How dead are viruses actually?

How dead are viruses actually?

translated by Corona Investigative

All claims of virus existence refuted

Interview with Dr. Stefan Lanka, Molecular & Marine Biologist by the German Magazine "Die Wurzel (the root)."

Won measles virus process

Die Wurzel: Dear Stefan, you are a molecular biologist, marine biologist and scientist and have the measles virus process won with the scientific proof that there is no (measles) virus at all. When was that?

Stefan Lanka: I initiated the measles virus process at the end of 2011 to prevent the introduction of compulsory measles vaccination. The process started in 2012 and ultimately lasted until early 2017. The defeated plaintiff let the deadline expire in order to appeal to the Federal Constitutional Court against the decision of the Federal Court of Justice (FCJ) of December 1, 2016. With the decision the FCJ has rejected the plaintiff's appeal against the decision of the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court (HRC) of February 16, 2016. 

At the expense of the population...

The scientific evidence presented to the HRC, consisting of expert opinions and experiments carried out, which all existence of the measles virus refuted, the HRC Stuttgart to the detriment of the population is not considered. The HRC did not reject the complaint also not for formal reasons, as the plaintiff still maintains until today. The HRC withdrew in the grounds for the judgement that the court-appointed expert testified that none of the six publications contained proof of the existence of a virus. 

Livelihood of virology deprived by court order

Particularly explosive is the fact that one of the six publications presented represents the exclusive basis of both measles and the entire field of virology. The decision of the HRC Stuttgart of 16.02.2016, confirmed by the FCJ, removes the basis for the entire virology, including the corona hype, because all virologists refer to this single publication, which German jurisprudence states does not contain any evidence of a virus. Now it is time to put this jurisprudence on viruses into practice to be implemented. In order to protect the court-appointed expert from criminal prosecution for two written false statements in his expert opinions, the HRC Stuttgart suppressed the expert's recorded statement on the six publications submitted. 

Expert witness convicted by a judge in case of false testimony

Under the pressure of clear questions from a young judge, the expert admitted his central false statement: Contrary to his written statements, the six publications submitted by the plaintiff do not contain any control attempts to prove whether the method used works, whether the result is falsified or whether the desired and achieved result is achieved by the plaintiff himself! Thus, the six publications presented in the trial are worthless paper that cannot and must not be called scientific. This is because the rules of scientific work make the execution and exact documentation of control experiments mandatory. The trial and the protocol of the first instance as well as the judgement of the HRC Stuttgart have twice removed the basis for the assertions of the entire virology. For this I refer to my article "The Federal Court of Justice destroys the belief in Viruses" from the magazine WissenschafftPlus No. 2/2017, which can also be viewed here.

Erroneous reasoning of the renowned virologists

Die Wurzel: Everywhere in the media, especially since Corona, one hears about the most renowned virologists, such as Dr. Drosten from Charité or Prof. Streeck from Heinsberg, how they make an allegedly living virus responsible for all kinds of diseases. Why do virologists believe in viruses, although there are viruses in living tissue and cell structure does not exist? 

Stefan Lanka: These and other virologists do not claim that viruses are alive, but rather that the biochemically dead viral genome strand (i.e. the virus) is capable of infection. They define, like all virologists, that a virus has no metabolism of its own and is biochemically dead. At best, they say that gene snippets of the viruses¹ are found everywhere (not only on doorknobs), which are not capable of infection. In their eyes, only the entire viral genome strand (the whole virus) is capable of infection, but a part of the virus (i.e. a gene snippet) is not. In doing so, they conceal their greatest professional secret that they have never found a complete viral genome strand (i.e. complete virus).

Virologists confirm: Viruses are biochemically dead!

Not only the above mentioned virologists, but all virologists define that a virus has no metabolism of its own and is biochemically dead. However, how something dead can develop the power to enter the organism through the hides, fasciae and leather skins of the organs, the lining of the vessels and against the flow of mucus from the mucous membranes, in order to pass through the tough connective tissue mass (which surrounds all cells) is no longer an open question, but a refuted myth that has developed throughout our history. 

