Ichi Download

Ichi Download


Ichi Download


Following the footsteps of the blind masseur and swordsman Zatoichi comes Ichi, a woman and a daughter who travels the land as a 'goze' or visually impaired woman who plays the traditional three-stringed shamisen. This woman, however, has a hidden talent. She not only has the command of a lightning-fast blade, but also uses it in terms of justice and a quest for her long-lost father. Matching her skill is a man whose swordsmanship is only bested by his internal inhibition.
Ichi is a blind woman who roams about town with her shamisen (a three-stringed Japanese guitar), but she has exceptional sword skills with which she fights off yakuza and other villains.
The premise of this movie is simple: What if Zatoichi had a daughter who was born blind and without a personality? The result would be Ichi. Those who say we shouldn&#39;t compare this to the Zatoichi movies should understand that the movie itself is based upon the Zatoichi series. Fair is fair.<br/><br/>It is a shame that the woman took on a personality like the Takashii Zatoichi as opposed to the superior Shintaro Katsu version of the character. It was a solid movie; however, there was very little that was likable about Ichi&#39;s character. As an action movie, it wasn&#39;t too bad.<br/><br/>This is the second time that someone has missed the point concerning the success of the Zatoichi franchise. Shintaro Katsu&#39;s Ichi was interesting, with or without a sword. He was a mixture of Jesus Christ, Toshiro Mifune and Curly from the Three Stooges. The copies have been life-less cut-outs...with one exception...<br/><br/>The Crimson Bat series had a title character with a personality...a different personality in each of her four movies. I hope that, when the next blind swords-person movie is made, they pay attention to what made the old ones great.
Ichi is supposed to be a remake of Zatoichi but for some reason I feel that its more like the 1st Crimson Bat movie.<br/><br/>I think a lot of the negative reviews is because of its inevitable (since it claims to be a zatoichi remake) comparison to Zatoichi. The characters are of course blind but while the zatoichi characters have mannerism such as the way he acted, the facial expressions and the way he talked. This Ichi is totally devoid of all personality. Ichi&#39;s features range from wooden stoic to wooden sadness to wooden expressionless. Her speech is in monotone and her action/motion are no different from people with vision, except for the cane.<br/><br/>However if you compare it to Crimson Bat it becomes better. The plot and character becomes almost similar, abandoned by parent and took up Goze as a living. Travelling in search of the parent. The unseeing open eyes and expressionless face (although Crimson Bat still shows more personality). Even the gambling sequence where she wins by listening to the dice.<br/><br/>The actions scenes with Ichi are not bad, nice quick and slow motioned sequence. One cut type kills. But the action sequence are far in between. But the part where she fights the main baddie is weak.<br/><br/>A well shot movie thats worth a watch. Just don&#39;t compare it to Zatoichi.


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