Hindi 48 Hrs

Hindi 48 Hrs


Hindi 48 Hrs.


Oddball cop and tough guy, Jack Cates is the only survivor of a cop shooting and in hunting down the murderer collects Reggie Hammond from jail for 48 hours. Hammond is oddly motivated to help. The killer is searching for his stash of cash. Cates and Hammond who have the Black-white, cop-crook thing to work out make surprisingly good partners as they navigate through the city looking for their suspect.
Convicted robber Albert Ganz escapes from a road gang with the help of his partner Billy Bear, and they immediately kill their partner Henry Wong, then they check into the Walden Hotel in San Francisco under false names. Alcoholic San Francisco cop Jack Cates and two of his fellow cops VanZant and Algren go to the Walden Hotel to check on a guy named G. P. Polson, who turns out to be Ganz. Ganz and Billy kill Algren and VanZant, then leave. Jack wants revenge, so he convinces his boss, Haden, to let him work alone on this case. Jack goes to a prison and visits Ganz and Billy's former partner Reggie Hammond, and Jack decides to spring Reggie for 48 hours so Reggie can help him find Ganz and Billy, but it's not going to be easy, especially since Jack and Reggie are not getting along with each other. The tension between them gets so high that they end up beating each other up in a garbage filled alley on their first night together, then it turns out that Reggie has $500,000 stashed away in the trunk of his car, and his car has been in a parking garage ever since he was convicted. Ganz and Billy are after the money, so they have kidnapped Rosalie, the girlfriend of their former partner Luther, in order to force Luther to get the car with the money in it. With this in mind, Jack and Reggie try to find Ganz and Billy before Jack has to return Reggie to the prison.
It makes me sad , that such a great movie doesn&#39;t have even a 7.0 rating. What is wrong with you , people ? It&#39;s a classic ! The whole movie even after all those years has a sense of freshness in it . It is based on original idea about cop working with thief to catch bandits. Usually an action comedy is a buddy cop movie when two cops with different personalities try to work together solving a case (&quot;Lethal weapon&quot; , &quot;Red heat&quot;, &quot;, &quot;Tango and Cash&quot; and so on ) . The idea of making a cop work with thief is brilliant , because it allows us to watch the struggle between people from two different worlds (law and crime ) not two people from one world (law). It opens up new possibilities for fun and the movie uses the idea to the maximum.<br/><br/>Nick Nolte (Jack Cates) and Eddie Murphy (Reggie Hammond) are brilliant together . They have great chemistry and each one of them shines in his role . Some people say that Murphy overshadows Nolte , but I don&#39;t agree . Yes , the &quot;48 hours&quot; was the movie that started Eddie&#39;s career , but it was a team effort . After all , when you think of Nolte , you probably think of &quot;48 hours&quot; first.<br/><br/>It&#39;s Nolte&#39;s most recognizable role and one of his best performances . He&#39;s great as aggressive, cynical , burned out and brutal cop . Murphy also makes his character much more than a typical &quot;funny black guy who is a comic relief&quot; role , that often appears in action movies. His Reggie Hammond is a thief with strong sense of elegance , pride and weakness for pick pocketing. Together both are fun to watch as they argue and slowly become friends.<br/><br/>James Remar (Ganz) , David Patrick Kelly (Luther) and Sonny Landhan (Billy Bear) all were very convincing as the dangerous criminals . Frank McRae was big fun as typical &quot;big black boss yelling at our heroes&quot; . I was in tears , when he was shouting at Cates and Hammond ! Brion James (&quot;Blade runner&quot;) has a supporting role as Kehoe – a friend cop of Cates . Annette O&#39;Toole plays an instrumental role of Cates angry girlfriend Elaine. Too bad , the movie could use her more.<br/><br/>Funny fact – Jonathan Banks plays here a small , but important role of good cop. He doesn&#39;t have a scene with Murphy , but he appears in &quot;Beverly Hills cop&quot; as a thug.<br/><br/>The movie is a powerful mix of action and comedy . The two outstanding scenes are the bet between Hammond and Cates (&quot;There&#39;s a new sheriff in town&quot;) and the bus chase . Especially the first scene is wonderful , because it explains why Murphy was so awesome in the 80&#39;s.<br/><br/>A really good script combined with top notch acting and a confident direction from Walter Hill make this movie a winner . It&#39;s more in style of &quot;Lethal weapon&quot; than &quot;Beverly Hills cop&quot; . Remember that . Also remember the great song from Bus Boys &quot;The boys are back in town&quot;. And don&#39;t forget to watch this classic movie . I give it 8/10.
48HRS. (1982) *** Nick Nolte, Eddie Murphy, James Remar, David Patrick Kelly, Sonny Landham, Frank McRae, Brion James. One of the best `buddy&#39; action films of all time: Nolte is in rare form as perpetually growling, angry heavy – drinking San Francisco cop Jack Gates who has his hands full when a crazed cop-killing escaped con and his partner go on a rampage with his only resort being motormouthed, street smart Reggie Hammond (Murphy in his scene-stealing big screen debut that made him an overnight sensation in addition to lighting the fuse while the star of `Saturday Night Live&#39;) who coincidentally is serving a sentence for being one of the maniac&#39;s former crew members on their last gig together (a cache of money only Reggie knows where is hidden). With only 48 hours on leave from the joint the odd couple are forced to help each other overcoming their own racism, violent means and genuine opposites attract mojo working in overdrive. High octane action directed sleekly by Walter Hill and the unexpurgated energetic glee Murphy exudes kicks the film into overdrive. Look for The Busboys (Eddie&#39;s fave band) providing the ironic cover of `The Boys Are Back in Town&#39; and for trivia buffs, that&#39;s Olivia Brown as the object of Eddie&#39;s libido, who would go on to co-star in tv&#39;s `Miami Vice&#39; and indie star Chris Mulkey in a bit part as a uniformed cop.
Together Cates and Hammond take a thrill-a-minute trip through the San Francisco underworld and along the way develop one of the 1980s' more interesting cinematic buddy pairings.
No he is not. The character from this movie has the same name, and both characters are played by <a href="/name/nm0446314/">David Patrick Kelly</a>, but he is not the character from &quot;The Warriors&quot;. a5c7b9f00b

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