Hindi Dominion

Hindi Dominion


Hindi Dominion


Dominion is an epic supernatural drama set in the near future. Specifically, 25 years after "The Extinction War," when an army of lower angels, assembled by the archangel Gabriel, waged war against mankind. The archangel Michael, turning against his own kind, chose to side with humanity. Rising out of the ashes of this long battle are newly fortified cities which protect human survivors. At the center of the series is the city of Vega, a glistening empire that has formed from the ruins of what was once Las Vegas.
Follows the perilous journey of a rebellious young soldier who discovers he's the unlikely savior of humanity.
Really enjoyed S1, but S2 looks to be much better-darker, more intense, characters have matured &amp; become harder; what you would expect in a dystopic future. Though it&#39;s angels, 8balls, god &amp; humans, think more beings, supernaturals &amp; infected. There is discussion of &#39;faith&#39; but it isn&#39;t focused on any single belief system. <br/><br/>One over-riding theme is abandonment, be it a father/mother figure or political leaders, and how those left behind grapple with and put together a new world order.<br/><br/>Excellent CGI (wings!), plot twists, snarky humor. There are a lot of characters therefore the story jumps back and forth, but it is handled quite well.
There might be some vague spoilers, but I tried not to give too much away.<br/><br/>I should also add, that I&#39;m not very good at writing reviews. But I wanted to chime in to say that I thought the premiere episode was really well done and there is a lot of room for growth.<br/><br/>Now, there weren&#39;t many surprises of course. It was pretty obvious where they were going with the main character. Still that is usually how first episodes go – they have to introduce the various players. And tbh I didn&#39;t expect the ending twist. <br/><br/>It reminded me a lot of the show Supernatural. But as another reviewer mentioned, Supernatural has elements of humour and this show is much more serious. That doesn&#39;t mean it bad though, it&#39;s still very entertaining. It&#39;s basically a war between humans and Angels. Like in Supernatural, the Angels are the bad guys except for Archangel Michael.<br/><br/>And I must say, it&#39;s a heck of a lot better than the show Defiance. (I genuinely tried to get that show a chance because I like so many of the actors/actresses in it, but it just wasn&#39;t for me.)<br/><br/>Oh, and there are a lot of familiar faces in this show as well. I was particularly happy to see Anthony Head from Buffy. I love that he&#39;s playing kind of a stronger character and I think he pulled it off well.<br/><br/>So if you&#39;re into shows like Supernatural, Arrow, Buffy, Angel etc. I think you&#39;ll likely enjoy this one.


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