Is It A Great Thing To Choose Between Technology And Braille?

Is It A Great Thing To Choose Between Technology And Braille?

Manufacturers of Braille slate and other related products intended this post with a thought to share what they think about choosing between technology and Braille. You really don’t have to choose! Braille technology is developing at a fast rate and there are several ways to access Braille using tech devices. Let’s talk about them in detail.

1. People reading Braille on Kindle app

Braille is cumbersome and so is a print book. This is the reason why several people read books on their smart devices using Kindle app these days. You can also read Braille via a refreshable Braille display, instead of wasting efforts on paper Braille. Your bag finds no issue in having 56 volumes of Harry Potter if you fit them in the gadget.

2. Connecting iPad to refreshable Braille display

You can transform your iPad into a potential Braille teaching device by connecting it to Braille display. This is possible with the right apps. There are professional developers specialized in developing Braille learning apps for young visually impaired kids. These applications teach Braille alphabets and take learning to next level through fun interactive games through which kids learn spellings and reading.

Moreover, kids also learn how to access the iPad and Braille display simultaneously while learning how to put words together in Braille.

3. Toys

Some brands create cool toys that talk and teach letters and produce letter sounds to young children. However, these toys focus on print, not Braille. The latest BrailleBot has taken inspiration from the concept and moved it to the Braille realm.

4. Braille labels

You could get a volunteer who can help in reading labels for you. But there is something better than this. You can create your own Braille labels and be more independent. There are products available in the market that can assist you with Braille label making. These are portable and simple to use.

5. iPhone as a brailler

Now turn your iPhone into a brailler using its built-in Braille keyboard. This will help visually impaired users to listen to Siri and type in Braille on their iPhone. Isn't cool?

6. Braille Smart watch

You read it right! Phones and iPads as a brailler may sound older once you see Braille smart watch. There are smart watches with Braille technology available in the market.

Braille slate manufacturers think that Braille is necessary skill for visually impaired kids to learn. Old fashioned dots-on-paper way and cutting-edge technology are fun in their way.

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