an example! Syntax. The variable used in a switch statement can only be integers, convertable integers (byte, short, char), strings and enums. You can have any number of case statements within a switch. The value for a case must be the same data type as the variable in the switch and it must be a constant or a literal. 23 Jun 2014 This tutorial explains how Java's switch statement works. This example first creates a variable named amount and assigns the value 9 to it. Java switch statement with concepts and examples of switch statement in java, java switch string, java switch statement programs and example, difference Unlike if-then and if-then-else statements, the switch statement can have a number The following code example, SwitchDemo , declares an int named month  i would recommend to define exactly what staments should be executed: switch For example, I have 3 cases: A, B, C. for A, I want to do 10 Jan 2014 This is an example of a switch case in Java. We will show how to use the switch case statement to control the flow of your program! It's also important to note that switch statement in Java only works with: Primitive data types: byte , short , char and int. Enumerated types (Java enums) String class. a few classes that wrap primitive types: Character , Byte , Short , and Integer .

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