iLink2Music is a new specialized media-platform Music Entertainment, operating from BlockChain, which unites artists, performers and music lovers all over the world, regardless of their age, experience, race or beliefs.

iLink2Music will allow you to create a user profile that displays your talent or experience in the entertainment business (artists, producers, professionals, technicians or fans), enroll in contests, get and win exclusive prizes.

Each member of the network will be able to communicate within the community to find what they are looking for all over the world, and possibly allow their talent to be revised by experienced influential players in their field; thus turning a part of our platform into an exclusive worldwide online community based on the same principles as numerous music television shows with successful international growth.


The Company’s approach provides for a people-generated, user-driven structure.In this new environment (“Ecosystem”), the very concept of “producer” is blurred because anyone can broadcast to any number of people anywhere, from their loved ones to the entire planet. What this Ecosystem has lacked up until now is self-awareness (our members & partners are selfaware but the larger world is not) & a few core centralorganizing principles. We believe that both of these will be “emergent properties” if there is a serious effort to broaden the use & applications whereby this symbiosis of human creativity & technology is combined. This is part of our methodology. We also believe that it is not possible for any one organization or company (no matter how attuned to this Ecosystem) to bring all these changes about. Therefore,we are focusing our efforts on bringing the symbiosis to the music production, social media, digital, & mobile landscape consumer consumption & distribution sub-Ecosystem.

How Does It Work

iLink2Music will enable you to create a user profile that displays your talent or expertise in the entertainment business, (artists, producers, professionals, technicians or fans) enroll in contests, get discovered & win exclusive prizes. Each member will be able to network within the community in order to find what they’re looking for globally, & possibly enable his/ her talent to be reviewed by accomplished entertainment influencers within their field; thus, transforming part of our platform into an exclusive worldwide online community , based on the same principles as multiple mainstream music television shows with successful international growth.

Why Us The Facts

  • There is a High Demand for the Company’s Services
  • We Have a Strong Professional Management Team
  • We Have a Solid & Aggressive Growth Plan
  • We Have a Unique Social Media Platform Powered By BlockChain

Strategic Growth Plan


We will listen to our audience: What are they saying? What type of content do they find appealing? What is the best format of content that our audience consumes?


We will engage; we will create content based on the areas or topics of interest learned from the listening phase. Overall, the content we create should be relevant, helpful, engaging & information-rich.


We will measure communications by tracking “likes,” “shares,” “re-tweets,” “clicks,” etc., so we can easily determine success, failure, & areas of improvement, most importantly what type of content is resonating with our audience.


We will constantly learn. Measuring results is useless unless we learn from it. The goal of measurement is not just to understand what happened in the past, but to determine our future as well. We can then tweak our strategy & try to solicit more engagement.

The ELINK Token is an EOSIO compliant digital token issued by iLink2Music and is the official token of the platform. These tokens will allow an individual or organization to secure access to the IL2Voting platform and its features to successfully operate Celebrity/Influencer contesting and secondary activities (Ads, Shows, sponsorship

etc). IL2Voting provides the functionality for running contests. It combines advanced capabilities coupled with a private BlockChain framework with public sidechains for additional verification, using voter anonymizing technology schemas and mathematical proof of verifiability, all enabled by ELINK Tokens.

ICO Details

General Information

Token: Elink

Platform: Eosio

Quantity: 10 Billion Elink

Price: 1 elink = 0.005 USD


Soft Cap: 3.5 million USD

Hard cap: 21 million USD


Quantity: 1 Billion Elink

Start: 7/23/2018

Completion: 08/06/2018


Quantity: 3 billion Elink

Start: 08/07/2018

Completion: 08/24/2018


  • 2% will be allocated to the private sale with a vesting period of 12 months
  • 40% of the tokens will be released to public.
  • 15% will be allocated to the project management, core developers and founders with a vesting period of 12 months.
  • 7% will be allocated to our advisors with a vesting period of 3 months.
  • 3% will be distributed to our users during our bounty and referral program.
  • The remaining 22.85% will be in reserve for business development, user growth and future market expansion.
  • Bonus Tokens 10.15% (Remaining tokens will be added to the reserve.)


Q1 2016

Concept development using the entertainment industry (Canada/USA/Latin America)

Q2 2016

Intensive intelligence gathering: online music, film and fashion

Q3 2016

Completing the online platform

Q4 2016

Intellectual collection: Online competition for sports and comedy

Q1 2017

Intelligent Collection: Online platform and mobile application established relationships with entertainment industry professionals in South Korea, India, Armenia, France

Q2 2017

Completing online contests: music, fashion, film, sports and comedy

Q3 2017

End Mobile Application Infrastructure

Q4 2017

Complete online platform ready to run

Q1 2018

Focus on BlockChain Technology (Internet 2.0) Exchange with several experts BlockChain

Q2 2018

Core Team Extended in order to meet the BlockChain development decision to create the EOS marker solution to develop the BlockChain & Launch Online Platform Agreement, signed to develop the platform BlockChain adapted business plan of the company on White Paper

Q3 2018

Deploying our token on the EOS Blockchain PRE-ico (23/07/2018-06/08/2018) ico (07/08/2018-24/09/2018)

Q4 2018

Agreements with mathematicians, economists and developers Blockchain conversion from EOS Blockchain to our private Eosio Blockchain creating our ecosystem agreement with music celebrity Entertainment/influence Tailor Website & Mobile Application for Celebrities/Influencer Requirements

Q1 2019

Technology development BlockChain Deployment of BlockChain technology (expected timeline 12-18 months)

Q2 2019

Create a strategy for press releases social media and terrestrial marketing campaigns for online applications for mobile applications A-List Celebrity Red Carpet Launch Party

Q3 2019

Announce the winners of the 1st contest sign the first global ambassador to start training Infentencer Mentorship on the platform

Q4 2019

Branding and merchandising through e-commerce

Q1 2020

Conventions-entertainment industry in the entertainment industry define music in vogue contests Web site and mobile application requirements launch Testnet 1 for the community

Q2 2020

Launch of Testnet 2 The beginning of the competition “Music in fashion”

Q3 2020

Running Mainnet

Q4 2020

Road Map V. 2


More Information Contact :

Website :

Whitepaper :

Telegram :

Twitter :

Bounty Thread :

Author : upik05

My profile bitcointalk :;u=2205131

Address wallet



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