How To Get Sex

How To Get Sex

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It's totally normal to be curious about your body and your sexuality as a teen. Getting a sex toy can help you figure out what feels good to you and allows you to relieve your sexual urges. In most areas, it's not illegal for teens to buy sex toysβ€”you don’t have to have reached legal adulthood or even your local age of consent to buy these items. But it can be difficult since most sex stores won't allow teens inside. Fortunately, you can buy a sex toy at certain stores or online!
Decide which type of toy you want to try. You have several options when it comes to sex toys, so consider which one best fits your needs. If this is your first toy, you'll likely be most interested in a vibrator, dildo, or Fleshlight. Here is an overview of the most popular sex toys for beginners:[1]
Vibrators: Vibrators come in different shapes and sizes. Everyone can enjoy the sensation of a vibrator. You can hold it against your external genital area or insert it in your vagina or anus.
Dildos: Dildos look like a penis and come in different sizes. You can use a dildo inside your vagina or anus. Some models also vibrate for added pleasure.
Strap-on dildo: This toy looks like a belt with a dildo attached to it. You can wear it while having sex with someone.
Fleshlight: A Fleshlight is a sleeve that resembles a vagina. You can insert your penis into it during masturbation.
Penis ring: A penis ring goes around your penis. It can prolong an erection, but you can also get a vibrating ring that creates a pleasurable sensation.
Anal beads: This toy looks like a strip of beads that come in different sizes. You insert the beads into your anus for a pleasurable sensation.
Read reviews online to help you pick the best sex toy for your budget. Buying a sex toy can be tricky, especially if this is your first toy. Fortunately, most of the toys you'll find available for sale have been reviewed online. Do an online search for sex toy reviews and look for products that have good reviews. Pick 3-5 products that have good reviews so you'll have a few options as you shop for your toy.[2]
If your friends have sex toys, ask them what they like and don't like about their toy. They may be able to recommend a good option for you.
Don't buy a toy solely because it's cheap - toys that are extremely cheap are often not safe to use. Look at the reviews and item details, too.
Tip: Every sex toy is different. For instance, some vibrators will be fast, while others will be slow. Similarly, dildos come in a variety of sizes. This means some toys may pleasure you more than others. Reading the reviews can help you figure out which toy is likely to provide you the most pleasure.
Choose a good-quality toy made of body-safe material. Not all sex toys are made equally, and some are safer than others. You don't want your sex toy to damage your vagina or anus, break inside you, or otherwise cause pain. To be on the safe side, stick to toys that have a smooth surface and are made of sturdy materials, like silicone or plastic.[3]
If a toy has holes or edges, it may scratch you when you're using it. This might cause pain or irritation, so it's best to skip these toys.
Don't purchase "jelly" toys or toys made of PVC; these materials have been linked to cancer and can cause irritation.[4] [5]
Toys made of TPR, TPE, Elastomer, and SEBS are not as risky as jelly or PVC toys, but these toys can't be fully cleaned due to the material's pores. This means the toy can grow bacteria once used, so it's best avoided if possible.[6]
Tip: Silicone, glass, and plastic are all safe materials for sex toys. However, it's best to stick to silicone and plastic when you're first exploring sex toys because they're less likely to break.
Make sure your sex toy has a flared end if you're inserting it. This is typically important for dildos or vibrators that you want to insert into your body. You'll need to be able to grip the end of your sex toy as you slide it into your vagina or anus. This helps you keep control of the toy so it doesn't go further than you like and so you can pull it in and out. Check the base on each sex toy that you look at to make sure it widens at the base.[7]
Similarly, anal beads will typically have a ring at the end that stays outside your anus and allows you to easily remove the beads.
Toys inserted into your vagina can't get stuck inside you; your vagina is only a few inches long. However, anal toys without flared ends can get stuck inside you (and require an ER visit to get out), so do not use a toy without a flared base for anal play.[8]
Purchase a water-based lubricant if you plan to insert your sex toy. You can use many sex toys, like dildos, anal beads, and vibrators, inside your vagina or anus. The lube will help the toy slide comfortably inside, and makes pain or injury less likely. Pick a water-based lubricant to help your toys easily slide in and out.[9]
Avoid lubes that are scented or warming because they can cause irritation.
Check the ingredients of lube before you buy it. Some lubes contain parabens or other ingredients that can cause allergic reactions.
If you choose a plastic sex toy, you can use a silicone-based lube if you prefer.
Warning: If you experience any pain when using your toy, stop. Pain means something is wrong, and you could seriously hurt yourself. Add more lube, make sure you're aroused enough, and take it slowly - don't force it.
