Japan Lesbian Kiss Public Vk

Japan Lesbian Kiss Public Vk



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Jan. 10, 2017 06:04 am JST Jan. 10, 2017 | 07:04 am JST
In Japan, you’re not likely to see too much public smooching going on. As well as being reserved and modest by nature, most Japanese people also believe that drawing attention to oneself in public is bad manners. However, there are certain circumstances under which these rules are relaxed, as explored in this street interview video by That Japanese Man Yuta.
While the interviewees initially claim to be uncomfortable with public kissing, hand holding, and smooching, their answers do change somewhat depending on certain caveats. For example, being in a reduced state of inhibition, like after having a few beers, seems to make people more inclined to ignore the stares of others and get up to some public canoodling.
Another factor that might surprise some viewers involves the nationality of the other party in the relationship. Some interviewees said that they’d be more inclined to get smoochy with someone from a more “expressive” background like some countries in Europe, even if they were in Japan.
Rationalizing that dating someone from another country means embracing their culture, some interviewees said that they’d be okay with doing whatever their partner usually does in public in their own country. Interestingly, several interviewees said they’d be more likely to smooch with a foreign partner in public if that person were exceptionally attractive.
However, even the liberating feeling that comes from dating a foreigner can be curtailed by the restrictions of being Japanese in Japanese society. Overall, the people interviewed in the video seemed to have quite reserved ideas about public displays of affection in general, which pretty much confirmed our suspicions before we watched.
What do you think? Would you happily smooch in public places?
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I don't see a problem with a quick peck, a hug, or hand holding. But if I see a couple really goin at it, I'll say something, especially if there are kids around.
As well as being reserved and modest by nature, most Japanese people also believe that drawing attention to oneself in public is bad manners.
Where do you even start with a sentence like that?
The day when Japanese people show their love including in public maybe the country will be better understood and liked. Love is everywhere, remember :-) ?
That's right. Like last summer at the beach when I saw two guys french kissing in front of everyone
Japan tries to emulate western culture in almost every other aspect of life, why not how they show affection?
Let's face it, Japanese people shouldn't have to change how they act or live in order to be "liked" or fit in. Besides, I'm happy to see some of these people not engaging in affectionate manner anyway.
First, 'hand holding' and a 5min-long pash/snog on a public bench/ street are not in the same 'display of affection' category and the latter isn't that common either in so called 'expressive' western countries.
Actually have the impression I see as much 'hand holding' in japan as I do elsewhere tbh, especially among young couples. The pashing thing is a different story and I would say most of it happens in/.around clubs, bars, pubs at night time when alcohol is involved etc rather than randomly at say 5.30pm in front of a grocery store. Dunno if it's westerners who are becoming less expressive or Japanese who are catching up but imo the 'display of affection in public' gap between the 2 isn't that obvious in 2017.
Doesn't bother me, it depends on the person, some people are very affectionate publicly and some aren't. My wife is a passionate woman and just follows her feelings and doesn't pay too much attention to the social norm, but some care very much about it. Nowadays, I see more young people kissing out in public and not caring so much and as long as the individuals involved feel comfortable about it, it's a good thing.
"As well as being reserved and modest by nature, most Japanese people also believe that drawing attention to oneself in public is bad manners."
I always love ridiculous generalizations like this, which are inevitably followed by one of three things: 1) except with certain conditions (as with the "caveats" here), which are vague and all-encompassing, 2) excuses, like, while... that's different! (When they refuse even to admit #1), or when they run out of attempts to justify, 3) you can't understand because you're not Japanese.
In other words, Japanese don't generally kiss in public, unless they do.
I don't care as long as its not full-fledged heavy petting in public for lack of a hotel. In fact, it can be quite sweet to see a couple kiss, regardless of age, when they're smiling and happy. Who are we and what right do we have to interfere in their moment of love and happiness? To those kissing, I say "who cares what others think?" If they don't want to, then fine. Oh, and I've been with a few who liked doing it because it was with a foreigner, which is a little sad if that was the only reason.
I saw a well dressed middle aged couple going at it on top of some garbage bags in the street once in the middle of the night. The nearby love hotels were probably all booked. Very romantic to see such passion is not confined to youth.
However, I don't see why other Japanese should feel pressured to kiss in public if they don't feel comfortable with it. To each his own. I rather like the usual reserve of the Japanese in this regard.
I've seen hand holding quite frequently in Tokyo, especially among younger people.
"Interestingly, several interviewees said they’d be more likely to smooch with a foreign partner in public if that person were exceptionally attractive."
Not sure what this indicates. Maybe it's an ego thing: "Hey look at me kissing this beautiful/handsome person.
Here, let me do it, then I'll ask them afterwards, lol
I don't have a problem with it, and if it's two women kissing even. Enter.
I don't have a problem with it, and if it's two women kissing even. Enter.
Then you shouldn't have a problem with this either....
