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Российские гимнасты впервые за 25 лет выиграли золото в командном турнире на Олимпиаде
Сборная России поднялась на четвертое место в медальном зачете Олимпийских игр в Токио
Модуль «Пирс» затоплен в Тихом океане
Минздрав одобрил исследования вакцины Biocad в России
Бастрыкин поставил на контроль дело об убийстве семьи отставного адмирала в Петербурге
Комиссия правительства одобрила идею изымать загранпаспорта у должников
Укроп заготавливаю разными способами. И замораживаю, и масло "зеленое" из него готовлю, и соус, и солю укроп, и сушу.

NetLingo is an online dictionary which seeks to collect and define tech terms and provide simple explanations, making the internet more accessible for everyone.
Cover image: Valery Kenski, Photo: Darren Johnson

Wondering what your children are tapping into their phones? Or what that weird acronym means? Here's our parent's guide to some popular teen chat words and phrases
Speaking in coded language has been used for years by teenagers trying to hide something, or communicating in their own way. The sudden growth of the online world allowed for more terms to appear and spread more quickly, creating a more universal, viral, version of the teen slang that’s been around for years.
Not all of these terms are exclusively used online – they’re as likely to appear in spoken conversation as well as on social media messaging.
These terms also come and go, appearing out of nowhere and then disappearing from use just as quickly, while some expressions used in one part of the country may be considered outdated or embarrassing in another.
Check out our list to open up the world of teenspeak!
The advice published on Parent Info is provided by independent experts in their field and not necessarily the views of Parent Zone or NCA-CEOP.
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Your child is probably going to come across unwanted images online. Not an easy topic for discussion. So how do you broach the subject?
Tips for parents on navigating screen time and technology rules when families meet up
It’s never too early to talk to your child about what they do online and who to talk to if they come across anything that makes them feel worried, scared or sad.
The National Crime Agency’s CEOP command suggests practical steps you can take to help your child experience good online friendships
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Parent Info is a collaboration between Parent Zone and NCA-CEOP, a command of the National Crime Agency.
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