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I Took These 22 Brutally Honest Photos Of Moms To Show What “Mother’s Day” Really Looks Like
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Everyone talks about how special motherhood and parenting is, and the bond shared with a child is unlike any other, it’s a magical journey that is both rewarding and satisfying, and I couldn’t agree more. I absolutely love being a mom, it’s the best job in the world. I am a mom of two boys and love them to pieces, but Raising kids is not always all rainbows and butterflies.
Motherhood is not remembering what it’s like to get a full night’s sleep and wiping more poop than you ever thought you’d see in your life. Raising kids is no longer having privacy, never peeing or showering in peace. Motherhood is using your shirt to wipe runny noses and dirty faces. Life with little children is learning how to do everything with one hand while carrying a baby in another. Motherhood is waking up with a little butt or foot in your face. Motherhood is breastfeeding whenever wherever. Motherhood is yoga pants and bad hair days. Motherhood is no longer shopping alone. Motherhood is a filthy car all the time. Motherhood is not being able to call in sick because it’s a 24/7 job without a paycheck, and the list of everyday problems goes on. But in the end, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Having young kids and being a mom means being completely and totally overwhelmed by love, joy, responsibility, and selflessness.
With the help of my mommy friends, I created this little intimate photography project just in time for Mother’s day, to remind everyone what motherhood really looks like. Some might find these interesting pictures raw, but that's how it is in real life.
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My daughter is 24 years old and still does this to me if i forget to lock the door.
Motherhood Is Never Shopping In Peace
Omgosh I remember those it was a
Sleep Never Lasts Long, They Find You
Motherhood Is Being Your Kids' Entertainer
This is such a lovely picture showing mother love <3
Now my kids are adults my dogs do exactly the same now, theres no winning.
Sometimes Moms Need A Time Out To Have A Sip Of Wine And Check On Their Phones
hahahahaha! love it! I remember when bananas in Australia cost heaps ($12.00 AUD a kilo), I would have to sneak away from the kids to have one.
Motherhood Is Breastfeeding Whenever Wherever
Probably an unpopular opinion but if a kid can ask for the breast they are probably too old to be breast feed.
Motherhood Is Never Ending Laundry
Yesss. And it only gets worse when they're teens.
Motherhood Is Never Showering In Peace
Partner could be looking after the kids while you take a shower. :-(
Motherhood Is Being Kicked In The Face At Night
Gah this is terrible but something about that little snuggly baby beside you makes it worth it
Motherhood Is Cooking With One Hand
Oh yes but i.g my other 2 pulling at my shirt mom mom mom I'm hungry
Motherhood Is Trying To Keep Your Kids Alive
Less laundry and less fighting with a toddler who doesn't want to. You gonna do it for her?
Motherhood Is Not Being Able To Call In Sick
Single mums having to push through because they are it. There is no one to step up and help out.
Motherhood Is Being A Nurse Or Wiping Kids' Noses With Your Shirt
Honestly, all of these will be misses for the while i have kids but i can't wait... i want children even more now! i love this post!
Motherhood Is Having Little Helpers To Help You Cook
'Uh..oh..don't do that, go away, watch tv or something' there,that's more like my mom..she is such a good cook but so perfectionist that she didn't allow me to help when i was little..
Motherhood Is Being A Housekeeper
My mum taught us to pick up after ourselves, even at that age - otherwise we'd feel the wrath of dad. And once she had cleaned it was expected to stay that way - as she put it .... "you can play, but we're not pigs so we will not live like pigs" The same with closing doors to keep the heat in "were you born in a shut the door" (never understood the barn. But I always shut the door)
Motherhood Is Trying Not To Lose Your Mind
kids need rules and boundries ofc.. but you also need patience and let your kids be kids.
For a lot of reasons, saying that Mom is a maid really raises my hackles. We all do a lot of things for our kids. I don't know, but when it gets said like that it's almost like an expectation or a task. I willingly did all those things when the kids were little, but I wasn't a maid! Not for my own kids.
Motherhood Is Breastfeeding On Demand
I love this mom. She doesn't sweat the small things, and looks to allow her children to be little and enjoy life.
Motherhood Is Never Shopping Alone
Two under control , now try to see what the third one is trying to do.
Anyone can write on Bored Panda. Start writing!
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I am Giedre Gomes, children/family photographer. Born and raised in Lithuania, currently live in Cedar Lake, Indiana.
where are all the dads when this is going on???
thanks for your concerns :) baby is not even 2 years old... btw my own kid is 3 and still breastfeeds at night and I don't see anything wrong with that. have a blessed day !
I think this re-confirms my childfree status.
Reinforcing yet again that not having kids was the smart choice.
I'm thinking abt that too :( And I'm not old enough to not have the 'you will one day want kids' reply every.single.time
where are all the dads when this is going on???
thanks for your concerns :) baby is not even 2 years old... btw my own kid is 3 and still breastfeeds at night and I don't see anything wrong with that. have a blessed day !
