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26 Dec 2007 HONOUR KILLING. ITS CAUSES & CONSEQUENCES: SUGGESTED STRATEGIES FOR THE. EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT. HUMAN RIGHTS. December . In the region of Punjab which straddles the India-Pakistan border the number of . www.abo.fi/instut/imr/norfa/Katja%20Luopa%20killings.pdf. 2. 1 Jun 2014 Honor killings are defined as murders committed by family members against women and homosexual killings are committed only by Muslims is plainly wrong—but as a documented practice honor .. Hindi-speaking heartland of north India, the fate of young women in the southern states, especially Tamil. Honor killing is a phenomenon practiced in at least thirty-one countries on six continents and leads to the murder of thousands of people annually. They come from various nations, ethnicities, genders, ages, religions, or professions and all die at the hands of their family or community members after being accused of having A Suggested Legal Framework. INDEX. Sl. No. Title. Page Nos. 1. Introduction. 1-4. 2. The dimensions of problem and the need for a separate law. 4-10. 3. Salient features of the proposed Bill. 10-13. 4. Autonomy of choices and liberty – a value to be protected. 13-16. 5. Whether 'honour killing' to be included in Section 300. Honour Killings and Law in India. Puneet Kaur Grewal. Senior Research Fellow Department cum Centre for Women's Studies and Development, Panjab University. Chandigarh, India. Abstract: The paper aims at highlighting the legal provisions to tackle with the crime of honour killing. The introductory part gives a glimpse of in the Middle East and South Asia while treating periodic honor killings among Muslim immigrants in the West as ordinary domestic abuse cases. Over the last few years, however, the media has published a flurry of articles about. Hindu honor killings in India, the only non-Muslim-majority country where these mur- ders are 8 Jan 2015 police estimated that 12 'honour' killings took place in the UK in 2002, the numbers are likely to be much higher; ethnicity of the victims is known or alleged, 15 were of Pakistani origin, three of Indian, one of .. www.chumirethicsfoundation.ca/files/pdf/HonourKillingsPaper_rw_20100827_web.pdf. 4 Feb 2014 India: Situation of inter-caste couples, particularly those involving Dalits, from both urban and rural locations, honour killings, in which people are killed for marrying outside their caste or religion, or within their .. Untouchability_Report_FINAL_Complete.pdf> [Accessed 11 Apr. 2012]. The Pioneer. 3 April But 'Honour Killings' are against International Law on Human Rights and against United Nation agendas. But still even though we don't have any law to deal with it specifically in India but we have judicial precedence over it. There are also some bills which are in the latent stage against the honour killings, which are 19 Jun 2014 "Until 30 years ago, it was common to hear about honour killing among Italians. But now when a man kills his wife, they call it a crime of passion," says Cinzia Tani, an Italian writer and journalist. In today's India, "Acid attack or vitriolage is often referred to as a 'crime of passion' fuelled by jealousy and

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