Its Better Than Anal

Its Better Than Anal


Posted By: Chloe Gonzalez February 9, 2017
Stephanie Fernandez/Contributing Writer
Anal sex has long been misconstrued as a painful, dirty activity reserved for gay men according to Camila Pham, health educator at the University’s Healthy Living Program. However, she explains, the truth is far from it. 
Anal sex is the riskiest sexual behavior because it’s the area from which body expels fecal matter however with proper hygiene practices and the appropriate protection and use of lube, people can have anal sex in a safer way, Pham says.
“Anal sex is better than having vaginal sex. It’s a huge turn on and you have a better orgasm. It doesn’t hurt at all, you just got to know how to do it and the right position to do it,” said Olga Macias, biology major.
Macias adds that while it might be pleasurable, it’s also risky. She warns students to be careful when picking a partner and be aware of their partner’s sexual health.
“Anal sex can be an uncomfortable experience, especially at first. That is why it is important to properly prepare. People should have an open dialogue with their partner(s) about their boundaries, and appropriately prepare for the experience,” said Pham.
Things like foreplay, sex toys, and the use of lubricant can greatly increase the quality of the experience, Pham says, and that applies to anal sex and any other kind of sex. Macias echoed that sentiment.
“My ex-boyfriend was a gynecologist. He was the first guy I did it with and he taught me the right position. I have never experienced an orgasm like that previously. I highly recommend anal sex,” said Macias. “It doesn’t hurt as long as you know what you are doing and so does the person who is doing it.”
Pham recommends a few tips to stay safe when engaging in anal sex: properly using condoms and appropriate lubrication to prevent tearing, adding that certain lubs, like water-based lube with lidocaine, are formulated specifically for anal sex and can make the experience more comfortable for those involved. She also stresses the importance of having sober consent when engaging in any sexual activity and staying protected to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases or viruses. 
“When in doubt, it is always best to seek medical attention and go visit your assigned doctor or one of the nearby student health centers if FIU students have any STI/STD specific questions,” says Pham.
It’s also important, she adds, to be informed on pre-exposure prophylaxis, post-exposure prophylaxis and antiretroviral therapy.
“PrEP, when taken by an HIV-positive person, reduces the chances that their partners will contract HIV. PEP helps reduce the chances of developing HIV if you have been exposed to the virus in a sexual encounter or via needle-based activities (drug use, tattoos, piercings..) ART helps reduce the viral load of an HIV-positive individual, in turn reducing the chances of infecting their partners,” Pham said.
The Student Health Center and the Healthy Living Program, at both the Modesto Maidique Campus and The Biscayne Bay Campus, offer confidential testing and safe sex materials for students to utilize at their discretion.
SHC allows students to go in for STD testing at a lower cost and HLP offers one-on-one sexual health education, free safe sex materials, semester programing and free confidential HIV testing. For more information on the services available to students, visit the
Olga was obviously well trained to take in the arse by her gynaecologist boyfriend. Shame he didn’t teach to control her vaginal muscles to achieve multiple SCREAMING orgasms without the need to rip her rectum.
Shut the hell up the person talking Shit about her
They’s people who live in there is so amazing and I love it
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"It was like I'd never had sex before."
Over the past decade, anal sex—or at least, talking about anal sex—has become significantly less taboo, perhaps because butts have taken on an entirely new status (thanks, social media!)...or because society has become more sex-positive overall (yay!). But still, actually having anal sex remains ~controversial~ among women, no matter how often it's discussed.
"Unfortunately, there is still a tendency to stigmatize acts that might be considered 'non-traditional' for some people, due to lack of information," explains Alexis Clarke, PhD, a licensed psychologist who specializes in sex and relationships. But the thing is, anal sex can oftentimes become the preferred method for women who don't have vaginas, for those for whom vaginal penetration is especially painful, and for women who simply experience more pleasure that way, Clarke explains.
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For some women, it's is the cherry on top of a sexual sundae: a little extra treat that elevates something that was already delicious on its own (talking about sex here). But for others, butt sex is more like pâté: intriguing, worth a try, but absolutely not up their alleys (as in, a penis will probably not be going up that alley ever again).

