



 its ability to unite communities, people, community education, people, businesses and advertisers

Howdoo: the messaging and social media platform for today’s generation, inspiring more culturally rewarding, trusted,and value-driven social engagement.

An introduction to Howdoo

Imagine taking all that’s right about it – the ability to stay in touch with friends and family, colleagues and like-minded individuals, to share news and updates, celebrate winning and overcome losing – and putting that power in the hands of the people actually using it.

Imagine a decentralized platform that doesn’t monetize personal data and content for the benefits of a few owners and shareholders. Rather it enables all involved to become part of a financially rewarding community of users who collectively benefit from the commercial viability of the network.

Imagine too a platform that properly rewards content creators for their efforts, provides a mechanism for followers to tip their efforts and offers advertisers the ability to connect directly with their target audiences, and to engage with people who have proactively agreed to consume this content in return for a share of the overall campaign cost.

A platform based on the values of equality, integrity, and meritocracy. Where a person’s contribution is translated into measurable value. Where advertising becomes a revenue stream for the person reading it, or simply switched off all together. And where the rewards for participation equate to real wealth that’s allowed to break free from the traditional limitations surrounding money transfer

Our purpose

Howdoo is a platform that enables mass social communication and interaction. But more than that, it’s a platform that’s designed to revolutionize the current social media landscape by inspiring a de-centralized approach to sharing and consuming content – as well as all associated transactions. We will achieve this by putting the individual, every individual, in control of what they see and do, of who and what they choose to engage with, and how they decide to attribute value and monetize these activities.

In other words, we’re developing capabilities that will fundamentally re-shape the concept of social media, of what is and isn’t possible. Why? Because we believe social networks should be based on a spirit of integrity, collective participation, and shared interests. A belief that’s in direct opposition to existing social media platforms that use the true value of their networks – user-generated content and personal data – to generate advertising revenues for the sole purpose of financial gain.

At Howdoo, our business model would see profits distributed back into the communities and individual users who are ultimately responsible for creating them. We want to reward user activity; to use personal preferences and communal interests to stimulate online commerce; to give people the choice of whether they even want to receive advertising; and to offer advertisers themselves access to their ideal target markets – alongside the ability to converse with people prepared to listen.

Our Mission

Howdoo is using a blockchain-based network of financially incentivized social communities whose purpose is to enable users to earn a share of the advertising revenues generated from their contributions to the network. These will be individuals free to build and participate in communities of friends, family members, fellow gamers and followers, and to interact with them via messaging, file sharing, tipping, and payments, to create far more meaningful, relevant, and rewarding engagement.

Pushing a decentralized agenda, and ensuring no central controls exist, is also integral to the platform. That’s because we believe in a user-first approach, and allowing individuals and communities to democratically regulate their own content – and to make collective decisions on monetizing the advertising potential of their spaces. Participation will be key, and the contributions, popularity, and productivity of these communities will directly add to their success and earning potential.

Finally, Howdoo will also transform the way financial resources flow across the social media environment. Our goal here is to empower users with access to an extensive and ever-growing marketplace of digital assets and services. We do this to help remove any barriers to entry for users wishing to start a small business, and to make it easier for them to build interest by fostering relationships with a community of users – whilst also providing a means for them to trade goods and transfer money.

Our Vision

Howdoo will be all about participation. We will stimulate it, inspire it, and reward it. But most importantly, we plan to unleash it, allowing every user to gain control over their personal data, and to make the most of their online footprint. Every action and contribution will receive fair compensation, backed up by a next generation approach to online payments and wealth sharing to encourage the fair distribution of value across the network.

It’s our intent to enable users from any location and on any device to freely, privately, and securely purchase goods and services online, to set up their own e-shops, and to distribute money to friends and family at the touch of a button. By building an application on top of proven and trusted blockchain enabled technologies, we will overcome existing restrictions on money transfer – including infrastructure limitations, lack of access to banking facilities, or government interference.

Above all else however, our ultimate objective is to create self-sustaining, self-administering, and self-evolving communities of friends, families, co-workers, and peers, who share the same values, the same interests, and the same commitments to supporting and compensating each other. Howdoo will develop into an eco-system that advocates responsible advertising, as well as rewarding people for their engagement and contribution. By democratizing and simplifying the technology, we will bring such benefits to the widest possible global audience.

Implementation on Ethereum

µDoo will be implemented on the public Ethereum blockchain as an ERC20 token. We’ve done this because Ethereum has a number of key properties, aside from its mass adoption, which make it appropriate for this use case. First and foremost is the smart contracts functionality, which will allow users to automatically exchange money, shares, or other value in a transparent way without having to rely on a middleman.

In a smart contract approach, an asset or currency is transferred into a program and: “…the program runs this code and at some point it automatically validates a condition and it automatically determines whether the asset should go to one person or back to the other person, or whether it should be immediately refunded to the person who sent it or some combination thereof.”

Once the decision is made by the smart contract, the result is stored on the blockchain for prosperity. This level of flexibility in smart contract will enable the creation of complex logic that is executed automatically on the blockchain and is the catalyst for providing a number of features that would otherwise be hard to achieve in a decentralized fashion. The public Ethereum network will serve as the settlement layer for µDoo, allowing for payments to be made directly on the blockchain. Given µDoo will be an ERC20 token, it will also be compatible with the existing Ethereum ecosystem.

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