Iraq Very Teen Sex

Iraq Very Teen Sex

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This powerful investigation into Shia clerics in some of Iraq's holiest shrines uncovers a network of exploitation of young women and girls, trapped into prostitution and pimped out by a religious elite. Unprecedented undercover filming and victim testimony reveal how they procure young women for male clients, and are prepared to conduct 'pleasure marriages' with children.
Patrick Wells
Documentary, Special Interest
English [CC]
Audio languages
Patrick Wells
Journeyman Pictures
Content advisory
Violence, sexual content, drug use
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Prime Video (streaming online video)
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I had read that the BBC has been under great pressure to remove this documentary from public consumption and wanted a chance to watch it before they caved-in to demands by Muslim leaders in the U.K. I can understand why leaders of Islam are so keen to have this documentary hidden from public view. This film does not just expose a handful of Muslim clerics breaking the rules of their religion for personal gain. Rather, it exposes the reality of Islam and Sharia Law, which basically treats women as no more than prostitutes that only exist to do what their husbands demand.

While a handful of Muslim clerics in Iraq may deny that this is the case publicly, this documentary shows the reality of the situation. The vast majority of those contacted had absolutely no problem selling Muslim girls and women into prostitution under Sharia law. Although many were recorded using hidden cameras, even those who spoke on-camera seemed to have no problem with girls as young as 9 or 10 years old being sold into "pleasure marriages" that lasted for as little as 30 minutes. This has been accepted tradition in Islam and the practice of Muslim clerics following strict Sharia law since the time of Mohammad. Some other acceptable practices under Sharia law include stoning to death of women who are the victims of rape, the decapitation of young girls for wearing makeup, sodomizing young boys when separated from their wives, and throwing homosexuals off of tall buildings to their death. These aren't things that just happened 100's of years ago. They still happen every single day in Islamic countries around the world.

Again, this is not "fringe" behavior of a few "radical" extremists. This is common in Islam and is being done in every Muslim country, despite official laws being on the books against it. As the documentary shows, these laws are only meant for "show" to western countries. They are never actually enforced. The prophet Mohammed had wives as young as 7 years old and he is worshipped as the perfect servant of their god. Very little in Islam has changed in over 1,000 years and there is almost no chance that things ever will. Until westerners wake up to this fact women and young girls will continue to suffer.
Bravo for BBC for showing this documentary of sexual predators in Iraq, though it refuses to show a documentary on the Islamic sex gangs within its own country, Britain.

Nonetheless, while this practice is widespread in Iraq and wherever Islam has clerics, it's fascinating that not once in this documentary did the reporters say why these clerics considered these temporary Mutah marriages Halal (permissible). It's advocated in the Qur'an itself, in Surah 4:24, which says "so with those of whom you have enjoyed sexual relations, give them their Mahr (wages) as prescribed; but if after a Mahr is prescribed, you agree mutually, there is no sin on you”.

Since the Qur'an promotes it, and the prophet Muhammad practiced it for his men, why should we be surprised that it is being practiced all over the Muslim world, and how can secular authorities try to stamp out that which every Muslim holds as sacrosanct...the Qur'an?
Girls anywhere from 9 and up being prostituted. But get a cleric to say some words before the sex and it's suddenly divinely sanctioned under the guise of a temp marriage.
These women are used up like toilet paper and trashed. Once the girl is defiled (virginity lost), that's it. Can't let the family find out. The family will likely honor kill her. And no man will make a defiled woman a real wife.

Hopefully, this video won't get taken down, but don't assume it will be here forever. See it now rather than wait.
This documentary creates more confusion than it attempts to uncover. First, that a practice is claimed to be sanctioned or decreed by God means absolutely nothing, yet that appears to be the main prong that this documentary bases its analysis on. The catholic and protestant churches for many centuries (if not since the first few decades after the death of Christ) have implemented equally barbaric practices of sexual abuse, gender discrimination, political corruption and racism (to name but four). Western nations however at the present time have been supported by very efficient political systems, which greatly attenuates and renders insignificant the barbarism of organization religion. For organized religions that rely on man-made hierarchies to interpret what they claim as divine revelation, a lot of detailed analysis must be provided into the historical, theological, political and social origins and interpretations of such practices, and insight into this the documentary provides none.

Second, this documentary makes the valuable insight that the practice is illegal in Iraq and that the government fails to enforce the law. This remains a mere statement, and no elaboration is provided as to why this problem of enforcement. Mere mention is also made that Shia militias appear to be among the main perpetrators, and this is not addressed in greater detail either.

Third, if the makers of this documentary are out to provide insight into Medieval practices in a war torn country, there are other more valuable, intriguing and original practices they could uncover in Iraq. For that they would need more guts, political finesse, and imagination. They went with the seedy and plainly disreputable instead (lowest common denimonator), which doesn't make for the most credible journalism.

Fourth, I found it hard to believe that the clerics who were being investigated did not suspect, even if subconsciously, that precisely this was occuring. I leave the remainder of this opinion better unsaid.
This is Surah 4:24 Yusaf Ali translation not the Crusader propoganda posted in these reviews. Mahr is dowry and gifts from husband to wife not a sex for money transaction: Also (prohibited are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess: Thus hath Allah ordained (Prohibitions) against you: Except for these, all others are lawful, provided ye seek (them in marriage) with gifts from your property,- desiring chastity, not lust, seeing that ye derive benefit from them, give them their dowers (at least) as prescribed; but if, after a dower is prescribed, agree Mutually (to vary it), there is no blame on you, and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.

As for the documentary. This is Shia clerics interpretation and the vast majority (if not all) of Sunni Muslim scholars definitely consider it forbidden. The film is rather amateurish and doesn't look at Sunni views of Mu'tah. Then again Western crocodile tears while killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqi men, women and children is where people should truly be disturbed. Also a cleric says anal sex is permissible? What Islam is this? Because I certainly have not heard that from any Muslim, practicing or not.
How very sad that any religion could view women as having so little value except as sexual objects. But that's all they are, apparently, to their long term, "real" husbands, too. Anyone foolish enough to think that sahria law is benign or acceptable should watch this documentary. Every non-Muslim man and woman should watch this documentary. Every practicing Muslim man or woman who views this as wrong should stand up and speak out against this terrible treatment of the most vulnerable.
This is an important documentary that makes clear the abuses of Islamic women under the weak guise of religious sanction. When a light is shown on the perpetrating clerics, they quickly lie or refuse to answer about their actions. Their hearts areas dirty as some alleged "religious leaders" here in the West.

Here in the West, the Jeffrey Epstein underage sex scandal has played out as well-with Epstein dying while in police in custody--likely via murder to protect powerful people who were likely complicit in these crimes. Again, a strong desire among some powerful people to have sexual relations with minor girls...similarly scarred from their experiences.

Evil thrives in this world if we as a society allow it. It is paramount to fight it.
It truly is sad that this type of behavior once was practiced in Islam and is currently practiced today in places like Iraq.
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