How dangerous are infections within the mouth ?

How dangerous are infections within the mouth ?

The word “infection” referrers to an abnormal situation in which bacteria coming from the external environment or already within our body grows in number causing different types of diseases.

There also are infections due to viruses (viral infection) that are transmissible disease.

As for the mouth, infections caused by bacteria are: caries, pulpitis, tooth and periodontal abscesses. Instead, virus infections are: cold sore, canker sore, candida, etc.

Some of the diseases listed above are not dangerous at all. A periodontal abscess is a simple boil filled of pus that will drain by its own or by you in the same way you pop a normal pimple. In rare cases this gingival disease can grow too much accumulating a lot of pus. Not only the infected area becomes swollen but even your face. When that happen it is always better to go to your dentist and ask for his/her advice.

Even if you accidentally swallow the poison, there is nothing to worry because the acids within the stomach can easily kill all bacteria contained in the pus.

The same goes for viral infections like cold and canker sore. There is nothing to do than waiting for the normal course of the illness. Over the counter medication can speed up the healing time but nothing more than this.

 Tooth infection or abscesses are different because they are dangerous. The infection can spread to your brain, ear or other parts of your body through the bloodstream.

In order to avoid potential additional health problems, as soon as you recognize the early symptoms, call your dentist and set an appointment.

The first signs you should pay attention at are: gingival redness, tissue swelling, gum bleeding while brushing and flossing. Do not wait for the bump makes you to feel pain before to take action because at that point it will be too late.

If caught in time, a tooth infection ( ) can easily be treated with conventional dental procedure like root canal treatment. When the dental element is completely destroyed by caries and bacteria infection, the tooth extraction may be required. 

Doctors and dentists agree that it is not a great idea to try to treat a dental abscess with natural home remedies because those medication cannot cure the infection inside the tooth. the only result you’ll get using home treatment for the abscess is to get temporary pain relief.. 

In fact, if the cause of the dental infection remains there inside, the abscess will always come back again and again.

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