I Am Number Four Malayalam Movie Download

I Am Number Four Malayalam Movie Download


I Am Number Four Malayalam Movie Download


Extraordinary teen John Smith (Pettyfer) is a fugitive on the run from ruthless enemies sent to destroy him. Changing his identity, moving from town to town with his guardian Henri (Olyphant), John is always the new kid with no ties to his past. In the small Ohio town he now calls home, John encounters unexpected, life-changing events - his first love (Agron), powerful new abilities and a connection to the others who share his incredible destiny.
John Smith tries his best to play the nondescript high school senior who's just moved to a small mid-Western town in Ohio with his single-parent dad, Henri, but maturity ushers in the onset of extraordinary powers that are John's birthright as one of the very few individuals who escaped the genocidal rampage of the Mogadorians, an alien race that destroyed the inhabitants of Lorien, the planet where John was born. A total of eight infants escaped to Earth, each accompanied by a warrior to serve as their guardian and protector. The Mogadorians' quest to destroy the last of the Loriens has led them to Earth. Three of their targets have already been eliminated. It becomes John's task to find and join with the remaining members of his race before he becomes victim number four.
I watched the movie and wondered, "did the director read the source material before deciding to make this movie", after reading the book and watching the movie I have to say it appears he might have skimmed the book, got a few names of characters, maybe some idea of the overall plot but that might be the extent of what he saw. If he did read the whole book then he must have thought the author didn't do a good job writing it because ultimately he threw out most of what the author worked so hard to create. Just a few of many examples I could show (they are minor examples at that)is the name John Smith was not chosen by Henri but by John as they drove away from the Florida Keys, or how about the haunted hay ride was during a Halloween celebration in Paradise not spring, Sam lived with his mother only there was no step-dad. Then how about the Mogs weapons in the book they where fueled by the energy of the planet, turning to ash plant life around them after being charged. Even if I hadn't read the book I still would have been disappointed in this movie, it lacked any depth of the characters, there wasn't any growth in the characters as the movie progressed. I think if the director had stuck closer to the source material it would have been a great movie but like so many other good books that become movies the director decided to forgo the heart and soul of this great book, looking only at how many explosions and CG images he could squeeze into 109 minutes without caring about the overall content of the rest of the film. That has become an issue with many of the BIG BLOCKBUSTER movies, they want to make things blow up or show off the latest thing there computers can do and don't seem to care about anything else, like a good story.
I didn&#39;t expect much out of this movie to begin with. I felt the it was just being hyped up and that it would be one of those &quot;the trailer looks better than the movie&quot; kind of things. I was wrong, however. This movie was great! There&#39;s great character development, which I believe is missing from most movies today. Hollywood tries to crank out these money makers without any thought as to a plot or characters or the things that matter. The special effects are great but not too overdone. Also it wasn&#39;t sexed up like al movies seem to be today.<br/><br/>Overall this was an all around good movie. I enjoyed it immensely, and I think that if you go into it not expecting it to be an amazing over the edge revolutionary movie, but rather a very well done, family friendly, cool super hero movie you will enjoy it also :]
Brit hunk Alex Pettyfer has grown into a solid and quite interesting lead to build this potential sci-fi movie series around.
&quot;As She&#39;s Watching Away,&quot; performed by the Zac Brown Band (featuring Alan Jackson) a5c7b9f00b

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