If you've yet to add anal to the menu but are curious to taste test it, there are some things you should know first:
Before your first go, you'll also want to peep these stories from women who have dabbled in butt sex and lived to tell the tale. Read on, and let their experiences guide yours.

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"It was the most intimate night of my life."
"My ex and I had been dating for about three years before we ever tried anal. We did it not because we were bored with our sex life, but because neither of us had ever done it, and we wanted to 'have a first' together. He had slept with a lot of women in his teens and early 20s, so I loved the idea of doing something with him that he'd never done before.

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We talked about it for months before finally going through with it. It wasn't really planned, but one night after we both had a couple of drinks, we started hooking up in my bedroom, and he whispered in my ear, 'Should we try it?' I shook my head yes. We slathered ourselves in lube—I'd always heard that you need to use way more than you think you do—then had him enter very slowly, like, centimeter by centimeter, in the doggy position. Within about five minutes, he was pretty far inside, and it felt like nothing I'd experienced before—a fullness that made me feel like I'd never had sex before.
What made the whole thing that much better was how he kept asking if I was okay and the look of sincere and utter pleasure on his face, as if he was having an otherworldly experience, too. We made a ton of eye contact—I liked turning my head and watching him lose himself to the pleasure—and we kissed a lot as he got close to coming. Despite my nerves, I actually orgasmed, too (I rubbed my clit to put myself more at ease). It was the most intimate night of my life. We did it a handful of times after that on 'special occasions' (I have a fear of stretching out, ha), and all were amazing, but none can compare to that first-time feeling." —Marianne E.
Speaking of orgasms, there's a lot you might not know about them...

"My first experience was accidental anal."
"I was drunk, and it happened by surprise within a hookup situation because there was not enough communication. Fortunately, I enjoyed myself and had a positive experience overall. I began to realize that I liked the feeling and got pleasure from it. Now in my current long-term relationship, it's one of the activities in the rotation.

Most important, you need to properly warm up. Just like a vagina, it is easier and more pleasurable when the hole is ready to go. Proper foreplay is essential—bring in lube, fingers, mouth, toys, whatever you prefer. It could take more time than vaginal sex. I think of anal as the second course, because it's better once you're already excited and feeling great. My advice is to trust your body, and if you feel up for it, go for it! " —Michelle R.

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"We probably should have used lube."
"I tried anal for the first time with my ex. I was incredibly comfortable with him, but using lube would have made it a more pleasant experience for both of us, since there is no natural lube. I would recommend doing it with someone who you feel comfortable with because it definitely is a much more vulnerable area." —Sandra O.

"It was just something we tried a couple of times out of curiosity."
"We tried it for the first time a year and a half into our relationship. We were in a place where we were comfortable with each other and eager to explore more, so one day, we tried it out of curiosity. I did some research beforehand just to make sure we would both be safe and comfortable doing it. The first time we did it, we used a generous amount of lube and made sure to prepare first. It was definitely interesting for both of us and something neither of us had done before.

After that we only tried it one more time, and we ultimately decided it wasn't something that we wanted to continue doing. It was more special doing it with my partner rather than a random hookup, because I felt safe and comfortable throughout all of it." —Elise T.
"It can feel long as you use the bathroom first."
"If you're backed up or on an empty stomach, it sucks. You definitely feel like you're going to poop, either all over yourself or on his d*ck.
But if you're not and you do it nice and slowly, it's euphoric. It's different from regular sex because it feels like he's going way deeper. Anal doesn't help me orgasm more easily, though." —Madeline R.

