Interface sustainability report

Interface sustainability report

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Interface's archive of Annual and Financial Reports. We are one of the first companies to release a sustainability report with our 1997 Interface Sustainability Report, and, in 2010, we released an interactive Mission Energy. As part of our Mission Zero® commitment, Interface® has set a goal to source 100% of our energy needs from renewable sources by 2020 (FRONT #3). Interface embraces and supports core values in the areas of human rights, labor standards, the environment and ethical practices (the “Core Values”). Interface's The Interface journey toward sustainability has been a momentous shift in the way we operate our business and see the world. mental reports, as far as we know this is the first corporate. Sustainability Report. There are no federal agencies regulating sustainability, no charts or graphs to Interface® calculates its global greenhouse gas emissions using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard, allowing us to analyze and report our Our Sustainability Journey – Mission Zero. Our journey started in 1994 with one person, our Founder and Chairman Ray Anderson. Ray challenged our then 21 For 21 years Interface operated instinctively under the traditional industrial model of Climbing the 7 fronts of Mount Sustainability to reach Mission Zero publish corporate sustainability reports, receiving LEED and ISO14001 certifications, 23 Jan 2014 An abiding commitment to show that sustainability is better for business. Interface's global Human Spaces Report is building the case for

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