How PRNewswire Prices Their Services: A Detailed Breakdown

How PRNewswire Prices Their Services: A Detailed Breakdown

PRNewswire Prices Their Services: A Detailed Breakdown

PRNewswire is the most well-known and respected wire service in the world. It has been around since 1933, and it's one of the only companies that can send your PRWeb Pricing to all major newswires at once. This article will explain how PRNewswire prices its services so that you know exactly what to expect when using them, as well as how much different options cost.

How Does PRNewswire Decide Its Rates?

PRNewswire's pricing structure is based on three factors:

  • The number of words in your press release. PRNewswire charges by word count and also has a price calculator so you can estimate the cost before you submit an order.
  • The number of distribution outlets where you want to publish your press release. PRNewswire offers distribution through its own network as well as through third-party sites like Google News, Yahoo Finance, and more. For each outlet added to your order, there is an additional charge for each outlet listed in addition to PRNewswire's base rate for the service provided (which may vary depending on whether or not it is an exclusive use or shared use).
  • Industry category (or "industry"): There are six different industry categories at present: Business & Finance; Consumer & Retail; Energy & Environment; Life Sciences; Media & Entertainment; Technology

A PRNewswire press release can cost as little as $99.

The high cost of PRNewswire is due to the fact that it's one of the most effective ways to get a story published by major news outlets. The site's team of professionals will review your PRNewswire Pricing and use their experience to maximize its chances of being picked up by journalists, bloggers, and other influencers in your industry. If you have the budget for premium service, PRNewswire is worth considering as an option for getting publicity for your company or product.

How much does a press release cost on PRNewswire?

The price you pay for a press release will depend on the number of words in your press release and the number of distribution outlets you want to use.

Press releases start at $99 and can range from $99-$1,199 depending on these variables. PR NewsWire also offers a variety of additional services that can be purchased individually or bundled together for a discounted rate.

PRWeb Pricing Explained

With PRWeb's pricing, you'll know exactly what to expect. There are no hidden fees or extra charges; the cost of each service is clearly stated.

PRWeb's base price includes:

  • A 25-word Marketwired Pricing with photo, company logo, and link to your site included in the feed that goes out to over 1 million journalists and bloggers who use PRWeb's distribution network
  • A backlink from PRWeb to your website that can drive traffic from search engines like Google or Yahoo!

Is There a Discount for First Time Customers?

First-time customers can get a 10% discount off the cost of their first press release by using the promo code “NEW.”

Does it cost you more to get your press release to be written by PRNewswire?

PRNewswire is the most expensive of the major wire services. The reason for this is simple: PRNewswire Cost offers more value than any other wire service in this respect. If you're looking for the most value for your dollar, however, consider using Press Release Jet instead.

Can Your Press Release Come Out Immediately (Rush Delivery)?

PRNewswire offers three ways to get your press release out quickly:

  • The 24-hour rush delivery service is available Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm EST. PRNewswire must receive your material before 2 pm EST for a guaranteed 24-hour turnaround time, but if you submit it later than that, it will be considered on the next day's deadline. This is the only tier where PRNewswire guarantees they'll post your story by the end of the day; other tiers allow them up to four days' turnaround time.
  • The 48-hour rush delivery service allows you to have a story published within 48 hours from when PRNewswire receives it—meaning that there's no guarantee on when your story will be posted if you submit it after business hours or on weekends (or during holidays).
  • The 72-hour rush delivery service allows for stories published within three business days from when PRNewswire receives them—meaning again that there's no guarantee on when your story will be posted if you submit it after business hours or on weekends (or during holidays).

PRNewswire is the most expensive of the major wire services, but for a very good reason. If you're looking for the most value for your dollar, however, consider using Press Release Jet instead.

PRNewswire is the most expensive of the major wire services, but for a very good reason. PRNewswire offers a high-quality service with lots of features and options that are not available anywhere else. If you’re looking for the most value for your dollar, however, consider using Business Wire Pricing Jet instead.

When it comes to quality and quantity of news coverage, PRWeb is likely to be your best bet (as long as you know how to use it). The site has been around longer than any other wire service; its first releases were published in 1996. You can get a better bang for your buck by using other services like Business Wire or MarketWired before submitting via PRWeb—and then subscribing to their premium packages after seeing results from those releases!


As we’ve discussed above, there are a few different ways to price your press release on PRNewswire. The standard rate is $99 per release with additional fees for rush delivery and custom services (such as editing). For more information about our Press Release Pricing structure, please visit our website or give us a call today at 877-529-6425.

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