I think this re-confirms my childfree status.
Reinforcing yet again that not having kids was the smart choice.
I'm thinking abt that too :( And I'm not old enough to not have the 'you will one day want kids' reply every.single.time

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Though this probably makes you want to vomit, it is all buried in the unconscious and luckily, most people don't act on it.
By Alyson Keen Published Sep 14, 2017
It is not uncommon to find girls that have struggled with daddy issues throughout their life. Either we know someone who has those or we have those issues ourselves. Have you ever caught yourself thinking, "My dad is so great, I wish I could find someone like him"?Or perhaps, you might have thought, "My dad is the absolute worst. Why do I keep dating guys who treat me like poop on a stick?"
The Oedipal Complex, Freud theorized, suggests that young boys are in sensual competition with their fathers for their mother’s devotion. The Electra Complex is Freud-protege Carl Jung’s complementary theory, in which a daughter is in sensual competition with her mother for her father’s devotion. Though this probably makes you want to vomit, it is all buried in the unconscious and luckily, most people don't act on it.
There are some father-daughter relationships that just take things way too far. In terms of not even trying to keep their relationship appropriate, some celebrity father-daughter relationships reveal too much closeness. Captured on camera, here are the top father-daughter pictures that are just plain creepy AF.
The Hogans have been a family that has made no secret of their personal lives. In 2005, Hogan Knows Best premiered on VH1 documenting the former WWE Wrestler and his family. Unfortunately, the show led to the eventual demise of Hogan and his wife's marriage in the most bitter way possible. Brooke rose to fame with her short-lived music career. It is no secret that Hulk Hogan and his daughter Brooke are tight. In one of the episodes, he gloated how Brooke was the "perfect female version of himself." After his divorce, he started dating a girl who looked just like Brooke and wasn't that much older than his daughter. These pics caught him rubbing sunscreen on her legs with his hands heading a little too close up her thighs gives us the heebie jeebies. The body language in additional pics gives off the impression that their body language is too close to one another. I guess he has a thing for blondes (no narcissism intended there).
There is no doubt that Woody Allen is a talented director and creative genius when it comes to making quirky, offbeat movies. What has made his name go down in infamy is the fact that he married and had children with his former step-daughter. During his marriage to Mia Farrow, he must have had some awkward sexual tension built up over the years. Soon-Yi Previn was the adopted daughter of Mia Farrow raised by her at the beginning. Talk about a big slap in the face when you find out that your boyfriend is not only leaving you for another woman, but that other woman is also your daughter. *Vomits.* This match made in Creepersville is more disturbing than you could ever imagine with they way he describes his relationship to his wife who is 35 years his junior. In an interview with NPR he said, "I was paternal. She responded to someone who was paternal. She deferred to me, and I was happy to give her an enormous amount of decision-making just as a gift and let her take charge of so many things. She flourished." They got together in the late '80s and now have two children together.
The Lohans are just one disturbed family with a history of alcoholism, drug abuse, and overall dysfunction. Michael Lohan is rumored to have humiliated his own daughter, show up at her house with cops and trying to profit off of her fame in the past. Despite all these facts, she seems a little too cozy in these pics with her daddy dearest. He has been known for his erratic behavior that borders on the verge of a control freak when it comes to his daughter's lives. Lindsay and her mother Dina have even gone so far as to file restraining orders against Michael. Lindsay Lohan has had a troubled and dark past being in and out of rehab, being fired off movie sets for being incompetent and now becoming the definition of a fallen Hollywood star. She seems to be the perfect poster child for someone with daddy issues since her father was absent from her childhood. Yet, she continues to attempt to have a loving relationship with her father in a push-and-pull sort of dynamic. These pictures prove that maybe she has a thing for him deep down.
Kissing your dad on the cheek can be sweet and taken as a sign of affection. When you are kissing your dad on the lips, that is just plain creepy and disturbing (especially when it's in public, double especially when its on the freaking red carpet). Steven and Liv Tyler seem to give zero f***s about what anyone thinks when their father-daughter PDA is on display for the entire world to see. Liv Tyler's relationship with her father is what she describes as "unconventional." It wasn't until she was eleven years old when she found out that Steven was her father. Her mother kept that secret from her since Steven had a history of drug abuse and hard-partying ways from when she was conceived up until she was a young child. Her mother's boyfriend, Tod Rungren was the father figure that Liv always believed to be her father. When she was eleven, her mother took her to an Aerosmith concert where they got VIP seats. The moment she saw Steven on stage, she turned to her mom and asked, "is that my father?" There must have been some powerful connection she had towards him that still carries over until this day. Though that story is sweet, kissing your dad on the lips is just unacceptable.