Get a prepaid debit or gift card if you want to shop online. Shopping online is typically the best option if you're a teen who wants more than just a basic dildo or vibrator. This allows you to buy any of the items you'd find in a sex shop despite your age. However, you can't shop online without a debit card, credit card, or gift card. Fortunately, anyone can buy a prepaid debit or gift card to use for online shopping.[10]
It's not illegal to buy a sex toy from a website as a teen. The only reason you can't go into a sex shop is that they tend to restrict their stores to 18 and up.
Purchase a prepaid debit or gift card at a grocery or department store. Look for a rack of prepaid gift and debit cards at your local grocery or department store. Get a gift card if you see one for the store you plan to order from. Otherwise, get a prepaid debit card that you can use at any store.[11]
Keep in mind that prepaid debit cards typically carry an additional fee, which will be around $5.
Visit a website that sells sex toys. You can find several shops online that sell sex toys. Check out each site and pick the one that you like best. Here are some examples:[12]
The Smitten Kitten
My Pleasure
Good Vibes
Early to Bed
Come As You Are
Warning: Do not purchase sex toys from Amazon. There are many retailers on Amazon selling dangerous or counterfeit sex toys, and you don't know the quality or safety of what you're getting. Buy from a reputable online sex store instead.[13]
Select the product you want and place it in your cart. Search for the type of product that you want or click the tab for that particular product. Then, scroll through the options and pick the one that you like best. Add that product to your online cart.[14]
Look for the items you selected when you were reading online reviews. They're likely the best option for you.
Checkout using your prepaid debit or gift card. Click the button to check out, then fill out your shipping and billing information. For your payment option, select debit/credit card if you're using a prepaid debit card. If you're using a gift card, select gift card. Then, enter the card information and hit the button to submit your order.[15]
You may need to scratch off a strip on the back of your card to reveal the information you need to input your payment method.
Wait for your package to arrive. Keep an eye out for your sex toy to arrive in the mail. It should come in a plain brown shipping container, which will protect your privacy.[16]
If you get a tracking code, check it every day to monitor your package's progress. That will help you make sure you get the package before your parents or guardians do.
Tip: If you don't want your parents or guardians finding out what you bought, tell them you ordered something else as a cover story. As an example, buy a book from a local bookstore and hide it in your room. Then, tell your parents that you ordered the book. When your package arrives, tell them your book came in.
Look for a drug store or novelty shop that sells sex toys. These stores don't have age restrictions that will prevent you from entering, so they're a great option for buying a sex toy as a teen. At a drug store or department store, look for the sex toys near the family planning or condom section. If you're at a novelty store, search for a section that has adult-themed toys and gifts. You may find sex toys at the following retailers:[17]
Spencer's Gifts
CVS pharmacy
Pick out the toy that you want. Most of these shops will have a few options. At a drug store or department store, you're most likely to find dildos, vibrators, and possibly penis rings. However, a novelty shop may also have other toys, like anal beads, Fleshlights, and strap-on penises. Select the toy that looks most interesting to you.[18]
You'll need to shop online if you want a wider array of options.
Hide the toy under another product if you feel embarrassed. Being curious about your sexuality is totally normal, so there's no reason to feel embarrassed. However, it's okay to feel uncomfortable when you're buying a sex toy, so you may prefer to hide it under another product. Place the other product on top of the sex toy or drape it over it.[19]
This works best if your sex toy is in a shopping basket. However, you can definitely hide it in your hand, as well. Something soft like clothing will work best, but you can use any product.
Pay for your sex toy at the register. Put your sex toy on the counter or conveyor belt when you reach the register. It's okay to put the product you're using to hide the toy on top of it. The cashier will scan both items. Finally, pay for your items with cash, a gift card, or another method of payment.[20]
Don't feel obligated to talk to the cashier about your purchase. They probably aren't even paying attention to what you're buying.
Tip: If the store has a self-checkout, you might prefer to use that if you're feeling embarrassed about buying a sex toy.
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Hit these erogenous zones for a guaranteed good time
At WH, we're here to help you make your sex life better. And, in the time of sexual wellness hitting the mainstream (see: Boots' freshly comprehensive range of sex toys and the boom of 'erotic audio', like the Dipsea app which has been downloaded 300,000 times since launching in 2018) you might be keen to speak more candidly about ways to enhance your time under the covers.
Enter: our handy sex tips for women guide. FYI, these are targeted at women who have sex with men or people who have penises, but many of the points can be applied to folk of any gender. To compile them, WH spoke to sexology researcher Dr Dany Cordeau to find out the stops you need to know about, and how you can get them going.
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You'll probably already know some of these sex tips for women, but we guarantee you'll learn a thing or two about some unexpected turn-ons.
When you're done here, wise up on the biggest female erogenous zones for better orgasms (or, casually leave this web page open around your partner so they swot up, too). And, if you're going it alone, this five day plan will take your masturbation game to the next level.
