Valentina Blagodarskaya


In our team, you are at the forefront of Platincoin, worldwide! We have the direct contact to the CEO of PLC Group AG through the Innercircle. Best start-up requirements combined with hundreds of years of network experience of our leaders will quickly lead you to real success. In addition, you will be supported with free marketing tools , which will successfully implement the latest traffic generation strategy for you. Meet our top players personally, at our world tour, starting at the middle of Jun .

The Coin- (R) evolution starts, become a part of the founder generation now.
Join the technology company PLC Group AG, which redefined the COINBUSINESS!


PLATINCOIN is an innovative cryptosystem, which combines a learning academy, a revolutionary hybrid blockchain technology, a trendy crowdfunding business-platform and a social network. Today, these technologies are on top of the popularity and profitability ranks on the multibillion market of internet technologies.

 One of PLATINCOIN cryptosystem benefits is its decentralized coin called PLATINCOIN underpinned by the Swiss joint-stock company PLC Group AG with its team of professionals who put in every effort to develop and popularize PLATINCOIN and make its exchange rate grow. The company maintains the PLATINCOIN exchange rate on account of the gold and foreign currency reserve, growing revenues from the sale of advertising in its own social network and progressive income from its investment portfolio.

PLC Business

PLC Business is a crowdfunding platform for everyone who believes that together we can grow simple ideas into profit-making enterprises and even corporations.

Millions of Crowdfunding and Crowdinvesting fans annually fund thousands of projects around the world for tens of billions of euros. Before your eyes, ideas will turn into successful businesses. The cryptosystem members can evaluate projects by “LIKE’s”. Their evaluation will help investors understand how interesting various business projects are, whether they have a sales market and who potential promoters and buyers of their products are. PLC Group AG intends to include in its investment portfolio hundreds and thousands of promising projects to turn them into profitable, well-known companies and to bring many of them to global stock exchanges. Your participation in the evaluation and selection of these projects is the guarantee of our common success, because it is the profits of all companies in PLC Group AG portfolio that is intended to support PLATINCOIN exchange rate.

PLC Network

PLATINCOIN social network joins people of all ages and nationalities. Due to its huge potential, it opens before each of us unlimited opportunities for successful personal growth and business. With PLATINCOIN, you will easily find friends, partners and like-minded people who are interested in advanced technologies for making profit in the online environment and new opportunities for growth and development. You will also get the chance to profitably advertise your products and services in its social network.

PLC Academy

PLC Academy is an electronic learning platform that includes materials on the theory of cryptography and blockchain technology, as well as materials on the basics and strategies for the successful promotion of online business and effective communications in sales.

 In today's world, information has become a major value, and PLC Academy provides access to unique knowledge that you will not find in theory textbooks. After all, the authors of training modules are practitioners with a wealth of experience: successful entrepreneurs, business consultants, IT professionals, and promotion and sales proficients.

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