Interview with our company director Vladislav Chetyrkin

Interview with our company director Vladislav Chetyrkin

We present you an interview with our

company director Vladislav Chetyrkin.

What is your name? What position do you occupy in the company?

- My name is Vladislav Chetyrkin.I am company director, coordinator of the software development department and co-founder of the company.

Which projects were you involved in before Telluria?

- As a developer, I participated in the projects of Wirecard, BMW Bank, Sun Microsystems, Oracle, Sony. These projects dealt with the banking sector, the telecommunications industry, and training systems mostly. And this great experience allows us to solve our current problems efficiently and optimally now.

What is lacking for the sphere of the blockchain and cryptocurrency in order to use them by absolutely every person?

- The blockchain does not have enough organic integration in our everyday life.

What do you think about the benefit the Telluria project could bring to the world of cryptocurrency and finance?

- Telluria will encourage developers to try to do better than we do. But we will not mark time too. All of this stimulates the development of the industry in common.

What would you like to tell investors and users of the Telluria trading platform?

- Dare! And you will succeed.

If you have any questions - we are ready to answer them in 24/7 mode on our website, email or in our telegram chat.

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