Virology had already disproved itself in 1951

What virologists have overlooked is that the theory² on which all biology and medicine is based, and from which the equally erroneous theories of infection, immunity, genetics and cancer have inevitably evolved, is not only not correct, but has been disproved. They have also overlooked the fact that medical virology disproved itself in 1951. And they overlooked the fact that from 1952 a new idea of virology developed, the gene-strand virus idea, which however is based on a misinterpretation in bacteria and cannot be transferred to humans, animals or plants. See my article "Misinterpretation of Virus" in the magazine WissenschafftPlus 1/2020 (cover see page 21).

Die Wurzel: And until when did you also believe in the widespread virus hypothesis?

Misinterpreted viruses are useful mini sperm

Stefan Lanka: I believed in this idea until I myself isolated and biochemically characterized a structure from the sea, which I misinterpreted at that time as a HARMLESS virus. Afterwards I learned that the term "virus" must not be used under any circumstances, because it means something like a disease-causing poison (within the refuted cell theory), which the organism would produce itself. Today, curious researchers know that biological life is created from those structures³ that are created by self-organization. In the case of bacteria, these structures are called Phagen⁴, but they are only created in the laboratory when bacteria are separated, thereby impoverishing their biochemistry. After a certain point in time (in a targeted process of metamorphosis) the entire bacterial biomass transforms into many small structures of exactly the same structure. These small structures have the function (like mini sperm) of making their Nukleinsäure⁵ available to those organisms that need it. These targeted and meaningful processes have been interpreted negatively by the good-evil-glasses of cellular pathology and as disease toxins (lat. virus). These small structures are very easy to isolate, photograph and biochemically investigate in the sense of isolation. From 1952 onwards, unsuspecting young virologists (who did not know that and why the old virology had given up) BELIEVED that the viruses claimed in humans and animals looked and were constructed like the "phages" (mini sperm of the bacteria).

Dying tissue does not transform into viruses

In 1954, a technique was proposed (one of six publications in the Measles Virus Process) to detect the suspected human viruses exactly as the phages of the bacteria were detected. They believed that when tissues died, they would turn into viruses - just as bacteria turn into phages change. With the decisive difference that the phages were isolated and photographed in large numbers and in pure form each time, and their genetic strand, which is always the same length and always the same composition, was and is represented as a whole. However, this is still not possible with the only suspected viruses. The virologists only mentally assemble a model of a virus from short fragments of decayed tissues and cells, which in reality does not exist (more detailed consideration follows below). 

Virologists refuse control experiments

Because this type of virologist still today has the fundamental rules scientific work and refuse to carry out control experiments, they have not noticed that the tissues and cells in the test tube die not because of a suspected virus, but because of accidental starvation and poisoning in the procedure that precedes any apparent "infection".  Therefore, genetic virus tests only detect the body's own sequences. Since the test only shows "positive" if there are enough gene snippets in the sample quantity to be tested, this explains why there are also negative test results. It is clear, however, that the body releases more tissue material and thus gene fragments, especially during inflammatory processes, than when it is healthy or when the body does not release anything at all in certain moments of healing. You only have to increase the amount of sample⁶ and every human being, every animal and probably even every plant will test positive. In my article "Misinterpretation of Misinterpretation Virus Virus - Part II" (see here), I call on honest scientists, bioinformaticians and laboratory technicians to finally carry out and publish these control experiments, which never have been carried out or published. The evidence for this was presented to the HRC Stuttgart within the measles virus process, but ignored. 

Many scientists work unscientifically!

Die Wurzel: What does honest scientific work mean to you besides conducting control experiments, which is missing in many PhD scientists working for industry? 

Stefan Lanka: The most important thing is to constantly check your own assumptions and those of others. But most people don't do that, because otherwise they would give themselves notice. The mechanism that works here was already recognized and published by the exceptional genius Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy in 1956. I refer to it and quote him constantly, among other things in the article sequence No. 1 to 3/2019 in the magazine WissenschafftPlus, which so inspired you, dear Michael, and about which you had reported in your article in the root 04/2019.