Not only is Joe Simpson the dad of Jessica and Ashley Simpson, but he is their manager when it comes to their careers. Maybe this explains why it seems like he is just too involved with them. There are many rumors about the sisters just being completely ruled by the man. He is in charge of their bookings, appearances and public statements. Think of him as the male version of Kris Jenner if you will. Formerly a Baptist minister, he is used to being the authority figure, so why would that stop when it comes to managing his daughter's careers? Jessica looks like she is getting too close to her dad by putting her hand on his chest and the side of her face extremely too close to his. Has anyone ever heard of personal space? Apparently, he has not. Oh yeah, and his record company is called Papa Joe Records. No implication there. Being the protective father that he is, he even fired the publicist that leaked the information about Jessica's romance with John Mayer. Maybe that publicist knows something that we don't about that creepy relationship.
This photo of Miley Cyrus and her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus was taken around the same time her infamous Vanity Fair shot came out. Though Miley and her dad have always been tight (and he is the one who catapulted her fame), this picture is just plain wrong. First off, they are laying down and their body language is just way too open for it to be a father and daughter shoot. He is laying across his lap as if it were her older boyfriend or sugar daddy, certainly not the fruit of his loins. That was around the same time when she posed for that same issue of the magazine on the cover draped in sheets when she was underage. This was the same shoot that sparked all that controversy. When asked about the shoot, Billy Ray Cyrus said that it was a classy affair and that he thought it was really "artsy" and "not sk*nky in any way."
The Osbournes have always been a very close knit family. This is yet another shining example of a daughter kissing her dad on the lips right smack in the middle of the red carpet. Writing about this taking a risk because Kelly Osbourne is known to be a fierce protector of her family. In recent news, she warned her father's alleged mistress to not "f**k" with her family according to the Mirror UK. Love her or hate her, Kelly Osbourne is one fiesty individual and sorry, that doesn't excuse the bizarre behavior with your dad. Maybe we are all just jealous that these daughters have closer relationships to their dads than we do to the point where there are certain physical boundaries crossed that we don't dare ever go. Maybe that is just a high level of comfort that we will never be able to achieve. In any case, it just looks unsettling having to look from the inside out. Can we all just agree that you shouldn't kiss your dad on the lips out in public?
The Beckhams are one of the most adored families throughout the world. They have the perfect genetics to create beautiful children and have built a solid foundation on generations to come. Furthermore, this is what also makes it borderline inappropriate to see this Instagram picture of David kissing his youngest daughter on the lips. Ok, so maybe it is your little girl and some loving parents out there might see this as nothing more than a precious moment. There is a never-ending heated debate as to whether this photo is sweet or awkward. However, it wasn't so much the picture that was questionable, it was the caption. On Instagram, the tag read, "Kiss for Daddy" and got some people freaked out - a lot. Then again, Victoria Beckham found herself under the same scrutiny when she posted a picture of her kissing Harper on her fourth birthday. Clearly, David Beckham is a dad that is not afraid of being affectionate with his little girl. Leave them alone unless he still doing the same thing when she is a teenager.
Remember a few years ago when the hit reality TV show, Jon and Kate Plus Eight was so popular? It practically lived inside of America's living room. Just like Octomom, Jon and Kate dealt with the shocking surprise of raising octuplets. When conducting a follow-up, In Touch found out that there was a police report filed against Jon for kidnapping the then 10-year-old Hannah. Kate issued a statement stating that she "detects suspicious behavior between Jonathan and their daughter." We can only assume that this "suspicious behavior" extends beyond the boundaries of being appropriate.
This picture suggests that he is either affectionately kissing his daughter or thinking certain thoughts that dads should never think about their daughters. Though this has never been proven and Kate has been known to cast drama towards Jon. He has not seen his kids in years at this point. His daughter Mady has gone on record saying, "He should maybe spend some time thinking about why we don’t want to see him, and maybe realize that if he ever does want a relationship with us, talking about us on TV is not the way to make that happen."
Angelina Jolie is now estranged from her father, Jon Voight. There is no doubt that there is a troubled past and speculated bad blood between the two of them. Jon had left the family before and left Angelina, her mother and brother to their own devices. Mind you, this all happened before Angelina's first birthday. This explains why she speaks so highly of her relationship with her mom and says nothing about her father. He has gone on record publicly on national television saying that his daughter has struggled with some "serious mental problems." Beyond livid, she cut him off from communication because that almost thwarted her efforts in adopting her eldest son. They have only begun talk again six years later after her mother was fatally ill of ovarian cancer. In this picture, you see an unsettling discomfort between the two of them. He has recently been spotted out to dinner with her and his grandchildren, so maybe things are getting better.
Can't you just tell that the one on the left had a huge crush on this guy in high school? It seems like he knows it too. When your mom is a MILF, life just be plain difficult. How awkward is it when the guy you have as a poster on your bedroom wall comes home with none other than your mom? Your own flesh and blood? Feelings of jealousy and relief that you have good
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