How I fell into a waterfall

How I fell into a waterfall


Oh a nice day, let's visit the waterfalls in Manavgat while travelling!

-And they really were absolutely beautiful and worth every Lira. (And really cheap, too. Converted about 1,50€ per Person, I guess that's fair!)

As you can see, already the first view was so worth it!

Even though we were slightly irritated whether it was normal to walk through water on the ways (spoiler: It was not.)

give attention to the power point at the tree

I loved it.
The water was clear, it was clean, it smelled awesome, and nearly nobody was there.
(So why was nobody there - mayybe it had to do with the amounts of water, that the area in fact was about flooded.) And maybe we (especially me) should have gotten suspicious about the flooded power points at the trees.
But excitement simpy took over, it was like a childhood dream come true to be able to walk through such stormy waters. And remember, until this point we thought it to be normal and extra-made to be walked through the waters and not above.

there you can see a way that was flooded with a little more water.

So in biggest excitement and joy I walked into this way - and way too fast was pushed away by a current and found myself under water and pushed against the railing. My friends started screaming while I in fact tried to ignore the danger of the situation, laughing. This in fact was not a bad choice because that way I had energy left to push myself out after waiting for the best moment. (Visit my other article on how to cope with dangerous situations)
Only after I realized that my legs were covered in blood and the worries were not completely out of place.
Still, it was a lot fun!

hey it's a true story, that's me full of adrenaline and just cleared my wounds :D
wringing out the dress

So all in all I would not really recommend trying to fall in a waterfall (I got a little new scar and my legs turned completely blue next days (I'll spare these pictures)), but I definitely recommend visiting Manavgat with it's waterfalls.
Oh, and I loved the naturally over clean smell of my clothes :D

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