Die Wurzel: One reads more and more that industry-funded scientists submit scientific papers and statistics to meet the expectations of their clients. The result is distorted statistics on measles/corona/flu virus-infected/dead etc. on a continuous basis. Why are there no independent control authorities to monitor the study results and working methods?

Stefan Lanka: I cannot answer this question here due to lack of space. 

Citizen control over science & politics

Just this much: from the democratic point of view, politics and science can only function if the client, i.e. every citizen, knows what is going on, i.e. controls the processes and the people in charge. We are a long way from this idea and at the moment I think that this can only be achieved by a network of self-organizing groups. The only ones who have successfully organized themselves so far are, firstly, groups that obviously violate their given goals and do not realize them. And secondly, the profit optimizers organized in companies and associations, who consistently approach and achieve their (public and non-public) given goals. In a positive sense, this has apparently been recognized by the Geox company: It founds a new company each time the old company has reached the number of 500 employees. This is obviously the number of people for whom an overview, trust in each other and, based on this, symbiotic work is still possible. The Prince of Liechtenstein has recognized this in his book "The State in the Third Millennium". He calls for self-administration of all areas of the State (where possible) in small structures, because the superordinate structures always lose the overview and their administration is inefficient and always too expensive.

Die Wurzel: In your opinion there are certain events in the scientific history, which led to the fact that certain "scientific" speculations on scientific facts were collected, including proof of the existence of viruses, although there is even nothing has been proven. 

Stefan Lanka: For me, it has always been and still is important to recognize the major lines of development and mechanisms, how and why something has developed. I think that this is something that I would like to see in relation to our "western" medicine has succeeded. See my article "Misinterpretation Virus" in the magazine WissenschafftPlus 1/2020 and I refer in this context to an article about Eugen-RosenstockHuessy by Siegfried Mohr in WissenschafftPlus 2/2020 with the title "Die Wissenschaft vom Zeitpunkt (The science of timing)", in which the importance of recognizing historical connections is clearly worked out.

Die Wurzel: All the virologists and the broad science are agreed that a virus could be isolated, even if the is not as we have seen above. Can you go into this in more detail again?

Virologists kill tissue unnoticed in the laboratory

Stefan Lanka: The virologists do not use the word "isolation in the sense of the word isolation and become suspiciously nervous when they are addressed to it. By "isolation" you mean Creation of an effect in the laboratory, which they can simultaneously interpret as

a) Infection

b) Evidence of the presence of a virus

(c) Proof of its propagation

d) Evidence of the destructive power of the assumed virus.

In reality they kill tissue and cells unnoticed and unconsciously in the laboratory - by starvation and poisoning, see my Article "Misinterpretation Virus" in the magazine WissenschafftPlus 1/2020. Part 1 read, Part 2read

Die Wurzel: Virologists believe that dying tissue and cells transforming them completely into viruses. Therefore they call the tissue and cell death also as reproduction of viruses. Do I see it correctly that then necessarily each dying of tissue and cell material always produces alleged viruses, i.e. cell waste - this lies in the nature of the structure and degradation processes of the organism?

Viruses cannot multiply

Stefan Lanka: To explain this, I first have to deal with bacteria and phages. Metamorphosis, the transformation of bacteria into phages, cannot be called cell death, but is a very specific and helpful process. This observation of the transformation of bacteria into phages was applied in 1954 to tissue from humans and animals: It was believed that the tissues were viruses, if they are transformed within an infection experiment die. All other scientists, cell biologists, etc. do not assumes that tissues or cells that die would turn into viruses in the process. On the contrary, they are investigating the dying process, to understand how it happens in the body. They then refer to the the same processes, which virologists misinterpret as virus formation, as coordinated cell death (= apoptosis) or as autophagy (recycling). In humans and animals, the constant build-up and breakdown occurs. quietly and silently, by breaking down tissues and cells into small components on site and then placing them in the designated organs⁷, such as the liver, again for further use can be prepared. The term viruses must not be used in the future. It is misleading, subject to misinterpretations and originates from the refuted good-evil thinking, which is used by people who cannot or will not interpret complexity differently. 

The root: The virus, no matter what kind, is said to have an autonomy and activity that does not exist.

