Highland Fling Full Movie Hd 1080p

Highland Fling Full Movie Hd 1080p


Highland Fling Full Movie Hd 1080p


Jennifer is going to write an article on the Scottish clans and speaks to a Scottish chieftain. When he finds an old parchment that shows where a valuable claymore worth millions of dollars is buried he is killed by a rival. When some research seems to show that Jennifer is eligible to be the chieftain through her great aunt she decides to run for the position. However, her rival is determined to win and is quite willing to commit more murders to do so.
A Scottish chieftain finds an old parchment that shows where a valuable claymore worth millions of dollars is buried he is killed by a rival. When some research shows that Jennifer is eligible to be the chieftain she decides to run.
So, Jennifer&#39;s a Scot, now? Sir Gavin McClish, the 293rd Chieftan of his clan, died while visiting LA in search of financial support for his clan castle. The bad guy thinks he&#39;s got Chieftanship in the bag, but it turns out that someone&#39;s on to his smarmy nature and goes in search of another viable candidate. Turns out Jennifer has Scots blood in her. This story really just serves as a prop for the Scotish Highland games happening in the LA area. It&#39;s all really contrived, but even so, all the Highland culture infused in this episode is really pretty impressive, especially the arena ceremonies and the Highland Dancing. RJ and Lionel in kilts are way worth the price of admission on this one. Even better is the hysterical conversation J&amp;J have about what&#39;s under Jonathan&#39;s kilt. <br/><br/>Jennifer: How do you feel? Jonathan: I feel fine. Jennifer: No chill, no cold? Jonathan: No. No wind. Jennifer: Then it&#39;s true what they say about the Scots. Jonathan: What do they say about the Scots? Jennifer: Oh, you know what they say. Jonathan: No. Jennifer: Oh, come on, you can tell me, I need to know for my article; research. Is it true, let me have a look (she lifts his kilt) Jonathan: (Grabs kilt back) Will you cut that out! Not here, I&#39;ll give you the bare facts later. Full exposure. Jennifer: Promise?<br/><br/>Adorable.<br/><br/>The climactic scenes at the end with for the California Scotish Society, naturally held at the Hart&#39;s house, are filled with much Scotish dancing, which RJ and Stefanie and all the actors, I&#39;d think, had to work very hard at learning. I was just left with one question at the end that made me say, &#39;what?&#39; Why on earth to the bad guys always end up trying to off the Harts in front of a crowd? Like they&#39;re going to get away with it? Lazy writing. Enjoyable, nonetheless.


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