"I was always afraid it would hurt, but anal sex actually isn’t so much painful as it is uncomfortable. But! The discomfort is so extreme for some people that they can barely do it—like my best friend, who’s tried a few times with her fiancé and barely gotten it in, no matter how much lube they use. The key, apparently, is to be relaxed, which you really aren’t gonna be—in fact, knowing it’s about to happen will make you tense up more than usual—unless you happen to love it.
I…do not love it, but my boyfriend is super into it, and he’s very respectful and lovely about not pressuring me. We maybe do it once every couple of months. He’s a big advocate of using a butt plug beforehand to 'loosen everything up.'" —Anna B.
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"There's nothing fun about it for me."
"It's not the worst thing ever, but kind of like the same way flossing isn't the worst thing ever. There's nothing fun about it for me. It's not that it's painful, it's just mildly uncomfortable and really not my thing." —Jo R.
"I tried it once a long time ago. The guy I was seeing wanted to do it, and I was resistant but eventually gave in. He tried to put it in, but it just hurt too much. I don't think he used lube, and it's just really tight. Maybe I'd do it again with the right person if I had a lot of trust in him. Either way, it's not something at the top of my list." —Clara A.

"Amusingly, my first sexual intercourse was via anal penetration. My high school sweetheart was raised strictly Catholic and was 'saving it for marriage.' While I was disinterested in this wait time, he did explain that, to him, anal sex didn't count since it couldn't lead to procreation.
His being exceedingly well-endowed made taking it slowly and using plenty of lube the obvious choice. The oddest thing I noticed was that the initial penetration would generate a tight sensation in my throat, similar to what you might feel after a bad scare. But it was an exciting feeling, not scary at all. It's a slow but pleasantly luxurious sensation of being gently and benignly pulled inside out. It certainly was extremely erotic, and I felt aware of my entire body as an erogenous zone. I discovered I was able to orgasm via anal penetration, and anal play is something I enjoy to this day." —Mollena W.

"It's the perfect balance of dangerous and sexy."
"I used to be obsessed with anal. At one point in high school, I was having more anal than regular sex. When done right—and by right, I mean when the guy doesn't shove his d*ck into you like a horse in heat—anal can teeter on that dangerous line between pleasure and pain. He feels bigger than ever and completely fills you up. As he's going in, you have to hold your breath because you feel like your body doesn't have room for air and his d*ck at the same time, but once he's in, the pleasure radiates through your whole body." —Nina T.

"It really strengthens the connection with your partner."
"The key to good anal—yes, that's a thing—is having a partner you trust completely and who will do it right. That means lots of lube, starting small with a pinky finger just like in Fifty Shades, then working your way up to small toys or butt plugs. After that, anal can be amazing! It is super-intense, and your lover has to be extremely delicate and careful and be a good listener and super patient—and you as the receiver have to have a lot of trust in that.
The anus is, after all, an exit, not an entrance, and so it could really, really hurt. This is not an act that should ever be undertaken with a random dude or at a random moment; you both have to want it, and you both have to be prepared. No assholes allowed in the asshole! I think that's one of the best parts of the whole ordeal. It takes so much time, trust, and communication that it just amplifies everything physical going on because you are so connected with your partner." —Tess N.
"I have stronger orgasms during anal."
"For me, being penetrated during anal sex can cause a little soreness during insertion and in the first few minutes. Lots of lube, slow, gentle motions, and patience move it quickly to the next phase, which is an exciting, pleasurable pressure. I find that I can have stronger orgasms while being penetrated anally, but these are clitoral or vaginal orgasms, not anal orgasms—those are quite elusive. For me, it's probably the added stimulation, the intimacy, and the emotional intensity of anal that make orgasms stronger.
But if the angle is wrong in anal sex, with too much of a sharp upward or downward angle, a sting-y and unpleasant pain can be the result. Having the right angle of entry is important for me. Also, pegging someone with a strap-on can be very pleasurable with an insert-able double-ended dildo, or even just the harness or base of the strap-on grinding up against the clitoris." —Margaret C.
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