Jack London «Love of life» (21/27)

Jack London «Love of life» (21/27)


Джек Лондон «Любовь к жизни»

He sat up and turned his attention to immediate affairs (он сел и обратил свое внимание на неотложные дела; to turn ones attention to smth. — обратить чье-либо внимание на что-либо; immediate — неотложный, спешный). He had worn through the blanket-wrappings (он износил насквозь = до дыр обмотки из одеяла; to wear — носить /об одежде/; износить), and his feet were shapeless lumps of raw meat (и его ступни были бесформенными кусками сырого мяса). His last blanket was gone (его последнее одеяло было потрачено; to go — уходить; тратиться). Rifle and knife were both missing (ружье и нож, оба пропали; missing — недостающий, отсутствующий, пропавший). He had lost his hat somewhere (он где-то потерял свою шапку), with the bunch of matches in the band (со связкой спичек в ленте), but the matches against his chest were safe and dry inside the tobacco pouch and oil paper (но спички на его груди были в безопасности и сухими в кисете и промасленной бумаге). He looked at his watch (он посмотрел на свои часы). It marked eleven o'clock and was still running (они показывали одиннадцать часов и все еще шли). Evidently he had kept it wound (очевидно он заводил их: «поддерживал их /в/ заведенном /состоянии»; to wind).

He sat up and turned his attention to immediate affairs. He had worn through the blanket-wrappings, and his feet were shapeless lumps of raw meat. His last blanket was gone. Rifle and knife were both missing. He had lost his hat somewhere, with the bunch of matches in the band, but the matches against his chest were safe and dry inside the tobacco pouch and oil paper. He looked at his watch. It marked eleven o'clock and was still running. Evidently he had kept it wound.

He was calm and collected (он был спокоен и собран). Though extremely weak (хотя /и был/ чрезвычайно слаб), he had no sensation of pain (у него не было ощущения боли). He was not hungry (он не был голоден). The thought of food was not even pleasant to him (мысль о еде не была даже приятна ему), and whatever he did was done by his reason alone (и все, что он ни делал, делалось лишь разумом = по велению разума). He ripped off his pants' legs to the knees and bound them about his feet (он оборвал штаны с ног до колен и перевязал ими ступни; to bind). Somehow he had succeeded in retaining the tin bucket (каким-то образом ему удалось сохранить оловянное ведерко). He would have some hot water (он выпьет кипятку) before he began what he foresaw was to be a terrible journey to the ship (прежде чем начнет то, что, как он предвидел, будет внушающим страх путешествием к кораблю).

He was calm and collected. Though extremely weak, he had no sensation of pain. He was not hungry. The thought of food was not even pleasant to him, and whatever he did was done by his reason alone. He ripped off his pants' legs to the knees and bound them about his feet. Somehow he had succeeded in retaining the tin bucket. He would have some hot water before he began what he foresaw was to be a terrible journey to the ship.

His movements were slow (его движения были медленными). He shook as with a palsy (он трясся, как в параличе). When he started to collect dry moss (когда он начал собирать сухой мох), he found he could not rise to his feet (он обнаружил, что не может подняться на ноги). He tried again and again (он пытался снова и снова), then contented himself with crawling about on hands and knees (затем удовольствовался тем, что пополз на четвереньках). Once he crawled near to the sick wolf (разок он прополз возле больного волка). The animal dragged itself reluctantly out of his way (животное неохотно отодвинулось с дороги; to drag — тянуться, тащиться, медленно двигаться), licking its chops with a tongue which seemed hardly to have the strength to curl (облизываясь языком, у которого, казалось, едва есть силы сворачиваться; to lick ones chops — облизываться). The man noticed that the tongue was not the customary healthy red (человек заметил, что язык был не обычного здорового красного цвета). It was a yellowish brown and seemed coated with a rough and half-dry mucus (он был желтовато-коричневым и казался покрытым неровной = свалявшейся и полусухой слизью; rough — грубый; неровный).

His movements were slow. He shook as with a palsy. When he started to collect dry moss, he found he could not rise to his feet. He tried again and again, then contented himself with crawling about on hands and knees. Once he crawled near to the sick wolf. The animal dragged itself reluctantly out of his way, licking its chops with a tongue which seemed hardly to have the strength to curl. The man noticed that the tongue was not the customary healthy red. It was a yellowish brown and seemed coated with a rough and half-dry mucus.

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