How to create Telegram Bot and get Token

How to create Telegram Bot and get Token


Telegram bot creation is a novel process because much of it is centered around your own interactions with a Telegram bot. That bot is the BotFather. Inside your Telegram desktop app, you need to search his username and start a conversation with him.

Here is the link:

Give the start command to BotFather by typing /start.

You’ll see a list of commands that help you create, edit, and manage your bots. Since it’s your first time, you’ll want /newbot.

After giving the /newbot command, you get to pick a name and username for your bot. The name is what your users will see the bot as in their contacts list, and the username is how they’ll find it. Think of the username like a Twitter handle; it has to be unique, and it’s best if it’s short and memorable.

With that done, you’ll be given your bot’s API key. The API key is how Telegram knows the code you write is associated with this particular bot. Every bot has its own API key, and you shouldn’t share it with anyone or they could hijack your bot and have it carry out their evil deeds.

Copy that token back to @TelebotWizard to assign a shop with your bot.

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