Interference In Hindi Free Download

Interference In Hindi Free Download


Interference In Hindi Free Download

While driving one rainy night in Boston, Hennessy Greybriar loses control of her car and swerves into the oncoming lane, crashing head-on into a limousine belonging to a US Congressman. Law enforcement won't accept that this was just an unfortunate accident. Hennessy has the nagging feeling that something is not right. Hennessy meets Tom Harkley, a veteran in trouble with the law due to his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Tom is undergoing treatment known as Memory Reconsolidation Interference. The therapy consists of treatment with protein inhibitors that confound the conversion of memories from his short term to long-term memory. While Tom struggles to forget, Hennessy fights to remember.
Hennessy Greybriar is caught in a nightmare she loses control of her car and swerves into the oncoming lane, crashing head-on into a limousine She is repeatedly questioned about the incident because one of her victims was a US Congressman, Law enforcement won't accept that this was just an unfortunate accident. Hennessy also has the nagging feeling that something is not right. While in custody, Hennessy meets Tom Harkly. Harkly is in trouble with the law due to anger issues and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, the result of his military service in the Gulf War. His doctor is working to change his memories. Through their interaction, Hennessy and Tom make a startling discovery of a possible conspiracy. While Tom struggles to forget, Hennessy fights to remember.


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