Viral genome strands constructed purely intellectually

Stefan Lanka: Yes, the whole concept is erroneous and cannot be sustained by alternative auxiliary hypotheses. Because the "virologists" have believed since 1954 that dying tissue turns into viral material during so-called "infection experiments", they also interpret the short pieces of nucleic acid as components of their suspected viruses.From these nucleic acid fragments⁸ they construct the viral genome strands, which do not exist in reality. However, since sequence analysts, when analyzing human chromosomes, find these supposedly viral sequences within the sequences of the chromosomes, they claim that more than 50% of our chromosomes consist of virus genes.

Exaggerated & invented killer property of "viruses"

Die Wurzel: Based on what you've said so far, it becomes increasingly more understandable, why the pharmaceutical industry, physicians, virologists, politicians and authorities attribute a dangerous killer property to the hypothetical viruses, which does not exist at all, right?

Stefan Lanka: Yes, and on the one hand they do that because they think they have to make themselves important and to justify their actions. And because medicine has become a huge economic enterprise that is forced under the return on investment and is forced to constantly exaggerate just because of that.  On this development and danger of the compulsion to exaggerate, which will eventually kill everyone and everything, Ivan Illich pointed out in 1976 in his book "The Nemesis of Medicine". I had a very enlightening encounter with him in 1995, which I reported on in our first book on vaccination and in the magazine WissenschafftPlus. The author Seamus O'Mahony, who wrote the important book "Can Medizine be cured?" in 2019, refers centrally to Ivan Illich and comes to the conclusion that medicine cannot heal itself by its own power and is becoming increasingly destructive. His starting point is the medicine of substances with which symptoms are suppressed. About the other "medicine⁹" he says that it never got a chance to be applied. 

Die Wurzel: How do you think it is possible to make the new scientific understanding of viruses and bacteria (the latter are independent) accessible to the general public, but at a speed that will not take 100 years?

Corona as an opportunity, as a catalyst for change

Stefan Lanka: The answer is to do the right thing at the right time, see the article about Rosenstock-Huessy in the current issue of WissenschafftPlus 2/2020 and my article "Misinterpretation Virus Part II: The beginning and end of the Corona crisis" in it. This article is also freely available on our website The contribution has the power (together with the magnitude of the Corona crisis, which has shaken and endangers almost the entire humanity) to cause a fast learning process, which will not last for 100 years. Seen in this light, Corona is a chance for all people and for all areas, not only in the fields of viruses, medicine, politics and economics. 

Virus theory for sales reasons

Die Wurzel: I believe that the pharmaceutical industry wants to maintain the virus theory as it has been believed since time immemorial, otherwise it would lose billions in sales (drug/vaccine sales losses). In order to provide a new understanding of viruses, the first step would be to develop new biology textbooks and new course content for medical/biology/pharmacy students be printed and applied with the new "Virus" knowledge. I think that only the majority of people will understand through self-awareness that viruses in the conventional sense do not exist. Viruses, bacteria or parasites are not to blame for the diseases, because the disease itself is the self-healing effort of the immune system or the house cleaning activity of an organism that has accumulated slags over decades, from which due to lack of fasting, vital food, exercise, sunshine, etc. no longer be able to liberate Are you of a similar opinion?

Stefan Lanka: Before Corona I also thought that the turnaround can only come slowly and from below. Now the momentum of Corona has forced me to study all the crucial details again and to go public with it. The result is the article "Misinterpretation Virus Part II" (see WissenschaftPlus 2/2020), which, together with the actions that build on it and ensue, actually has the power to generate a faster leap in knowledge than I thought.

Between panic and deeper understanding

Mankind is now only faced with the alternative of "self-destruction through fear and insanity" or "deeper understanding, taking into account the other levels and knowledge of causes and interactions that have been suppressed by primitive materialism" and acting accordingly. I think the majority of Humans feel that with Corona, the medicine and politics fundamental is not correct. Therefore I ask the readers to check the terms like "immune system" etc. in the future, so that the old good-evil thinking is not carried into the future: I see the importance of nutrition, especially fasting - but within a well-founded, individual cognitive system of psychosomatic medicine, for which Dr. Hamer laid the essential foundation. We have to take care not to establish a new dogmatism, because many "spiritual" as well as "material" aspects still have to be worked into this developing system of knowledge, see your contribution in the root 04/19.  The most important thing I learned from a doctor¹⁰ is that always have to consider that our ideas are already tomorrow can be outdated again. That's why I always say in my lectures and seminars that the better answer to a question will always come in the future and that the one that has been asked is only the second best. As humans we are participants of the life and therefore we are missing there simply the overview. Therefore, modesty is as much a part of science as the constant questioning.

