Итоговый тест по английскому языку 7 класс

Итоговый тест по английскому языку 7 класс

Итоговый тест по английскому языку 7 класс

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Создайте Ваш сайт учителя Видеоуроки Олимпиады Подготовка к ЕГЭ. My family is big. I have a mother, a father, a sister, a brother and a grandmother. My parents are doctors. They work at the hospital. My brother is a good sportsman. My sister is a little girl. I go to school 5 times a week. I like going to school. I like my friends and teachers. At the English lesson we speak, read and write. I like speaking and reading English very much. She has a cat, a dog, and fishes. Her cat pussy is old. She likes fish and meat. He likes running and jumping. He always plays with Kate. On Sunday he gets up late. On Sunday he walks, plays with friends in the yard, read books or watches TV. He plays computer games every Sunday. He loves it very much. I have many friends. They are boys and girls. Their names are Bill, Tom, Sam, Elly and Ann. Tom is a good sportsman. He plays hockey, football and basketball very well. He reads books about children and animals. The girls like singing and dancing. We like many sports and games. We like playing football, basketball, volley-ball, tennis, ping-pong, and hockey. We like skating and skiing. We run and jump, swim and drive. We like sports very much. Прочти шесть текстов и найди соответствия между содержанием текстов и утверждениями. My name is Isabel. I live in a hotel. In the afternoon I meet my friends. His mother is a shop assistant. Now she is at home. She is watching TV. Mary is a schoolgirl. She goes to school 5 days a week. Mary is a good pupil. Jones has a new office. There is a desk, a telephone, a computer there. Jones is sitting at the desk; he is speaking with his secretary. He likes his works. My friend Will usually has eggs, cornflakes and orange juice for breakfast. He never drinks coffee. Today he is drinking tea with milk. There is a garden with flowers near the house. His wife is working in the garden and his children are playing in the yard. There are a lot of pigs, sheep and cows on the farm. My name is Helen. I have got a large family. My parents go to work five times a week. My sister goes to the Institute every day. She is a student. Her name is Alice. Now Alice is talking a s shower in the bathroom. My brothers go to school. Their names are Jake and David. They are good pupils. Now Jake and D David are having breakfast. They are good eaters. I I am not a pupil. But I can read very well. Now I am reading a very interesting fairy tale. Our pa parents are leaving home for work now. My Granny is cooking. She is a good cook. I like to eat cabbage soup and pies th with meat and rice. My Granny often makes it for me. Granddad is watching TV now. He likes to watch sport programs on on TV. He is a pensioner. We have got pets. They are a dog and a cat. The dog is playing on the th carpet near the armchair now. The cat is drinking milk. My family is friendly and hospitable. My name 1 … Mary. I 2 … to school. I 3 … on computer now. My dad 5 … his car at this moment. My brother always Английский язык 5 класс. Электронная тетрадь по английскому Английский язык 6 класс. Английский язык 8 класс. Видеосюжеты для классных часов и История Древнего мира 5 класс. Если вы хотите увидеть все свои работы, то вам необходимо войти или зарегистрироваться. Меню Главная Дошкольное образование Начальные классы Астрономия Биология География Информатика Математика Химия Физика Русский язык Английский язык История Обществознание Литература Музыка Технология мальчики Технология девочки Физкультура ИЗО МХК ОБЖ Внеурочная работа Немецкий язык ОРК Директору Завучу Классному руководителю Психологу Логопедия Коррекционная школа Всем учителям Прочее. Последние дни регистрации на олимпиады 'Декабрь '. Готовые комплекты видеоуроков и тестов для работы учителя! Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку для 7 класса. Часть 1 Прочти микротексты и подбери к ним заголовки. At School C c. My Family D d. My Friends Часть 2 Прочти шесть текстов и найди соответствия между содержанием текстов и утверждениями. There are no horses on the farm C c. I have a computer at home E e. She can write and read well F f. Jones enjoys working G g. My friend sometimes has tea with milk for breakfast Часть 3 Прочитай и выбери правильный ответ The family is at home. They go to work on Saturday and Sunday. They go to work 5 times a week. They go to work 4 times a week. What is Alice doing now? She is going to the Institute. The takes a shower. She is talking a shower. How old is Helen? Can Helen read or write well? What does Helen like to eat? Where is the dog playing? Часть 4 Прочитай текст и выбери правильную форму глагола My name 1 … Mary. Закирова Гульзида Равилевна Дата: Пожалуйста, введите ваш Email. Личный сайт учителя и сертификат бесплатно!!! Электронная тетрадь по английскому языку 3 класс. Удобный поиск материалов для учителей.

Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку в 7 классе.

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