Hindi Lights Of Old Santa Fe

Hindi Lights Of Old Santa Fe


Hindi Lights Of Old Santa Fe


Rival rodeos are operated by good guy Gabby and bad guy Richard Powers. Dale is trying to choose between them, aided ultimately by Roy and the Sons of the Pioneers (who are radio singers).
Sandwiched in between the numerous musical numbers, the Gabby Whittaker and Madden rodeo's are competing for bookings. When Gabby gets a date in Albuquerque, Madden has his man destroy his equipment. Roy finds a broken rawhide rope at the scene and uses it to bring Madden to justice.
Roy helps keep Dale and Gabby&#39;s wild west show in business even as Tom Keene&#39;s competing show slyly tries to wreck them.<br/><br/>Not a formula oater. There&#39;s no gunplay, little hard riding, and only brief fisticuffs. But there is a chariot race, of all things. In fact, I&#39;d call this a personality western if there were such a thing. Anyway, that&#39;s the real attraction, a really engaging Roy, a sparkling Dale who gets to emote more than usual, and of course the great Gabby who even warbles a few refrains and in his own voice too. Together, they&#39;re delightful, making this an easygoing surprise and a different kind of matinée.
Dale Evans and Gabby Hayes own a traveling rodeo show. However, they are almost broke--no one wants to book the show. Gabby is too stubborn to try to update the show and thanks to Roy arriving on the scene, the show starts to do better. At the same time a &#39;nice guy&#39; is wooing Dale and has offered to merge his show with hers. And, to make sure she needs him, he makes sure her show fails repeatedly with his dirty tricks.<br/><br/>Dougdoepke wrote in their review that this film was a personality film. In other words, the idea of it being a western or even having a traditional story was completely abandoned by the time &quot;Lights of Old Santa Fe&quot; debuted--it was simply Roy Rogers playing Roy Rogers. And, I must point out, there wasn&#39;t a whole lot of attempt to give this film much of a story. Instead, he mostly plays himself and he and Dale Evans as well as the Sons of the Pioneers just sing and sing and sing and sing--and the plot seems completely incidental. However, unlike Dougdoepke and the other reviewers, I felt there really wasn&#39;t anything left to watch--it really wasn&#39;t much of a movie. And, as a result, it must rank among the very worst of Rogers&#39; films. It&#39;s basically a parody of itself and make no effort at all. A lazy and easy to skip little &#39;western&#39;(???). If you adore the music, watch it--otherwise, you should try some of Roy&#39;s earlier films when he and the studio actually cared.<br/><br/>By the way, Dale and Gabby must have felt a bit irked. That&#39;s because Trigger actually got higher billing in the film than they did!!


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