Viruses contained in vaccines

Die Wurzel: Dear Stefan, let's get back to the virus theory, which is the basis of vaccination. The vaccines, which are used for example in Measles is called a "live" vaccine, although they are anything but living viruses. How are "living" vaccines constructed and why should they simulate viruses when there are viruses with independent infection activity does not exist?

" Live" and "dead" vaccines

Stefan Lanka: Now I understand how you came up with the term "living" viruses. When tissues die in the laboratory during an "infection attempt" in the course of unintentional starvation and poisoning, the people involved believe that these tissues would have turned into viruses or released viruses. Since the vaccine manufacturers (and their virologists) assume that the mass of dead tissue (i.e. their alleged viruses) that they use as a vaccine is capable of infection, they speak of a "live vaccine". They believe that the vaccine virus is still infectious but attenuated. In contrast, the components of supposed viruses are called "dead vaccines" if, firstly, they are not infectious or, secondly, if the decomposing tissue is protected from further decomposition by "preservatives" such as formaldehyde during an infection attempt, in order to use it afterwards as a "dead vaccine", as in the case of polio, for example. So: The idea of pathogenic viruses is dead and that of vaccination so too, wherefore the question "dead" or "alive" is not only misleading, but is false, like the whole concept. 

Die Wurzel: And secondly, we know that such a "living" vaccine virus cannot occur in nature at all, so it has nothing comparable to a wild pathogen, right?

Domestication of wild pathogens

Stefan Lanka: The idea of a wild type is not that of a particularly wild virus, but that the virus has just been spat out fresh from the hell of nature and must first be domesticated by "cultivation" in the laboratory in order to be made accessible for vaccination - science fiction, that is. Here also the particularly funny but profound contribution of Jochen Schamal "Kleine Vampirkunde" in the current issue of WissenschafftPlus 2/2020 is to be mentioned.

Deadly vaccines trivialized

Die Wurzel: A blind man sees that the composition of the vaccines is cruel. But many do not know that such a vaccine means certain death in children if it is accidentally injected into a vein instead of the muscle. Why then do government authorities consider vaccines to be safe and harmless, although the authorities themselves have allegedly "tested" and approved?

Stefan Lanka: Stefan Lanka: The trick with which those involved protect themselves from consequences is very simple: They define the many toxic substances as auxiliary substances (= adjuvants) of the actual medical substance - the supposed proteins of the supposed viruses. Because of this untenable act of definition alone, these potent poisons are not subject to the strict drug law. 

Vaccines without adjuvants ineffective

How unfounded even this protection assertion is, one recognizes by the textbook statement that vaccines without their adjuvants are ineffective. 

Die Wurzel: A real and complete virus appears in the entire "scientific" literature. How would a real, complete virus with what characteristics would have to look like in your eyes to pass for you as a killer virus? Rather in the direction of Borrelia, which consciously seek a host?

Stefan Lanka: Those who have taken note of biology, for it is unthinkable to think of a virus and even less of a killer virus. The virologists have identified the phages (of the bacteria) as model for their suspected viruses, but these are mini spermatozoa with own energy supply, who actively do something.  The virologists' idea of a disease-generating, enveloped or uncoated genome strand is based on a crazy and dangerous model of biology and life. This idea was postulated in 1858 by Rudolf Virchow¹¹ in an act of desperation, among other things, to reduce a huge mountain of debt and to please patrons and mentors. It is very important to me to say that all claims of the existence of disease-causing bacteria are also false and dangerous. An acquaintance of mine has, without telling me about it, been diagnosed with Borrelia bacteria by a guru of the alternative scene, and as a result he has been brought to the edge of viability with fear and broad-spectrum antibiotics. Before the idea of viruses was invented, bacteria were the universal villains

Corona virus consensus finding a few mouse clicks

The root: the consensus-building process, what defines a measles virus and what not, took decades. How can it be that with the allegedly new corona virus Sars-CoV-2, this consensus-finding process only took a few mouse clicks? And on what scientific basis? 

