Hindi Category 6 Day Of Destruction Free Download

Hindi Category 6 Day Of Destruction Free Download


Hindi Category 6: Day Of Destruction Free Download


Three tornadoes converge to wreak havoc on Chicago, disrupting the power grid and creating the worst super-storm in history: a category 6 twister.
Just before national weather bureau chief Andy Goodman's retirement, an unprecedented series on coinciding storms of abnormal strength on US soil occurs, culminating in a 'category 6' clash of two near Chicago. Midwest power grid service company Mitch Benson tries his best to restore power after overloads in several plants, so as to enable urgent warnings and relief actions. Craig Shilts' nuclear reactors company hopes to abuse problems to maximize profits, but is hit by an ICT breakdown which renders everything worse, just as the computer expert they hired to downsize their ICT staff warned. Goodman's wife, a reporter, gets access to startling facts from an unwilling source. Both their children and many others are affected in surprising, adventurous ways, whether just fleeing are attempting to provide heroic help.
Sort of like a train wreck, I had to watch this and part seven. Very goofy, but had some interesting yet predictable plot lines.<br/><br/>The whole message of this series (at least the two parts I watched) seemed to be that we humans are bad, bad creatures. According to what I gleaned from these two parts: We and we alone caused global warming, should recycle more, should stop driving and should stop using so much energy. And of course, all energy companies are evil.<br/><br/>A very preachy series! Oy!<br/><br/>Some of the plots were predicable. Like Chandra West and Thomas Gibson in their obvious extra-marital affair, crisis with family, resolve issues during weather disaster.<br/><br/>Randy Quaid was a hoot as he more or less did a reprise of his &quot;Independence Day&quot; role as a whacked-out misfit.<br/><br/>A lot of the special effects were repeated in both 6 &amp; 7 (like a skyline view of Chicago then a skyline of Washington, D.C., with the same carnage in the foreground - or a repeat shot of a power plant, one in Chicago, one in D.C.).<br/><br/>I had to suspend disbelief as the time-line of many of these events and scenes defied logic. <br/><br/>Overall – poorly written storyline with average acting and quirky special effects.
Category 6:day of destruction is a very well done&quot;made for TV movie&quot;.i won&#39;t go too much into the plot,but basically,the climate suddenly changes in the extreme,creating all kinds of weather related disasters,on top of a man made disaster, all occurring at basically the same time in parts of the U.S and Canada.the movie is quite exciting to watch at times,but also has some good dramatic scenes and can be quite engaging.the acting is very good and the specials effects are quite well done ,given the scope of the movie and the budget the filmmakers had.there are a few weak spots in the movie,but very few and the story more than compensates.the plot itself is in the range of being ludicrous and the science behind it all is likely flawed,but who cares.it&#39;s no more ridiculous than some of the pap the big Hollywood studios churn out.if you view this movie for what it is, in the proper context,you will enjoy it.it is thrilling and suspenseful and dramatic when need be.and that&#39;s more than enough in this case.By the way, this production was at least partly made by Hallmark Entertainment.


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