INVOX FINANCE - The World’s Most Innovative Invoice Lending Platform

INVOX FINANCE - The World’s Most Innovative Invoice Lending Platform


The Invox Finance Platform is a decentralized distributed receipt loaning platform that will permit dealers, purchasers, speculators and other specialist organizations to specifically associate, cooperate, share and appropriate data. The platform plans to make a confiding in condition by encouraging straightforwardness amongst parties and compensating execution. This platform will disturb and reform customary receipt financing by executing a framework where trust and straightforwardness between all gatherings is produced through an in-fabricated reward framework. Moreover, the execution of exchanges and stream of data won’t be subject to one single unified specialist co-op, yet rather administered by a straightforward arrangement of standards executed on a completely disseminated record.

Again, Invox Finance is a platform which brings transparency to the Invoice Financing concept. It is a decentralized peer-to-peer invoice lending platform that will allow sellers, buyers, investors and other service providers to work directly with each other in order to finance invoices. The platform is built using the Blockchain technology which makes it transparent and paperless. Not only does it bring openness, but it also comes with great features which makes invoice financing less risky and more profitable to all the parties involved. The platform aims to create a trusting environment by facilitating transparency between parties and rewarding performance.

This platform will encourage an eco-framework where trust between the gatherings is produced by means of an in-constructed remunerate framework. The execution of exchanges and stream of data are not subject to one single concentrated specialist organization, but rather are administered by a straightforward arrangement of principles executed on a completely conveyed record. This will additionally advance the certainty of all gatherings in each different and also facilitate the fruitful finish of each receipt loaning exchange. Besides, the Invox Finance Platform will give merchants (who wish to obtain reserves against their solicitations) guide access to singular financial specialists. This distributed loaning condition will profit both the merchants and the financial specialists. Dealers will have the capacity to get financing at bringing down loan fees than generally got from an agent. Financial specialists will be conceded access to a venture item that is generally at present just accessible to the banks and fund organizations.

The Invox Finance Platform will associate merchants, speculators and purchasers on one platform, and also outsider specialist co-ops, (for example, FICO assessment offices and indebted person insurance agencies). It is important that the purchaser of the merchandise and enterprises is associated with the platform and can confirm solicitations and approach dynamic receipt information. The purchasers will likewise be compensated with Invox Tokens for confirming solicitations.

Features of Invox Finance

Decentralized Platform 

  • The Invox Finance Platform will allow sellers, buyers, investors and other service providers to directly connect, interact, share and distribute information. 

Direct Access to Investors 

  • The Invox Finance Platform will provide sellers direct access to individual investors. This new distributed peer-to-peer lending environment will benefit both sellers and the investors. 

Lower Rates for Sellers 

  • Sellers will be able to obtain financing at lower interest rates than normally received from a traditional financier. 

A new way for Investors to Diversify 

  • Investors will be granted access to an investment product that is for the most part currently only available to the banks and finance companies. The Invox Finance Platform will provide investors with exposure to loan products that will comprise of loan fragments from a large number of diverse businesses across various industry sectors. 

Who will use Invox Finance Platform?

  • Investors seeking higher rates of return and diversification of their investment portfolio. 
  • Sellers who have invoices they wish to sell to accelerate their cash-flow. 
  • Buyers who will receive extended invoice payment periods and be rewarded for verifying invoices. 

 Advantages of INVOX Finance 

  1. Dynamic solicitations enable all gatherings to refresh charging data continuously, guarantee congruity, and oversee access to delicate data. 
  2. There is no requirement for outside financial specialists since merchants, purchasers, speculators and different administrations are straightforwardly associated. 
  3. Utilization of this framework is totally FREE . 
  4. Endorsed access, audits, and implicit reward frameworks increment trust and straightforwardness 
  5. Merchants get financing at bring down loan fees than customary speculators. 
  6. Speculators gain admittance to different venture items that are normally just accessible to banks and money related organizations. 
  7. Distributed situations give dealers guide access to singular speculators. 
  8. The divided credit charge enables speculators to acquire from bigger pools, in this manner expanding their expansion and lessening their general hazard profile. 

Invox Token

 Invox Tokens will be created on the Ethereum network using the ERC-20 standard and will have the following utility: 

  1. provide access to the platform through the Trusted Member Program; and 
  2. reward work performed for the platform. That is, the system will reward buyers and sellers with Invox Tokens for invoice verification, payment of invoices and settlement. 

 Token Sale 

Ticker: INVOX

Type: ERC20

Token Value: 1 INVOX = 0.0001 ETH

Max Cap: 20,000 ETH ~ $17m USD

Main Sale Minimum Buy ETH 0.1

Pre-sale Max Cap 2,941 ETH ~ $2.5m USD

Pre-Sale Minimum Buy ETH 1.0 

The Road Map

The Team

 For more information, please visit any of the following links:











Author: JigaMola

Bitcointalk profile:;u=1847143

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