Honey Badger listens to the Metronome

Honey Badger listens to the Metronome

Honey Badger

You know how when you talk about Bitcoin, describe the elegance of it's design, the enigmatic figure of Satoshi Nakamoto, the groundbreaking solution that is mining and blockchain consensus, the first thing that comes to mind of your audience is  how absolutely unfair and downright horrible it is that not everybody can have one? There is only 21 million Bitcoins in existence! Do the maths - there are like 5 billion people on Earth and only 21 million Bitcoin. Clearly, this is a flawed cryptocurrency that does not allow for fair distribution of its coins. If you want to have one for yourself, you have to pay at least 6500$ now - that's crazy money for what should basically be an unalienable human right at this point. Completely unjust. And you can't just mint more - which is just mean. The biggest problem of Bitcoin is that there is CLEARLY not enough Bitcoin around.

Look at that smug grin - the grin of a person who has one whole Bitcoin

Luckily, not all is lost. You see, once we run out of Bitcoin, we will need to find another cryptocurrency to sate our lust for imaginary money. Ethereum is a great project with wonderful potential that chose an interesting approach of creating a platform for other projects to build upon, it's ERC20 contract being the cornerstone of what seems like 90% of promising new projects out there (including the knockoffs that are basically Ethereum with a different logo and a healthier-looking CEO). Alas, Ethereum is also limited (although it is debatable by how much) and we might run out of it as well, seeing how those greedy miners recklessly mine for more and more.

Once the last Bitcoin is mined and the plentiful rivers of Ethereum run dry... we will have Litecoin - an almost direct Bitcoin knockoff with a surprisingly widespread adoption that serves as a testing ground for tech that Bitcoin will soon adopt. But it is also flawed with being limited...

We may try to quench our thirst with the purest and wholesomest of coins out there, but even Dogecoin has a limit and in the end it's supply wouldn't be enough to satisfy even China.

All in vain. Our greed for coins far exceeds the supply. Is there no way to keep our hunger at bay? Will my future children look teary-eyed upon me, weeping and asking "Daddy, daddy, where did all the Dogecoins go?". Am I going to have to give them damned Sparkster (SPRK) instead? The horror...

Would anybody think of the children?

Well, the visionaries at Metronome are trying to unmake the grim future whose shadow looms above us. They found a secret source of tremendous power, a power that can save us all. They can make infinite coins. Oh yeah, you read that right. Now everybody can have themselves as much coins as they like and there will never be a shortage of coins ever again! Thank you Jeff Garzik and team, thank you so much.

"But wouldn't an unlimited supply of tokens make it worthless?" - you might ask. First of all, if you believe in it real hard, and make sure others around you believe as well, then it can be worth millions to you! Second of all, the supply isn't exactly limitless. It is governed by not one, not two, not even three smart contracts. The bright minds at Metronome have managed to forge a complex system of 4 smart contracts, although they weren't bright enough to give them ominous and epic progressive names - which I am more than happy to help out with anyway:

The First Contract - The Genesis

The Genesis contract is responsible for issuing the tokens. It works in mysterious ways.

World's best archaeologists are working to decipher this arcane text found in the mysterious White Pages of Metronome

The Second Contract - The Rush

The Rush contract is responsible for distributing the tokens among those who wish to possess them. The Rush contract executes a special kind of auction where the Metronome token (MET) devalues every 60 seconds until somebody buys it. That way, you can wait until the price falls low enough for you to buy! As of right now, it only accepts ETH, but Garzik promises that it will eventually work with any actually useful coin that you would like! Some ocean-based mammals have even warmed up to the idea of becoming beautiful early birds on this fun and exciting new token distribution.

Sure looks like a fair distribution system

The Third Contract - The Journey

The Journey contract sends the funds received from the sale on a journey to an account that keeps the money for... safety reasons? But it is unwise to focus on the destination, when the real treasure is the journey. Oh, and a whopping 0,25% of the funds are sent to the Fourth Contract

The Fourth Contract - Yes

In what some might call a roundabout way the 0,25% of funds gathered from the Rush contract are distributed among the network nodes verifying transactions, essentially being acting as mining rewards for the network verifiers (i.e. nodes). This allows to perform cross-chain transactions - a feature that has never before been available to anybody ever

That beats my fanfiction

By the power of all these contracts combined, they are Metronome - an absolutely Superb, Highly advanced, Interesting, Technologically marvelous coin that I cannot wait to gift to my future offspring after we run out of every single cryptocurrency that has actual practical use and meaning to it.

The "Issuance Model" is just a smart contract that prints more MET


Pros/ Cons:

+ Metronome is a powerful attack in Pokemon Yellow

+ Metronome is essential for developing good rhythm

+ Everybody can have Metronome

- The METS haven't won a title since 1986

- A lot of people think they don't need a metronome, even though they really do

- Anybody can use google to search "Jeff Garzik Segwit2x"

URL: https://www.metronome.io/

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