Stefan Lanka: It is Prof. Christian Drosten from the Charité, who revolutionized bioinformatics in virology which replaced laboratory work. Thus, in 2003, in the SARS panic that he had substantially contributed to, he was able to do so just two days after the claim that the genetic strand of the allegedly new SARS virus was reconstructs to offer a test for this fiction. He played an essential role in the swine flu and ZIKA¹² terror and was increasingly faster, faster than his shadow... 

...Drosten faster than the Chinese Epidemic Control Authority

Even before the virologists of the Chinese Epidemic Control Authority have agreed on the composition of the genetic strand of the virus, which has only been "suspected" until today, Christian Drosten had already developed his test and made it available to the WHO on January 17, 2020. With his action, a few mouse clicks, he globalized the dangerous but local mass panic caused by an eye doctor in Wuhan. See my article "Misinterpretation Virus Part II: The beginning and end of the Corona crisis" in the magazine WissenschafftPlus 2/2020, which can also be freely distributed on our website

Bioinformaticians do not care about the gene sequence source

In the construction of the idea of the genetic strands of the flu virus, chicken embryos were mechanically injured and poisoned, and from the short nucleic acid sequences of the dying tissue a model is still laboriously created by hand. Today this is done by corresponding computer programs into which the sequences are entered that the virologists output as viral. From where these sequences come is not important to the bioinformaticians, who establish the genomes of the fictitious Create viruses by Alignment.  Incidentally, Erwin Chargaff warned of this development as early as 1976 in a book entitled " Das Feuer des Heraklit (The Fire of Heraclitus)".

Die Wurzel: Next comes with the corona virus "development" the mental construction of the "viral genetic strand" into play.

Stefan Lanka: During the construction of the current corona virus (SARS-CoV-2), initially only so-called gene sequences from a pulmonary lavage is used. After the sequence data of very short pieces were laboriously tortured through several programs, a complete genetic strand of a new virus was proposed based on these "sequence data". This proposal was thereby confirmed and elevated to a general model after this laborious construction was repeated with the "gene sequences" from the lungs of three other people. 

Untenable virus model with artificial gene sequences

As actual proof of the existence of a new virus, the participants define when the "virus" can be "cultivated". For this purpose tissues are killed in the laboratory by (unintentional) starvation and poisoning. And because a little "infected" material is added to this process, the participants believe that the tissue will turn into viruses.  Of course, they do not wonder why, unlike the phages not billions of viruses can be seen, isolated and their genetic strands isolated intact. So they start to reconstruct the assumed large "genome" of the assumed virus from the short existing gene sequence pieces. With the difference that this act of cultivation leaves large gaps in the reconstruction of the whole genome strand. These are laboriously filled by producing artificial gene sequences to fill the gaps in the model. This is self-deception within the "virological" self-deception.

Die Wurzel: Why do Chinese scientists claim that the China Corona Virus-2019 comes from poisonous snakes? 

Corona gene sequences in every living being

Stefan Lanka: They claim this because they find sequences in snakes which also appear in the Corona model. What they fail to mention, however, is that the same sequences appear in every living being from which corona and all the other viral genome strands have been constructed purely in thought. This explains why papayas are also tested "positive". This is an important message of Corona: Everything and anything is positive! 

Die Wurzel: And what exactly is the situation with virus tests? 

