How to give your business maximum of your time and not go crazy

How to give your business maximum of your time and not go crazy

«The notes of a small businessman»


This question is a difficult one, in a sense, for all who are engaged in business. Often business picks up not only our time, but also our health.

Therefore, we made a list of ideas that will help you not to go insane, and save not only your earned money, but also your own precious health.

1. Start the day early. Let there be a certain ritual in your early ascent.

You should not jump out of bed and in a nervous state run to check the mail and finish the current tasks. At first you should washing up and then take the cup of coffee. Let yourself to completely wake up, and have breakfast (it is very important for good work).

Do not forget to thank the universe for what you have today. This will help to start the day with a positive note. And besides, everyone is still asleep, so you have several hours in which you can remake half of your list for today.

2. Find a time to sport in your schedule

Exactly! Find what you are really like. Football, fitness, swimming, skating - after all, perhaps you love yoga.

Why do you need this? You must understand that you live in the 21st century, where more than half of the businesses are processes that are performed by people in a sitting position. And then, moderate sports have not harmed anyone yet. Do not scoff at yourself, on the contrary - do sport for yourself and your body!

3. If you feel that you can’t work anymore - take a break

Keep the balance. Do not kill yourself with work. Learn to feel when your body requires taking a pause. There are many signs: back pain, numbness of limbs, hunger, drowsiness, etc. Pay attention to the signals of your body. To have a good business is fine, but to have good health is perfect, because with it you can do even more. If you feel that you are already at the limit of your strength - take a day off and see a doctor!

4. Reward yourself for little progress and victory

Yes, working 7 days a week is good for your business, but not for you! You can burn emotionally soon and not get anything from the process except fatigue, depression, loss of appetite and well-being. In general, see point 3.

Take for yourself the rule: if you have done a difficult job, if you have finished some stage - thank yourself. Give yourself something, buy a cake. You don’t like a cake? Then just drink tea :) In general, do what you enjoy, but do not get carried away cause the business is waiting for you!

5. Spend time with your family and friends

Communicating with them will always give you strength to go on! And don’t forget, you have not only business, but also family, friends, people who want to communicate with you. Life goes - do not miss this chance to spend an evening with your family.

6. Favorite hobby

Our life is like a puzzle and consists of many parts. And a big puzzle - it’s what we love, our hobby. If you find a truly beloved affair, it will fill you with energy and charge for a longer and more effective work. Just do not get carried away - 1 hour a day, 2-3 times a week pay attention to yourself and your hobby and you will see - the energy in your body will become more!

Try to sit down today and think how you will maintain your health and mind in tone with the help of our rules.

Do not lose the colors of life, relax and develop your business!

Good luck!

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