Full-on kissing boosts levels of dopamine in the brain, a desire-spiking neurotransmitter in both men and women, according to a study in The American Journal of Medicine.
To get your other half going, try this piece of sex advice: trace their lips slowly with your tongue, or softly bite the edge of their lower lip with your teeth, advises sexologist Carol Queen.
But, before you think about putting this tip to the test during a steamy summer pool sesh, you might want read on and think twice before having sex in water.
In a survey, ears ranked just behind the scrotum as a body part that, when touched, can help men reach their peak. Who knew it was such a turn on?
Add this to your list of sex techniques: try delicately nibbling or licking their ears as they're getting closer to orgasm, while whispering something like: 'Do you like it when I touch you?'

No biting or pinching, please: this area is extra vulnerable to sharp impact.
So what is up its street and worth ranking in the nine sex tips for women? Gentle sucking, squeezing or cupping, which may help some men reach climax more easily during sex, says sex coach Charlie Glickman.
When it comes to foreplay, use this technique from Harwick: 'Start with your hand around both balls, then bring your fingertips together over them – like you're picking up a napkin off the floor.'
Their neck is as tingle-triggering as your own, and a study published in the journal Ergonomics found that the nape loves low-frequency vibrations.
Take advantage by kissing the back of their neck with your mouth slightly open, and hum. 'The combination of heat and vibrations will help prompt some serious sensations,' sex expert Emily Morse says.
Or dip into your toy drawer for a fingertip vibe and massage their hairline.

Things not going quite to plan? Make sure you're not making one of the six biggest mistakes couples make in the bedroom before carrying on.
Men rated the shaft tops for orgasmic sensitivity when compared with the rest of their nether regions, says a survey published in the journal BJU International.
Because the internal erectile tissues lie deep beneath the skin's surface, when it comes to how to get your grip on, the best sex tips for women will tell you that many guys like the shaft handled pretty firmly. Form a fist around it, moving up and down and adding pressure as you go.
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They'd like a little TLC, FYI. Men who were surveyed for a study in the journal Cortex admitted that the nips are one of their top hot spots.
Queen suggests sucking on one while stroking your their penis with your hand. 'Adding the two erogenous zones together can be very pleasurable,' she says.
The head of the penis, or the glans, has significantly more nerves than the shaft, so don't skimp on the attention. (The tip is basically the closest thing a person with a penis has to a clitoris, though it's not nearly as sensitive, says Cordeau. We win in that department.)
After coating your fingers in lube, 'loop them into an O shape and slide them over the glans', Queen advises. Then use short, slow pumps that tighten around the tip.
During oral, run your tongue all over the glans and use some soft suction.
Glickman calls the prostate gland (located a finger's length inside the bum) the 'male G-spot' in his book The Ultimate Guide to Prostate Pleasure.
To hit this orgasm-inducing region, you'll need to insert a (well-lubricated) digit into your man's behind, directed toward the front of his body, says Queen.
If neither you nor him is up for that, you can also stimulate the prostate by touching the perineum.
Located behind the scrotum and before his rear entry, this spot contains a gent's ejaculatory muscles – which, when massaged, can make his blast-off feel even more intense, says Glickman.
Try Morse's oral-sex advice: 'Use your thumb to gently rub the perineum in a circular motion, keeping in rhythm with what your mouth is doing. Right before he is about to finish, press the spot firmly to give him an orgasm to top all orgasms.'
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Then ask for anything you want in return, obvs.
If you fancy trying something new, how about giving dirty talk a whirl? 'Erotica and pornography are great sources of inspiration for examples of dirty talking, and to figure out what kind of dirty talking arouses you,’ says Silva Neves, an Accredited Psychosexual and Relationship Psychotherapist.
And might we also suggest a second viewing of Bridgeton for some simple – yet, sexy – one-liners? Although, you might not need inspo from external sources. β€˜The brain is the main sexual organ, so looking at your own sexual fantasies non-judgementally might be another place where you’ll find a lot of inspiration,’ Neeves adds.
Incorporating a sensual tantric massage into your repertoire can be super sexy. It's a little complex to go into, here, but consult the full WH guide, here.
Starlet 2 Rechargeable Clitoral Suction Stimulator
Supersex Rabbit Ears Clitoral Vibrator
Desire Luxury Rechargeable G-Spot Vibrator
Rechargeable G-Spot and Clitoral Stimulator
If you're in a long-term partnership, bringing in some novelty is key, when it comes to achieving a sex life that sustains the same thrill as when you first got together. One way to make you feel better in bed is by knowing which positions work for you – and so which to instigate. Check out WH's guide to the 26 best sex positions, ever, for some inspiration.
If you don't live with the person you're having sex with, and want to maintain that spark of sexual connection, then hit up Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist and Psycho-Sexologist, Kate Moyle's (@katemoyletherapy) complete guide to steamy phone sex.
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