That's right. Like last summer at the beach when I saw two guys french kissing in front of everyone
If you are ok with one the other should be fine as well right?
A show of affection is one thing, but lip-locked, well, that should be saved for somewhere a little more private, IN MY OPINION!
To kiss or not kiss remains an ambivalent question where different layers of meaning disguise any straightforward attitude to the gesture of kissing. So taking a closer look establishes that in communication, nothing is straightforward as it seems, however culturally determined as it may be, culture, as such, is in constant flux and human interaction, therefore, is continuously changing and adapting. Thus the only thing we can is to pay close attention to our surroundings whenever we are, and be prepared to kiss or not.
Just have a long deep kiss in public... the world won't end and you'll feel happy.
The funny thing is, some Japanese women (especially hot mature women) are amazingly talented kissers... they really get into it and give it all they've got.
What did kissing arise from? What is its purpose to be exact. I don't mind holding hands in public, but heavy spit swapping should be done in private.
Had two Japanese girlfriends... holding hands in public was as far as it went. Once gave one a peck on the cheek and she gave me a bollocking for doing that in public. So not all Japanese ladies who date people from abroad accept our little ways. Oh and hugging seems to be okay, as long as not many people are around lol
As a westerner I would feel a bit awkard on Japanese streets regarding what is acceptable in public and what's not. Somehow I even had that with smoking :D
On the other hand I wouldn't french kiss at daytime on a busy spot here anyway (I'm living in The Netherlands). Its not only cultural but als personally dependable.
And may be because so few Japanese have a relationship they feel confronted with that fact when they see a couple being intimit in public LOL
Two women, two men, doesn't bother me. I don't let what two consenting adults do with one another bother me at all, unless it effects my life in a negative sense or interferes with my progress. I would just be more inclined to watch two women playing tonsil hockey that's all.
Honestly I've never personally seen that big a difference on this topic between couples in Japan and America. If anything it might be regional. In my hometown in USA the people tend to be fairly conservative/traditional. I would hardly expect a girl from Tokyo to have the same mannerisms as say, Okinawa.
smooch with a foreign partner in public if that person were exceptionally attractive.
Oh ! Maybe THAT explains why, many moons ago, when I first arrived in Japan, my Japanese boyfriend (later - husband) came running towards me along the Shinkansen platform in Kyoto and gave me a BIG kiss in front of everyone ! I certainly wasn't expecting it because he had told me, before leaving France, that kissing is NOT done in public in Japan...
Remember my first girlfriend here after I arrived... we were still pretty new in the relationship and after a date I left her with friends she was going to meet for a kind of enkai. I wanted to give her a peck on the cheek, but as her friends watched us I just gave her a quick hug and said she should email me later. I started to walk away, but it wasn't what I wanted. I had wanted to kiss her, and something in me decided I would, others be damned. I walked back to her, tapped her on the shoulder, but instead of a peck when she turned around I put a hand behind her neck and wrapped the other around her waist and dipped her slightly, giving a good, deep smooch (no tongue). Her friends were surprised, as was she, but they said, "iiiina!", and said girlfriend was just speechless. I said I couldn't resist it, and reiterated my call for her to email me later. She did, and said she never thought about kissing in public or being involved in other displays, but being taken by surprise like that the way I did it was very romantic and exciting. Things were quite good after that for a while, but eventually she didn't even really like to hold hands in public. It was a romantic and passionate moment, and that was part of it, but I expect they (her friends who later complimented her) thought it was also part novelty. Ah well... still a great memory.
I don't mind seeing couples kiss, but what I can't stand is when they stand there close to each other and talking like that Schmoopy thing from Seinfeld. Even worse is when they pick at each other's face or ears. I have no idea what couples are doing sometimes but it makes me sick.
Depends on the persons, in fact. I've been with both deeply passionate ones and cold ones. Married a passionate one!
Kissing, a means of showing affection, ought be done sparingly in public. Furthermore, if done in public at all, it ought to be done solely by a male with a female. What is true and correct need not be kept hidden, although what is reserved for ones mate is to be kept from others (visually), or else it is not reserved at all.
How do we know what is "true and correct"? Heck, basic biology will reveal that the sexes are to mate not with the other as our physical structures are such that they reveal this. Only those blinded by their own desires would ignore what boilogy teaches and succumb to their perverse desires.
Kissing, a means of showing affection, ought be done sparingly in public. Furthermore, if done in public at all, it ought to be done solely by a male with a female. What is true and correct need not be kept hidden, although what is reserved for ones mate is to be kept from others (visually), or else it is not reserved at all.
How do we know what is "true and correct"? Heck, basic biology will reveal that the sexes are to mate not with the other as our physical structures are such that they reveal this. Only those blinded by their own desires would ignore what boilogy teaches and succumb to their perverse desires.
Right, that's why even other animals show homosexual behavior as well...There is no "true and correct" here, just some people who think that their opinion holds more value than the opinion of others.
