I Saw The Devil In Hindi Free Download

I Saw The Devil In Hindi Free Download


I Saw The Devil In Hindi Free Download


When Joo-yeon has a flat tire on the snow, she calls the tow truck to help her and calls her beloved fiancé Kim Soo-hyeon, who is a secret agent, to kill time. Out of the blue, a man offers to help her and Joo-yeon refuses. But the man breaks her car, abducts her and dismember her body. Her father, who is a retired chief of police, gives the data of the four prime suspects to Soo-hyeon and he asks two week off to his chief. He hunts the men down and when he finds that Kyung-chul is the killer, he promises a dreadful to revenge against the killer to make him suffer as Joo-yeon did. Soo-hyeon becomes a monster and begins a cat-and-mouse game, capturing and releasing Kyung-chul wounded many times. But the serial-killer is the personification of evil and makes Soo-hyeon regret for not killing him when he had the chance.
A secret agent exacts revenge on a serial killer through a series of captures and releases.
Just watch it! <br/><br/>I have never felt so physically bad after watching a movie. The amount of blood and gut-punching scenes is overwhelming. I am not a fan of slice and dice of flesh, but this movie might have changed my mind. It was that good!<br/><br/>About 15 minutes into the movie I started to get nauseous. Within 15 minutes after it was done I was throwing up, and not just a little. <br/><br/>Don&#39;t get me wrong, it is not simply a blood shedding movie, the storyline is compelling, the actors deliver, and some of the scenes is simply a work of art. But I want to emphasize that among the long list of horror/thriller movies I&#39;ve seen, this is may be one of the scariest and most memorable of them all!
&quot;I Saw the Devil&quot; has got to be one of the most violent, grotesque and masochistic films I have seen in a while. The film is less an experience than it is an endurance exercise for your stomach. Supposedly the point of the film is: revenge is destructive and inherently evil yet it takes great relish in exposing every gory detail of its outlandish story.<br/><br/>The story begins with a young woman waiting on the side of a snowy road for a tow-truck. As she calls her secret agent fiancée Soo-Hyun (Lee Byung-Hun), a mysterious man offers help. What occurs next is an episode of violent assault and brutal murder that never skims on the gory details. After her body, or rather body parts are recovered, Soo-Hyun takes a few weeks out to track down the supposedly elusive killer. Once he catches up to him however, instead of informing the authorities or killing him, he puts a ludicrous master plan in motion that can be best described as a farcical indictment of &quot;catch and release.&quot; <br/><br/>The stunning amount of violence and gore especially towards women is repulsive. Instead of letting the audience use its imagination or letting the cameraman use discretion, jugular spurting, tendon slicing and mounds of mutilated body parts are on full display. The victims of such bloodletting are treated so harshly and diminutively that even the survivors are disrespected and discarded like rag-dolls. At one point Soo-Hyun, after beating serial killer Kyung-Chul into submission, tells one of his victims, a nurse &quot;don&#39;t leave you&#39;ll need to heal his wounds.&quot; Excuse me?! I doubt a rape victim would be much inclined to cauterize the wounds of her rapist then leave him in the middle of nowhere to strike again.<br/><br/>Soo-Hyun is so focused on his plan for revenge that he ends up paying a terrible price thus the moral of director Jee-Woon Kim&#39;s story; revenge is bad. But how strong is that moral when those interested in watching want to for prurient amusement? When I watched &quot;I Saw the Devil&quot; I did so with a friend. He had a much different reaction. While I was disgusted with the film, he thought the bashing of a victims skull with a pipe was worth a clever comment and breaking a man&#39;s jawbone was oddly hilarious. As the credits rolled he claimed I just didn&#39;t &quot;get it.&quot; A statement that I find oddly hilarious.<br/><br/>http://theyservepopcorninhell.blogspot.com/
You won't soon forget it -- if you have the guts to see it.
I know that everyone loves speaking the word &quot;thriller&quot; a bit too much, but this doesn&#39;t mean one would remove action genre for this film. What&#39;s your problem in calling it an action film when it has heavy and prolonged action sequences? And that too stylized ones. Only due to such people the action genre is getting degraded.<br/><br/>There&#39;s no problem if you don&#39;t call a film like Sympathy for Mr Vengeance an action film because it doesn&#39;t really have any prolonged action sequences. Do you think both films have same type of violence? Stop this thing immediately. These foolish edits won&#39;t help imdb and the viewers in any way. As soon as the action genre is reinstated, remove this FAQ from here. <br/><br/> a5c7b9f00b

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