JWC Blockchain Ventures ICO

JWC Blockchain Ventures ICO

NAME: Rawon ayam

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JWC Blockchain Ventures ICO.

JWC Blockchain Ventures is an investment fund for blockchain and ICO projects. JWC conducts an ICO-issued JWC token shared within the JWC Blockchain Ventures community. JWC is the world’s first investment fund to issue its own coin and can say JWC is the ICO of the ICO.

About JWC Blockchain Ventures

I know JWC while looking for potential ICO to join & feel this is really a project with good technology team & have a very suitable idea for the era.

JWC is an investment fund that provides financing for blockchain startups. JWC releases the JWC under the ERC20 standard of Ethereum. They will then call on the ICO to invest in Blockchain startups and you can use the JWC to purchase ICO from the projects that JWC Blockchain Ventures invests in.

Strong and Experienced Development Team

1/ Frank Saviane graduated from Cambridge University with a degree in management and engineering. The director at Goldman Sachs, the world’s largest bank, is responsible for investment and security. CEO and Founder of Fast Forward Advisors (FFA), Co-fouder and General Partner of JWC Blockchain Ventures. (Euro) (TwitterLinkedin)

2/ Luca Mohammadi is a computer science graduate and holds a degree in management, IT director of Piaggio Group, co-founder of FFA, co-fouder and General Partner of JWC Blockchain Ventures. (Asia) (TwitterLinkedin)

3/ Luan Nguyen has a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering in Texas (USA), IBM’s Chief Engineer, and has more than 30 years of experience in startup and co-founder of many projects, co-fouder and general Partner of JWC Blockchain Ventures. (US) (Linkedin)

There is also the participation of experts: Amarjit Singh (Linkedin), Matthew Brandt (Linkedin), Dr. Henry Nguyen (Linkedin).

Some information about JWC that you can refer to:

– White Paper (very convincing): https://tge.jwcventures.com/public/file/JWC-Whitepaper-v2.51.pdf

– Roadmap (clearly vision): https://tge.jwcventures.com/#roadmap

– Github (Where to check code to show transparency): https://github.com/jwcventures

JWC Token Information

– Token name: JWC, ERC standard 20 Ethereum background

– Total supply: 500,000,000 JWC

– Accepted purchase ICO: ETH

– 1 ETH = 10,000 JWC (not including bonus)

– Distribute the token as shown below:

Time to Sell JWC Token:

Strengths of JWC

These can be easily found on the JWC home page, just briefly:

– Take the right time, use blockchain to solve the limitations of the traditional ventures.

– There are affiliate model that attract many investors.

– Selling speed fast, fast community growth.

– Github, Smartcontract publicity => Build trust.

– User identity security

– White Paper is highly persuasive, its marketing plan and capital use are very clear & specific.

– It has measured the initial revenue figures, is a proven business proven.

Strategy To Increase Prices

JWC Blockchain Ventures set out three strategies to increase prices

1/ Use money to buy JWC from investors and destroy it. Just like Binance.

2/ There are plans to list JWC token on large exchanges.

3/ New blockchain startups funded by JWC will use JWC to buy ICO.

Decision On Investment

There are no perfect projects. Even Bitcoin has a lot of limitation to say to altcoins.

Investing in ICOs is no different than venture capital into startups. So consider before making your decision. You only help you in terms of evaluating and giving your own opinion, not the person who will help you make a lot of money.

I will invest myself in JWC. I am sure that blockchain will address the limitations of the traditional venture capital industry.

I think the risk ratio in JWC is quite small, let’s call JWC a “Proven ICO project,”.

On the investment strategy, I will buy JWC presale to get the best price (with 10% bonus). At the time if there is good news then I will hold long term.

How to buy JWC ICO

In order to parcipate in JWC tokens pre-sale event, firstly you must have to create a new JWC account.

Creating your JWC account is really easy, please follow below steps:

– Visit JWC registration page: https://tge.jwcventures.com/sign-up

– Fill your email and password, and choose your country.

– Read & accept Terms of Services, then click the Submit button

– Check your email inbox and follow the instruction to complete the registration

Steps for purchasing JWC token:

– Login with your registered account

– Click Wallet > Deposits on the left panel

– Deposit ETH into your Ethereum Deposit Address or using QR Code

– When you deposit ETH in to your JWC wallet successfully, the system will convert ETH into JWC tokens automatically.

P/s: JWC presale prices are pretty cheap: 1ETH = 10000 JWC tokesn and the bonus will go down gradually to the public ICO stage. Buying early is quite beneficial.

Website - https://jwcventures.com

Whitepaper - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1alDwsWrBu0ipu8v7jTaGM6gAt4VV0j2L/view?usp=sharing

ANN - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2772047.0

Good luck everyone!

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