Sorry for my typo...I meant to write, "...biology will reveal that the sexes are to mate not with EACH other...".
May I ask, are we to then to emulate animal behaviour? Some animals nurture their young, some eat them...
Do you consider it "opinion" that the sex organs are intended for reproduction, and provide pleasure as a means to an end, and not as an end itself?
Kissing, a means of displaying sexual love for another ought be done between sexes, and not with a same sex individual....especially if it is to be done in public.
again, I ask what is the grounding for your moral framework by which you claim an "ought"?
I thought we could claim any moral framework we like.
After all, public kissing and same-sex sex are not banned in Japan, so if we disagree, we can't rely on a legal framework.
I'm pretty sure there's at least one person in Japan who thinks public kissing is immoral and at least one other (maybe even the same person) who thinks that same-sex sex is immoral. An atomic framework! No need to rely on Church of Bob or anything.
It's not much use relying on the position of sex organs as being purposed solely for reproduction. I'm pretty sure the great majority of the time, probably well exceeding 99%, they are used for purposes other than reproduction. The number of sex acts per successful pregnancy has to be extremely high, not even counting urination, etc.
You wrote, "I thought we could claim any moral framework we like"
Well of course we can claim any moral framework we want! But, laws such as those that would regulate kissing in public, if they are to be normative, must come from an objective transcendent source. Yes, you may have your moral framework that differs from mine...but then how do we decide which is correct? Surely the legality of a law does not imply correctness, for the killing of Jews was once legal. Should consensus be our guide? If the majority of people in Japan would deem kissing in public "wrong", would that then make the act objectively wrong?
The use that one would give a particular body structure is irrelevant for what the intended purpose of that structure might be. Science is of great benefit here..may I suggest a course in basic biology?
the intended purpose of that structure might be. may I suggest a course in basic biology?
The use of these parts as mandated by the evolution of our ancestors is to generate and foster DNA. Something more than 99 percent of the time (I estimated, and you didn't disagree) the DNA is not combined with other beings' DNA to create progeny. How then can you demand people to not emit any DNA unless they are going to try to make babies with it every time? And if you can't demand that, how can you demand they only kiss in private, and when they're going to try to make a baby really soon?
... how do we decide which is correct? ... Should consensus be our guide? ...
I don't see Japan or USA restricting public kissing any time soon, after having legalized it.
Scroll forward 10 or 20 years and public sex will probably be legal, as well. Kibitzers on hand to give advice to young couples. Maybe some public areas will be famous for it the way some are given over to chess, go, calligraphy, or tai chi chuan now.
Why did you not answer my questions?
Which ones? Are you sure they are not answered by my post of "Jan. 10, 2017 - 10:08AM JST"?
If you want to know " how do we decide which is correct", it's been decided by the law. Public kissing is legal. Your available choices are to not participate in public kissing, to complain bitterly when you see it, to take stronger action (subject to the level of legal penalty you feel comfortable in approaching), to attempt to have the laws changed, to emigrate, and probably some other possibilities I haven't thought of.
Kissing in public! What could be worse!? Don't the kissers know they're supposed to produce progeny and keep it between man and woman? Just like the bible says! (Solomon 900 wives and concubines, Noah procreates with his daughters etc.)
One ex-girlfriend didn't mind holding hands in public but no kissing; anything went in private, though. She was also fairly conservative so much that she insisted she paid at restaurants (with my money) because that's they way it should be.
Obviously not comfortable. In 8 years I have never seen it. Maybe twice I have seen a couple holding hands.
several interviewees said they’d be more likely to smooch with a foreign partner in public if that person were exceptionally attractive.
Almost certainly Japanese ladies. Because they are showing off to other women: "Look, I've got me a good-looking gaijin!"
He forgot the obvious explanation that kissing is considered a more sexual act in Japan than it is in a lot of other countries, and therefore something that a lot of people save for when they have some privacy. And that it also can come across as rude to other people when couples are too show-offy as a couple in front of others, particularly friends, the big exception though is when newlyweds are socializing and drinking and all their friends are pressuring them to kiss in front of everyone. I have to admit, after many years in Japan, I do feel awkward when I go abroad and in social situations there is at least one very touchy couple in the group, especially if everyone in the group is aware that others in the group are single, or there is a couple going through a rough spot. I feel like it's inconsiderate towards those people but at the same time my awkward self doesn't dare to ask.
Furthermore, if done in public at all, it ought to be done solely by a male with a female.
The middle-ages called, asking you to drop by.
Personally im not all that for public affection but whatever makes people happy.
"several interviewees said they’d be more likely to smooch with a foreign partner in public if that person were exceptionally attractive."
I'm a Japanese born and raised in Japan and my first kiss was when I was 18, it happened in public. No one freaked out and we didn't care.
I'm telling you. if you love someone and want to kiss and your counterpart wants that too, forget the argument, don't study, just do it.
It's love. that overrides "culture s
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