Stefan Lanka: If short nucleic acid sequences, which are found in every organism, something longer is constructed, which makes it does not exist, it is clear that the so-called genetic detection methods for viruses (PCR tests), which only detect the presence of very short sequences, can test anything and everything, even the tree, "positively". This is nothing but dangerous science fiction in action.  Short DNA sequences are found in every organism, even in a tree or papaya. In fact, these short sequences¹³ occur everywhere. But a viral genome (i.e. virus) is defined as something longer, consisting of several "genes". In the first construction of a human viral genome, the "confused virologists" oriented themselves to the genome of the phage. After all, a "virus" needs several genes to produce its alleged envelope proteins and enzymes. With the PCR method only small pieces can be detected and these do not tell (assuming the existence of viruses) whether there are only virus fragments (after an "immune attack"), only defective viruses or harmless viruses or whether the amount of virus is too small to cause a massacre. But since there are no viruses at all, only as a model, the whole thing falls flat anyway.

Human fetal serum for vaccine development?

Die Wurzel: I have read that sera from aborted human fetuses can be contained in vaccines.

Stefan Lanka: What was actually done is that tissue and sera (blood without solid blood cells) were obtained from human foetuses for infection experiments. What I can imagine is that a financially strong and completely stupid public is asking for such tissues and sera for their vaccines but also for other medical products - and according to the motto "you get what you pay for" they still get them. 

Animal fetal serum in vaccines

However, all mass vaccines are produced with the help of fetal sera from cattle and mainly from kidney tissue of monkeys or tissues made by other animals. 

Die Wurzel: Can such an animal fetus serum, if it is used in vaccines, lead to any reactions?

Stefan Lanka: According to my current knowledge, a substance only leads to an allergy/autoimmune disease if the vaccination triggers a "biological conflict", i.e. an event that is perceived as existentially threatening and cannot be resolved in a timely manner. I recommend my article on vaccination damage and the development of autism in the 3/2016 issue of WiPlus.

Vaccines & viruses grown in the laboratory

Die Wurzel: More and more I realize that "virus" and vaccine are identical, both were grown in the laboratory, right?

Stefan Lanka: Yes, with the very important remark that "viruses" are fantasies, and that the remains of the dead tissue in the test tube are not "viruses" but decomposed tissue. By the way, the tissues can be prevented from dying and decaying in the laboratory for only a few days and only by using fetal serum. With the serum of adult humans and animals this is not possible. 

For clarification: When organs are removed from an organism, they die quickly and decompose, even if they are cooled. If one removes individual organ tissues from organs in order to study "life" in the laboratory or to "isolate", multiply or "cultivate" viruses in the laboratory, then these tissues die off even faster and decompose even faster.

Violently disrupted tissue = cell cultures

In order to allegedly work with cells in the laboratory, the tissues previously removed from organs (of a fetus, for example) are separated by force (biochemically by digestive enzymes and mechanically). Then those involved believe that they are working with cells and refer to the forcibly separated tissues as "cell cultures. They must constantly use force to prevent these "cells" from fusing back into tissue. Without the many substances from the fetal tissue, but especially the high concentration of "pi-water¹⁴" in it, the tissues in the test tube and the isolated tissues would die off even faster. Now the "cells" are placed in the test tube, as preparation for the subsequent "infection experiment", the foetal serum is withdrawn. As a result, these tissue units try to unite even faster than usual, but die when "merging". 

The alleged cultivation of the virus

This confluence is called giant cell formation and is called the "cytopathic effect". This result of many violent and insane steps is interpreted as central proof of the "presence, isolation, multiplication etc. of the suspected virus. Those involved then claim that they have succeeded in cultivating the virus. In order to meet the ever increasing demand for fetal serum¹⁵, annually 2 million pregnant cows are opened unanaesthetized, in it the unanaesthetized fetus is opened and from the beating heart its fetal blood is taken. If one would remove the fetus from the dam for this, one could "win" much less serum. If the mother and/or the fetuses were anaesthetized, the anaesthetics would rapidly decompose the fetal serum, since the anaesthetics cannot be removed from the serum. The fetal serum is made from such a type of collected blood. Of course, for the sake of profit optimization, adulteration is done just like with wine. To save money, the laboratory technicians buy cheap serum, which they all know is even more contaminated than the expensive serum. Only with the help of these fetal sera is it possible, to produce vaccines. Components of these sera, which can never be sterile, are implanted in us in the form of the vaccines. I have been surprised for a long time that this well-known fact is not discussed in the raw food or vegan scene. Raw food and veganism exclude vaccination, the extraction of fetal sera and cell culture experiments.

