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Book description
In this engaging and thoughtful picture book tale, a young boy dons his sailor suit and finds imaginative adventures in his neighbours apartment (with a wooden sailboat, pirates, monkeys and the like), but is then frightened by the picture of a man (a picture hanging on the wall). Will he be able to overcome his fear so he can play at his neighbours apartment again?When I Wore My Sailor Suit does not only show how imagination can transfer a small apartment (with a wooden sailboat) into an engaging and fun imaginative adventure, it also shows that those of us with imagination can also be frightened by everyday objects like pictures etc. The little boy (who I assume is author Uri Shulevitz himself, as I think this story is based on a childhood experience) has the imagination necessary to turn his neighbours apartment into a jungle, to sail the ocean, encounter pirates and monkeys, but his imagination then causes him to be frightened by a picture hanging on the wall of the Mintzes apartment. Pictures can be frightening, and the old mans picture seems austere, with the man staring sternly, watching, waiting. Personally, I could very much empathise with the young boy and actually completely understood his fear. When I was young, there was a picture of my grandfather that frightened me in a similar way. Like the little boy, I finally overcame my fear by realising that my grandfather (whom I had never met, as he had died soon after I was born) could not leave the room and could not jump out of the picture frame. However, I am actually still a bit creeped out by the picture, and even nowadays, with the picture hanging on the dining room wall at my brothers house, I still do not really enjoy being in the same room with it. Imagination is a great boon; it enables play, adventure and wonder, but it can also cause potential fear and feelings of impending doom.One thing that is not written in the text itself, but is sort of hiding beneath the surface (for me at least), is my own suspicion that the little boy would also likely not have been able to confide his fears to either his neighbours or his parents. They would probably have thought it silly and oversensitive to be frightened by and of an inanimate object like a picture, so the boy has to face and overcome his fears alone. I know that I might be reading my own childhood experiences into this story here, for when I told my grandmother that my grandfathers picture frightened me, she not only thought I was being disrespectful to his memory, she also made me sleep in the same room as the picture every time I visited (in order to cure me of my fear). However, even at the risk of reading my own childhood experiences and memories into this, I do somehow sense and think that the little boy feels as though he cannot or should not mention his fear of the picture to anyone (that being afraid of a picture would be considered silly and laughable), and thus, he must overcome his fear on his own, by himself (which is probably a good thing, but it still would have been nice for him to have been able to confide his fears to his parents and his adult friends).As to the illustrations that accompany When I Wore My Sailor Suit, although I would not consider them as entirely to my taste in and of themselves, they work well with the text of the narrative, providing a fitting mirror (and even at times expanding on the story line). The illustration of the man in the picture, for example, makes one realise just why and how the little boy could have been frightened by such an object (especially if he is imaginative and easily distracted and taken in by visuals). The jungle illustrations also provide both mirror and expansion to the little boys sailing adventures. They certainly made me feel as though I was no longer in the Mintzes apartment, but sailing with the little boy on the ocean, experiencing the jungle, finding the pirates treasure map. I recommend this glorious picture book to anyone who is imaginative, but also to those who have had their imagination cause fear of common objects like pictures, clocks and the like.
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