Is dating a guy 8 years older bad - news United States

Is dating a guy 8 years older bad - news United States

Is dating a guy 8 years older bad

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The window of time when I was helping Jesse learn about credit reports and negotiating a salary was brief, while he continues to teach me new things about love and commitment every day I know, barf. You're supposedly an immature doofus who can't attract partners your own age, or maybe a delusional narcissist who can't cope with aging I've heard both. I'm told we get hotter with age. Again, all these ideas are based on stereotypes — primarily, that youth is one of the only valuable traits a woman possesses when dating, and that to take a pass on using it as a bargaining chip to find a more desirable mate is insane. Seeing as you have a kid, everything gets a lot stickier and there are fewer choices. I always seem to date guys between 10 to 20 years older than me, and from my relationships comes some of the best memories and experiences. Get on with your life its not a rehearsal its the real thing. Don't try and get us to do acid again just because you want to see if we can recreate the time we went to Bonnaroo 10 years ago. This is great for me, since I am a whirlwind during the week and it balances me out. Do what makes you happy and if people don't like it they can get over it : It depends on how old you are. What about Tom Cruise and Katie Is dating a guy 8 years older bad, who were 16 years apart when they were married. So the answer from the elder side of the couple is very simple, with your age you learned to understand that you can have the younger part like a toy. I was around adults all my life - events, parties, meetings - so I really knew it no other way. Any decently nice guy accumulates ex-girlfriend friends. That how most of the people sees it, and the younger is only with the older because of money. You both have something equally to give one another. All right, so no one knows what they really want, but we've got a job, if not a career, and some money saved up, because we already did that thing where you spend all your money and then have no money. We're all aging, and life is too damned short to not date someone who's younger than you just because society has psyched you out about it. When I would go away on trips and had my guy take care of my apartment, I always came home to flowers on the table, chocolate or homemade gifts.
The important thing is how you two feel about one another and the good times you share. We're all aging, and life is too damned short to not date someone who's younger than you just js society has psyched you out about it. Do what makes you happy and if people don't like it they can get over it : It depends on how old you are.
It's bound to happen. Sounds to me like he is way more mature then most older guys I know so go for it.

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