Decomposition processes as a basis for biology and medicine

We have the situation not only in vaccination, but in biology and medicine as a whole, that processes of dying and decay in the test tube are misinterpreted as models of life. And this is only one of several points why biologists and physicians in the system of the prevailing opinion of cellular pathology since 1858 are not able to make reasonable and helpful statements about life, health, disease and recovery.

Die Wurzel: In 1951/52, virology had completely disproved itself and given up. For what reason? 

Virology disproved twice

Stefan Lanka: For two reasons: Firstly, control experiments were carried out which proved that what used to be interpreted as viruses (allegedly dangerous proteins, as is still claimed to be the case with some bacteria despite better knowledge) is also released during the decomposition of completely healthy organisms or their organs. And that nothing could be seen or found under the electron microscope. Secondly, because it became known that proteins cannot reproduce themselves. Even before 1952, it was a central component of virology that the dangerous viral protein (=virus, disease toxin) could allegedly reproduce itself. But in 1952 it was recognized that nucleic acid is responsible for the reproduction of proteins. From then on, young chemists believed that viruses were dangerous pieces of genetic material. These chemists had no idea about biology, medicine and the fact that medical virology had given up. This cluelessness continues to this day and led to the Corona crisis. Today's virologists are simply not surprised to find no viruses and no viral genetic strands. They are also not surprised that they constantly and always think of the genomes of viruses (the genetic strands of viruses) as being composed of short pieces and then present them as reality. 

Ending the Corona Crisis Democratically

Nowhere in biology and medicine is it as clear as in virology that a pure thought construct is presented as an existing fact. If the majority of the population has understood this, the Corona crisis is over by purely democratic means. Therefore please distribute this interview widely.  The root: There is so much more to discuss, including the model of bacteria and bacteria-eaters. In your article "Misinterpretation Virus", which is available for € 5,-, you go into everything in detail and many more topics. This interview today has only given a very small part of your above report "Misinterpretation Virus". Therefore I recommend this article or the whole WiPlus issue (see below) with the included article to all readers.  And with the subsequent editions of WiPlus, you, dear reader, will stay up to date on what is already in the virus thinking in of general science has done etc. It is best to subscribe to the quarterly magazine. So I thank you dear Stefan for the interview. May we all work together and achieve a lot as a positive collective.

Translated and reblogged Version - Original here

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¹ Snippets of viruses = virus fragments

² The theory of celluar pathology from 1858

³ One of which I discovered, isolated and characterized and predicted by Günter Enderlein.

⁴ Bakteriophagen

⁵ DNS (DNA) = The central biomolecule of the chromosomes, on which are informational coarse templates for about 10% of our proteins, formerly known as genes. 

⁶ No matter what kind, whether swabs, blood, mucus, semen, biopsy material etc

⁷ If organs are present in which functions are concentrated which otherwise take place in the tissue or in the cells of "simple" organisms, there are completely different mechanisms of inner-body or inner-organic recycling.

⁸ Gene snippets of DNA 

⁹ I prefer to call it another way of looking at things or simply biology, which I am committed to spreading, in which health results from harmony within myself and with my environment.

¹⁰ In addition to her therapeutic work she has a teaching position for Chinese Medicine 

¹¹ Contribution "Virvoch ein Stratege der Macht (Virchow - A strategist of power)" see WissenschafftPlus issue no. 5/2015, report can be read online, see

²¹ The claim of the existence of ZIKA viruses dates back to 1947, when viruses were defined differently than after 1952. It is named after a forest in Entebbe, Uganda, where monkeys were tortured for "infection attempts".

¹³ Sequences below a length of 22 nucleotides (building blocks of DNA/RNA) occur in every mammal, are not virus-specific and are, however, used in the construction of "viral genomes".

¹⁴ Alias the primordial substance of which we are made - see my contribution to Pi-Wasser see uploads/article/MW_PI_Wasser_Lanka2.pdf and the contribution by Michael Delias in WZ 04/19.

¹⁵ Even "meat" is already being bred for consumption in the laboratory, suggesting that this is possible without animals.

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