Instruction: how to participate in 3DES pre-ICO

Instruction: how to participate in 3DES pre-ICO


To participate in PRE-ICO crowdsale you should send Ethereum (ETH) cryptocurrency to the smart-contract address.

The instruction below is for those who have never invested in ICO before.

Make sure in your computer security and the lack of malicious software.


1.   Register an Ethereal wallet. The easiest option is using MyEtherWallet.

1.1 Follow the link

1.2 Set a password for a wallet following the security instructions. Save the password in a safe place and click «create a wallet». We recommend to create a complex password consisting of 20 symbols or more.

Don’t keep the private key and/or the JSON file on the computer you are working from. At least keep it in an encrypted zip-archive on several data storages (first make sure it unzips correctly, without any errors).

1.3 Save the JSON file on the hard drive and copy it on an external hard drive. Click «Continue».

1.4 Save your private key. It is an access device to your wallet as well the JSON file (you can use both options later).

1.5 Click «save your address». After this your wallet is created and you have to sign in.

1.6 Enter your private key (or upload the JSON file) and click «Unlock the wallet».

1.7 The wallet is created.

1.8 Continue to the tab «Send ether and tokens» and enter the wallet. There is the funds control panel.

1.9 At this stage you need to add ether to your wallet.

To do so, copy the «account address».

You will have your own address.


2. To refill an account you have to buy ETH on an exchange and then withdrawal it to your wallet. If you haven’t traded on an exchange before or if you have troubles with withdrawal limits, you can use an exchange option on MyEtherWallet (a tab on the horizontal menu «swap»).

Follow the systems directions. If you do the swap for the first time, start with a small amount, because there have been a few crashes in the system.

3. To participate in crowdsale, enter the site

3.1 At the moment the countdown stops, you will get the address where you should send the funds from your wallet (you have a private key for it).


3.2 To proceed enter your ETH wallet (the one you previously transferred ethers).

Enter the smart-contract address (from the point 3) in the «recipient address» field.

In the field for transfer amount enter the amount of ETH you are investing (leave about 0.01 ETH for the network commission).

In the «gas limit» field enter the number 320000!!

3.3 Wait for «form a transaction».

If you used a JSON file to log in, the MEW will request to enter the password as well.


4. Check the transaction.

This service enables to check the transaction status: recipient address

Enter your wallet address in the search to view the transactions history.


We wish you good earnings!

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