Inception In Hindi 720p

Inception In Hindi 720p


Inception In Hindi 720p

Mr Cobb a unique Con Artist can enter anyones Dream and extract the most valuable ideas and secrets of people with the help of Inception (a Dream Sharing Technology) when the state of mind is at its vulnerable best. Cobbs ability has made him the face of Corporate Spy hence a wanted man too. Seeing his abilities he is approached by Saito to carry out an almost impossible mission not to steal but to plant the idea into the mind of the legal heir of a Billion Dollar Enterprenauer. Mr Cobb with some specialists must do the impossible in order to get back his life in a completely different "world of Dreams" facing his own Demons.
Dominic Cobb is an industrial spy who instead of breaking into a person's home, office, or even computer, gets the information he needs by getting into the person's mind through their dreams. Cobb is also a fugitive who misses his children. Someone approaches Cobb and wants to hire him but instead of getting information out, the man wants Cobb to implant something, a process called 'inception', which is not easy to do. Cobb is hesitant to do it but when the man offers to help Cobb go back to his children, Cobb agrees. So he assembles his team but when they begin, there are things Cobb didn't tell his team that could jeopardize the job and when they occur they're not sure if they should continue.
Once in a while comes a movie that changes our perception of movie-making! For Nolan, its just another day&#39;s work. As Inception, the most highly anticipated movie of the summer, gets brains and brawls just in the right proportion to make the perfect summer movie. Inception is an intelligent, innovative, ingenious, intriguing movie. To cut a long story short, its Incredible.<br/><br/>Dom Cobb (CAPRIO in YET another great role) masters the art of stealing ideas from a person&#39;s dream. He helps his clients in corporate espionage and that makes him an internationally wanted fugitive. But it is not only the Law that chases him, as the memories of his deceased wife Mallorie (CORTILLAD) keeps on haunting his mind. He is helped by his researcher Arthur (GORDON-LEVITT) in entering a target&#39;s mind. Desperate to get home, he takes on a daring last mission for Saito (WATANABE) that requires him to enter a corporate head Fischer&#39;s (MURPHY) mind NOT to steal an idea but to INCEPT one. He is also helped by a dream architect Ariadne (PAGE), a chemist who specializes in sedatives (RAO) and a forger who can impersonate another inside a dream Eames (HARDY) in this job. But, as all Nolan fans can expect, things don&#39;t as planned. The rest is for you to catch at a theater near you.<br/><br/>The story is tense, deep and disturbing. The tension is taut and it hardly ever slackens. The dreams within dreams within dreams concept is complex to say the least. It requires complete attention from the viewer if he wants to decipher every little puzzle the movie throws. The acting is top-notch. The all-star cast (with special appearances by Nolan&#39;s favorite Michael Caine and the ever-dependable Pete Postlethwaite) delivers superbly. The haunting music by Hans Zimmer deserves a special mention. The visuals are very good and intelligently made.<br/><br/>All in all, the year&#39;s best movie yet (and should be till the year end), that requires multiple viewing for complete understanding and is poised to be THE cult classic of the decade! Take a bow, Nolan! Your ideas will be worth the steal!
A mind-bending masterpiece. <br/><br/>Christopher Nolan succeeds in weaving a finely tuned, multi-layered story into a (mostly) easy to understand instant classic. <br/><br/>I&#39;m not quite sure any current director besides Chris Nolan could juggle material like this. <br/><br/>It&#39;s kind of hard to explain the plot in a few sentences, but I will try. Leonardo DiCaprio plays Dom Cobb, a dream thief who can extract info by entering ones dreams. Instead of extracting information, Cobb is given an opportunity to get his life back by planting an idea into somebody&#39;s mind. This is called Inception. <br/><br/>Inception cannot be put into any one category. At times it feels like a classic heist film, other times it feels like a noir film, and many times it feels like a blockbuster action flick. In the end, it has every ingredient of even the best sci-fi films. <br/><br/>In a cinematic climate that is populated with sequels, prequels, book adaptations, video game adaptations, comic book adaptations, remakes, reboots - it&#39;s a breath of fresh air to watch a film that is truly original. <br/><br/>Without giving too much away, Nolan is able to make the viewer question what is reality and what is a dream. Inception can almost be taken as a commentary on the current state of Hollywood. <br/><br/>Nolan proves that cinema can be a powerful experience and that a director has the ability to create worlds where the viewer can get lost in. If more directors shared this sentiment, the state of Hollywood would be much better off. <br/><br/>Inception is a near perfect film. One of my only complaints is a long, drawn out final sequence that starts to borderline on redundant. That being said, the film does a great job of switching between multiple dream worlds almost seamlessly. <br/><br/>Inception has everything you could want in a great film. It&#39;s original, it makes you think, it&#39;s full of action and it has a great cast. DiCaprio is great as usual. Ellen Page proves that she is one of Hollywood&#39;s best young female stars. Ken Watanabe gives a very subtle, yet powerful performance. Joseph Gordon-Levitt continues to turn out solid performances. Then there are Christopher Nolan favorites Michael Caine &amp; the criminally underused Cillian Murphy. The one name to watch is Tom Hardy who really stands out among such a name brand cast. <br/><br/>Inception is not for everybody. If you are a fan of sci-fi, you should have no trouble staying with the themes that are thrown at you during the course of the film. If you are somebody that is used to watching a more linear storyline, then you might struggle navigating the labyrinth that is Inception. <br/><br/>One thing that is for sure, once you leave that theater I can guarantee you&#39;ve never seen a film quite like Inception.
Inception, though, is no "Avatar"--instead, it’s the movie that many wanted "Avatar" to be. In a roaringly fast first hour, we’re introduced to a new technology that allows for the bodily invasion of another person’s dreamworld.
[Cobb&#39;s totem was Mal&#39;s top. In no way was Mal his reality check—it is quite the opposite.]<br/><br/>8. The musical score that is heard, is the slowed down playhead of &quot;Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien&quot;, which is the Edith Piaf song used for the musical countdown. The significance here is that the deeper you go into the dream, time slows, thus the music will slow too, mimicking the score. This musical design perhaps indicates that Cobb&#39;s reality was still very much a dream state too. a5c7b9f00b

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